Important points of the examination - how long are blood tests valid?

Submission of material for research is carried out with deliberate regularity, some of which are required only in exceptional cases. Since it is not always possible to submit a document as intended, the question: how long are blood tests valid remains relevant. To submit materials, you have to look for free time, take tickets, and wait for an appointment. It’s especially disappointing if the necessary tests become invalid because their validity period has expired. So that the doctor can issue a certificate and prescribe treatment, it is worth immediately finding out how long a blood test, for example a general one, is valid, as well as certificates after donating stool, urine, and so on.

Hepatitis and HIV

It is important to know how long a blood test for HIV or hepatitis is valid when planning for hospitalization or surgical interventions. They are also required when applying for a medical record. In the latter case, the shelf life reaches 1 year. But before the operation, the presence of an analysis submitted within a period of less than a year will not be taken into account. The situation is the same during pregnancy; you will need to take it again. Within 6 months, a test for HIV antibodies is considered valid, the reason is the impossibility of earlier detection. But you can repeat the study again if you wish.

Right to health information

According to Art. 22 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323, every citizen has the right to receive available information about the state of their own health in an accessible form.

In the case of minor citizens and persons recognized as legally incompetent, their legal representatives are allowed to access such information.

An important aspect of treatment is that information about the state of health cannot be communicated to a person against his will. If the prognosis for the development of the disease is unfavorable, information should be presented in a sensitive manner directly to the citizen and his family members. At his own request, the patient has the right to prohibit this and (or) appoint a proxy.

The patient has the right to freely get acquainted with and study medical documentation and seek advice from other specialists on it. At his request, the personnel of the medical institution are obliged to provide copies of documents if they do not affect the interests of a third party.

Information from medical documents constitutes medical confidentiality.

That is why a citizen must be guaranteed the confidentiality of the information transmitted to him. Responsibility is provided for its disclosure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

The shelf life of a medicinal product depends on the type, composition, conditions of its manufacture and use. What is the period and storage conditions for potassium permanganate, Paracetamol, Isofra drops and spray, Levomekol ointment, activated carbon, Otipax, Polydex and Protargol drugs, as well as condoms - we described in separate articles.

Preparing for surgery

During preparation, it is necessary to visit laboratories; often the success of the impact depends on the correctness and urgency of the research. The validity of blood tests required before surgery is important for the choice of anesthesia, treatment tactics, and prevention of possible complications.

An approximate list of studies before surgery:

  • checking for Rh factor and blood group;
  • general data on urine and blood;
  • ECG;
  • X-ray or fluorographic examination;
  • testing for HIV, hepatitis, coagulogram, syphilis.

Therefore, it is important not only how long blood tests are valid, but also other health checks necessary for hospitalization of the patient. All of the listed data is valid within 14 days; only x-rays or fluorography remain valid for a year. With a narrow focus of surgical interventions, referrals can be issued taking into account the profile. This includes the need for an opinion from a dentist or gynecologist; issuing such referrals is the job of a therapist. After receiving a conclusion from a therapist based on all tests, the certificate will be valid within 1 week.

Specialized tests before surgery

Whether you will be prescribed tests other than mandatory ones depends on the type of surgery being performed. For example, in gynecological surgery, a smear for cytology and flora is mandatory. If pathological microflora is found in the vagina, this can lead to infection in the internal genital organs. In this case, intervention is postponed until the source of infection has been completely sanitized. Before surgery on the thyroid gland, hormonal screening is performed.

Several types of tests performed before surgery determine the nature and extent of surgery. Usually these are histological studies of material taken from an organ by biopsy.

How long are hepatitis test results valid?

Diagnosis of hepatitis is prescribed for liver damage by taking a fasting sample. Often prescribed to patients based on unpleasant symptoms:

  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • discoloration or pallor of stool;
  • severe pain under the ribs on the right.

The answer is valid for 3 months. The result will be more plausible after 7 weeks from the date of initial infection, so a negative verdict does not mean that the disease is absent; it is possible to retake the test after some time as prescribed by the attending physician.

Venous blood collection

Types of blood tests

For the test, blood can be taken from a finger or a vein. The most common types of diagnostic studies are:

Taking a sample for a general blood test
  • general blood analysis. The most common type of analysis. Examination of a sample taken from a patient's finger does not allow identification of a specific disease. Diagnostic results make it possible to get an idea of ​​the state of the body as a whole and, in some cases, to suggest the nature of the problem. The presence of any deviations from the norm is a reason to prescribe additional tests or other types of examination of the patient. Specialists who check and decipher data can recognize the presence of inflammatory processes and infections in the body, and also draw conclusions about the effectiveness and dynamics of the course of treatment;
  • blood chemistry. This study shows high effectiveness in checking the condition of the pancreas, liver and kidneys. Also used to study the function of other organs and systems. Based on the diagnostic results, the specialist is able to provide a conclusion on the quantitative composition of chemical elements that play an important role in the normal functioning of the main systems of the body;
  • sugar analysis. It is carried out to determine the level of glucose in the blood. Diagnostics allows us to identify the presence of diabetes mellitus and a predisposition to the development of this serious disease. After reaching 40 years of age, it is recommended to regularly take this test for preventive purposes;
Taking blood from a vein
  • immunology. The study determines the number of immune cells and complexes in the body, as well as their balance. Allows you to identify violations and choose the right treatment plan. Including, during the analysis the level of immunoglobulin is determined. A deviation of this indicator in one direction or the other may indicate the presence of chronic or acute pathologies. However, compliance with the standard does not mean a guarantee of the absence of allergic reactions;
  • serology - used to identify infectious diseases by detecting antibodies to various pathogens in a blood sample. This test can also be used to determine blood type;
  • clotting analysis. A hemostasiogram (coagulogram) makes it possible to monitor the content of platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes, as well as the general condition of the hemostasis system - the mechanism that regulates blood clotting. If you have diseases associated with coagulation disorders, regular analysis allows you to monitor and adjust the treatment process. In addition, a blood clotting test must be performed before any surgical operation accompanied by heavy blood loss;
  • tumor markers. This blood test allows us to assume the presence of cancerous tumors, including at an early stage or during remission after treatment for metastasis, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis of this category of diseases and provide timely treatment.

Expiration dates for urine test results

Urine tests provide information about disorders of the endocrine, digestive, and reproductive systems, features of peripheral nerves, and the presence of oncological tumors.

General clinical

Evaluates the physicochemical characteristics of urine. Study parameters include: red blood cells, epithelial cells, leukocytes, bilirubin, urobilinogen, protein, acidity, density, ketone bodies, nitrites, glucose, ascorbic acid, color, smell, appearance.

It is carried out for diagnostics, for preventive purposes, to present results at the request of organizations and institutions, before treatment in a hospital and before discharge. Replies are valid for 10 days.


Test according to Nechiporenko

Determines diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. During the analysis, urine sediment is examined. Prescribed for diagnosing kidney diseases and during pregnancy. Responses are valid for 10 days.


General blood test indicators

Specific microscopy of urine is carried out according to indications for diagnosing diseases and for patients with chronic kidney pathologies:

  • Daily biochemical diuresis. Detects disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system and urinary organs.
  • Zimnitsky test. The condition of the renal apparatus and heart is checked.
  • Three-glass sample. Evaluates the functionality of the urinary system.

Shelf life – 10 days.

The results of all urine tests are valid for ten days

How long are biochemistry tests good for?

Biochemistry characterizes a broad picture of different elements in the serum and reveals the level of vital substances.

The result takes 5 days to prepare. Patients should know how long a biochemical blood serum test lasts, since it is often prescribed in childhood, when undergoing a medical examination, before receiving vaccinations or undergoing a medical examination for a trip to a sanatorium. Replies are valid for up to two weeks.

Biochemistry calculation

Duration of storage of answers in the clinic

In accordance with the Federal Law, the results of medical research are documents that have legal force. They are pasted into the patient’s outpatient card and stored for five years.

Subsequently, if the person did not seek medical help, the card is sent to the outpatient archive, where the documents are classified and stored for 25 years. At the request of a doctor, a patient or various organizations (in accordance with the powers and legislation), an outpatient card can be issued.

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