Signs of multiple pregnancy in the early stages

The probability of becoming pregnant with twins, according to statistics, is approximately 2%. Moreover, before the widespread introduction of ART methods into medical practice, this happened even less often, only in 1 out of 90 cases.

If both children developed from the same fertilized egg (that is, they are monozygotic), then they necessarily have the same sex and genotype. Twins are difficult to tell apart because they are very similar in appearance.

If embryos are formed due to the fertilization of two eggs by two sperm, then they can have different sexes and genotypes.

How does multiple pregnancy occur?

Many women who have not had twins in their family are surprised when the doctor reports that they will become mothers of several babies at once. But for doctors there is nothing incredible here: although the genetic factor is important, this can happen to any woman, no matter what. Of course, multiple pregnancies are an extremely rare occurrence: there are only 3.5 cases per 1000 births. Among the factors that can increase the likelihood of such a pregnancy, the most often cited is the older age of the expectant mother - over 35 years old. This is also often caused by the IVF procedure (an egg is removed from a woman, fertilized and inserted into the uterus) or hormonal stimulation of ovulation, when several eggs mature in one cycle, and also if you have been taking oral contraceptives for a long time and have stopped doing so. .

Twins (aka twins) can be identical or fraternal.

  • Fraternal twins can be formed due to the simultaneous fertilization of two mature eggs by the sperm of one or more men. In this case, eggs can mature in one or both ovaries.
  • Interestingly, triplets and quadruplets can consist of identical or fraternal twins - as a rule, until the moment of birth, mom and dad cannot find out whether their babies will look the same or not.
  • Identical twins do not always look alike, but they have the same skin color, hair, eyes, blood type, but their fingerprints are different. As a rule, a special emotional connection is established between them; they can simultaneously fall ill and recover, and have similar abilities.

Ifraternal twins may be different genders, just look a little alike, or look almost identical; identical - always only one gender: either girls or boys.

Fruit development by week

4-6 weeksThe formation of internal organs and the brain occurs.
7-8 weeksAn ultrasound can examine the baby's heads and limbs. The height of each of them at this stage is about 4 centimeters.
9-10 weekThe internal organs are already formed. The kids move their arms.
11-13 weeksBabies master the basic reflexes: sucking, grasping and swallowing. At this stage, identical twins can already hug each other.
14-15 weeksBabies develop unique fingerprints that are different even between identical twins.
16-18 weeksThe genitals are already fully formed. Multiparous women may feel the first movements.
19-20 weeksBabies begin to respond to sounds coming from outside. Women who will give birth for the first time also feel the movements.
21-24 weeksChildren actively move and react not only to sounds, but also to light.
25-28 weeksBabies begin to accumulate subcutaneous fat. The lungs and immune system develop.
29-32 weeksEach child develops its own sleep-wake cycle. Usually at this stage they occupy a position in the uterus that will remain unchanged until childbirth.
33-36 weeksDuring this period, babies can already be born.
37-40 weeksIf childbirth has not yet occurred, children gain more weight, but in any case they are smaller than their “singleton” peers.

What tests should you undergo if you are expecting twins?

As a rule, the doctor tells you that you will have twins at one of the first examinations: the uterus in this case is larger in size than during a normal pregnancy and grows faster. Sometimes a specialist is not immediately able to determine that a woman is expecting twins: they can “hide” behind each other. In other cases, the second egg dies in the first trimester, and the pregnancy becomes singleton. You need to prepare for more frequent examinations, and in this case there are more types of examinations themselves. As a rule, the doctor will wait for you every 10 days, and in the third trimester - every 7 days.

  • At 10 weeks, you can do an electrocardiogram so that the doctor can hear the beating of several hearts in the uterus.
  • At 8 to 12 weeks, an ultrasound also allows the doctor to detect a multiple pregnancy, although errors do occur. You will need to do this test once a month to monitor the normal function of the placenta.
  • Be prepared for an obstetric examination at every visit to the doctor - all this is necessary to monitor the normal course of pregnancy.
  • After the 30th week, in addition to ultrasound, Doppler sonography and cardiotocography of the fetus are performed; the regularity of the tests will depend on the course of pregnancy. They often need to be done weekly, and be prudent: if the doctor prescribes a temporary hospital stay for observation, then you need to follow his recommendation. Multiple pregnancy is a serious burden on the mother’s body, and in order for this process to proceed harmoniously, additional attention will clearly not hurt.
  • You need to have your blood tested to prevent anemia: during multiple pregnancies, your hemoglobin level often drops.

In general, the health of a mother expecting twins or triplets will be the same. However, morning sickness, back pain, hemorrhoids and other pregnancy complications may appear earlier and be more pronounced.

Carrying several babies at once is a great joy, but a difficult test for the female body. It is very important to learn about complications in a timely manner in order to correct them. What do doctors fear besides miscarriage, genetic disorders and premature birth? Here's what you need to know.

1) Preeclampsia and preeclampsia

In multiple pregnancies, late toxicosis (preeclampsia) may develop, which can lead to increased blood pressure (preeclampsia). This entails a deterioration in the blood supply to both the placenta and the mother’s organs. Symptoms include severe swelling, dizziness and headache, nausea and vomiting, protein in the urine, blurred vision, and weight gain of more than 3.5 kg per week.

How to treat

This condition can only be alleviated until the end of pregnancy. Expectant mothers will have to test urine more often and reduce the amount of physical activity. If necessary, the doctor will admit you to the hospital.

2) Gestational diabetes

It can develop in pregnant women from 16 to 32 weeks (and go away after the end of pregnancy) and lead to preeclampsia. It is very important for mothers with diabetes to maintain normal blood glucose levels (3.5 - 5.5 mmol/l) and to know about the presence or absence of diabetes - after all, the baby’s body does not produce its own insulin until 12 weeks.

That's why your doctor will assess your risk of diabetes at one of your first appointments and prescribe regular blood sugar tests. If this disease is detected, mothers also need to pay attention to their health after childbirth: their risk of developing diabetes increases, regardless of pregnancy.

How to treat

Expectant mothers need to learn to control their diet, and in this case it will be possible to do without taking insulin. As a rule, the doctor recommends eliminating easily digestible sweets, replacing them with fruits, reducing the calorie content of food, as well as the amount of fat, consuming more fiber; the diet should be divided between carbohydrates, fats and proteins in proportions of 35 - 40%, 35 - 40% and 20 - 25%, respectively.

Don't get hung up on this information: every day women give birth to healthy twins. However, doctors must be fully armed.


When carrying twins, the risk of anemia, threat of miscarriage, premature birth, preeclampsia, isthmic-cervical and fetoplacental insufficiency increases.

In addition, it is possible:

  • anembryony of one fertilized egg;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • feto-fetal transfusion (impairment of placental blood flow, due to which nutrients flow unevenly to the fetus), which is typical for twins who share a placenta and amniotic sac;
  • fusion of two organisms, which is possible during a monozygotic pregnancy if the division of the egg occurs at a late stage. In this case, Siamese twins are born.

Premature birth: in what cases should you consult a doctor?

First of all, it is advisable to ask your doctor for a number that you can call at any time for consultations. Here are the sensations when you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance in case of acute symptoms:

  • contractions resembling menstrual periods;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, possibly with accompanying diarrhea;
  • contractions of four or more within 20 minutes or eight or more within an hour;
  • a feeling of pressure in the lower back that does not go away;
  • unusual discharge;
  • bleeding.

Possible problems

You are in the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, or the third from conception.

The main concerns that may arise and lead to adverse consequences:

  1. Unsuccessful implantation of embryos - for example, low placentation or implantation in the area of ​​a scar after a cesarean section.
  2. Unsatisfactory condition of the pregnant woman (severe toxicosis).
  3. Iron deficiency anemia of mother.
  4. Lack of fetal heart rate.
  5. The appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina.

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How to behave during multiple pregnancy

The most important thing for a mother who is expecting several babies at once is to calm down and not worry about anything. A good mood and a positive attitude are your concern.

  • As soon as possible, visit several specialists and choose the one who seems to you to be quite competent, attentive, experienced and at the same time friendly and adequate. Your doctor should make you feel optimistic, and you will have to communicate with him frequently and trust him to manage your pregnancy. Remember that if at any stage you have a desire to change doctors, it is better to do so. We also advise you to write down your questions and feelings so that you can discuss them at your doctor’s appointment, and at the appointment, write down his advice. For forgetful pregnant women, this will help them not to miss anything.
  • Form a healthy diet. Oddly enough, the weight gain of the expectant mother of twins is not so great: if during a normal pregnancy it ranges from 9 to 13–15 kg, then in the case of a multiple pregnancy it is 13–15 kg. So you don't have to eat for three or four. But it is very important to eat foods high in folic acid, iron and calcium.
  • Do not take vitamins, herbal remedies or dietary supplements without consulting a specialist. Before you start taking any vitamins, tell your doctor thoroughly about your health, especially the medications you are taking (if you are taking them). Remember that a number of vitamins make it difficult to absorb other medications, and some medications, in turn, interfere with the absorption of vitamins, which means they need to be taken at different times of the day - so every nuance is important here.
  • Give up bad habits. Avoid overheating whenever possible. Talk to your doctor about what type of physical activity and how much is good for you. Many doctors do not recommend expectant mothers of twins to exercise after the 24th week. Rest more often, monitor your health and remember: the better the mother’s physical condition, the stronger the baby’s health.
  • This also applies to psychological health. Don't forget about walks with friends, pleasant conversations and your hobbies. Treat yourself and your well-being with care.

Closer to the due date, prepare to become a mother of twins: organize help with the babies after they are born - it is worth remembering that the emotional support of loved ones is also important. Don't try to embrace the immensity - don't hesitate to ask for help.

Twins on ultrasound

Modern diagnostic equipment allows us to show that a woman is pregnant with two or even three babies at the same time. A written doctor's referral is required to undergo an ultrasound scan. To determine the number of fruits, look:

  • Presence of placentas (number)
  • Number of amniotic sacs
  • Heart sounds
  • Number of fertilized eggs

The average duration of a multiple pregnancy is 37 weeks. Two weeks before the babies are born, the pregnant woman is hospitalized. To reduce the risk of complications during childbirth, ultrasound diagnostics are performed to determine the position of the babies.

Preference is given to caesarean section. However, if there are no contraindications, the woman gives birth on her own. Babies appear at intervals of 15 minutes.

When a woman develops two children in her body, the likelihood of premature birth increases. In most cases, twin babies are born without any abnormalities. If an ultrasound reveals two fetuses, you should pay close attention to this fact and contact qualified specialists. The IVF Center clinic in Volgograd employs highly qualified doctors who will advise on multiple pregnancy issues.

How should a mother of future twins eat?

The expectant mother of twins needs to increase the number of calories in her diet by only 500 per day. What might they contain? For example, in one cheese sandwich and two glasses of low-fat milk or in a large orange and a handful of nuts. It's time to get acquainted with the table of calorie content of foods, which can be found on the Internet. If before pregnancy your diet was not the healthiest, don’t worry, but now you will eat right.

  • The main thing is variety. Different foods provide different vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, whole grains (pasta, brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal and other foods).
  • Don't forget about protein and iron. It is better, if possible, to choose foods from which these elements are easily absorbed: dietary meat, chicken, tofu and other soy products, legumes, nuts, egg whites. If you don't eat meat, consult your doctor about your diet.
  • Make sure you have enough calcium in your diet. Remember that for its absorption the body needs vitamin K2, which is found in Agusha curds, and vitamin D. Milk, cheese and yogurt are the best sources of calcium.
  • Don't forget about healthy fats - vegetable oil, especially olive oil. There is also a lot of fat in nuts.

What to expect after childbirth

Many mothers are scared that they will have to cope with several children at once. The main enemy of mothers with many children is perfectionism. Don't try to do everything - this can only lead to depression. Be sure to use the help of loved ones and a nanny, if you think this is possible, and devote time not only to your children and family, but also to yourself. Psychologists advise monitoring your mood very carefully to avoid the consequences of excessive stress. By the way, many people find it helpful to meet “lucky friends” - other mothers of twins with whom they can exchange experiences. Here's what they note:

  • It is necessary to establish a feeding and sleeping schedule as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to cope with twins. Of course, a perfectly synchronized routine only happens in fairy tales, but you can try to get closer to such a situation;
  • If you want, you can breastfeed two babies at the same time - this is possible. But some mothers prefer to feed their babies in turns. Remember that there are professional lactation consultants - make an appointment with one;
  • When raising, support differences between children, especially identical ones, so that they feel like separate individuals. It is advisable to encourage them to have different friends, hobbies and social circles.

Good news: the older the kids, the easier it is with them. By age 2, you will find that they sleep better in the same room and enjoy playing with each other.

What purchases will parents of twins have to make?

According to the experience of parents, twins do not need many identical things; some things can be bought in one copy.

  • Children only need one crib, one changing table, one bathtub, one comb and nail clippers, as well as one baby monitor and other similar items.
  • If you want to buy two developmental mats, two mobiles or two walkers at once, it’s better not to do this. One of the kids may not like the toy, so it is better to buy such things, at least at first, in one copy. If children cannot share a toy, then you can buy a second one of the same kind.
  • Children need different car seats, high chairs and stroller seats.
  • Buy diapers, wipes and baby food in one place and make sure you get a discount card.
  • Remember that you don’t need to buy a lot of clothes for newborns: babies quickly outgrow them.
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