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Phlebologists never tire of repeating that the treatment of varicose veins must be comprehensive. This includes surgical removal.
Optical coherence tomography of the eye has become widespread in clinical ophthalmology over the past 15 years.
Reasons for the appearance of protein in the urine Physiological, in which the appearance of protein in the urine is functional
Both examinations are highly informative diagnostic methods that make it possible to make a diagnosis in difficult cases with
According to WHO statistics, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide.
Endosonography in a state of medicated sleep using Olympus expert-class equipment Endosonography is a diagnostic technique,
Rh conflict and pregnancy: what to do For many “different Rhesus” parents, the risk of Rh conflict becomes a serious reason
Laparoscopic operations in gynecology are varied and have varying degrees of complexity. Accordingly, the recovery period varies.
The human body is inhabited by trillions of microorganisms, the totality of which is called the microbiome. The microbiome performs many important functions
Test material: Whole blood (with EDTA). Determination method - Real-time-PCR. Take a blood test