17th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and to you?

This week the baby has a small anniversary - his weight has reached the first hundred grams! His height is about 11-12 cm. The joints are well developed, the skeleton has begun to ossify, until this week it looked more like cartilage. The child's hearing improves. The umbilical cord, which connects it to the placenta, thickens and becomes stronger. The kidneys are already functioning at full capacity, they take their place and secrete urine, which constantly replenishes the amniotic fluid. However, the main functions of the excretory organ are still performed by the placenta, which is formed up to the 18th week.

The fetus is moving much more actively, some women can already distinguish between them. The movements of his arms and legs are still reflexive, but by performing them, the baby trains his muscles. At week 17, the fetus can already find its mouth with its fist and suck its finger. This is a very important fact, indicating the ability to coordinate movements. If you do an ultrasound this week, your fingers and toes will be clearly visible. Thumb or fist sucking also allows the baby to swallow amniotic fluid, which provides it with fluid and ensures the functioning of the excretory and digestive systems. At week 17, the fetus begins to acquire a layer of fat, which takes part in the production of energy, as well as in ensuring metabolic processes.

Interesting Facts

Time from conception15 weeks
Period by month17 weeks
What month4
Dimensions and weight of the fetus150 mm, 100-120 g
Uterus dimensions3-4 cm below the navel
Pregnant weightOver the last week the increase is no more than 400-500 g

Your baby is the size of


150mm Size

100-120 g Weight

The 17th obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when the weight and height of the unborn child begins to actively increase. Because of this, mom experiences new sensations.

Determining the sex of the unborn child

"Boy or girl?" - perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions to a pregnant woman. Despite the tendency in recent years to organize surprise parties with the ceremonial announcement of the baby’s gender, most married couples want to know the gender of their unborn child as soon as possible and already at the first screening ultrasound they ask the doctor “Is the gender already visible?”

Ultrasound diagnostics at different stages of pregnancy

The foundations of the reproductive system are laid early, but at 11-14 weeks the genital organs of a female fetus are no different from those of a male fetus. It is impossible to differentiate between gender at this time.

From 15-16 weeks, visualization of the fetal genital organs may already be possible, however, performing an ultrasound at this period only for the purpose of determining sex is considered unethical. The optimal period is the time of the second screening - 18-21 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to assess the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn baby, incl. genitourinary

The longer the period, the more developed the baby is. However, the best visualization during ultrasound diagnostics is obtained precisely in the 2nd trimester, and not in the 3rd, as one might think. This is due to the fact that in the 2nd trimester the amount of amniotic fluid relative to the fetus is greater and it is still very mobile. But even at a period of 18-21 weeks, it is not in all cases possible to differentiate the sex of the unborn child; this is due to his position. Diagnosis will be difficult if the fetus’s legs are brought together or crossed, bent under themselves, or a handle or part of the umbilical cord is located between the legs.

Is it possible not to find out the gender before giving birth?

Some couples do not want to know the sex of their unborn child until the birth itself. To feel not only the mystery of birth, but to see for the first time whether it is a boy or a girl with one’s own eyes is the right of each parent. Therefore, during all routine ultrasound examinations, the doctor asks the patients, “Do you want to know the gender?” , and if a woman says no, then this information is not voiced or described in the study protocol.

Sometimes women ask the ultrasound diagnostic doctor not to announce their gender, but to convey the information in paper form, in a closed envelope, in order to prepare a surprise. In this case, our doctors always meet patients.

How to determine gender before 12 weeks?

In some cases, when there are indications related to genetic and chromosomal diseases linked to sex (hemophilia, color blindness, etc.), it is necessary to determine the sex of the fetus as soon as possible. In this case, a Non-Invasive Prenatal DNA Test (NIPT) is performed - starting from the 9th week of pregnancy, the mother’s blood is taken, in which fetal DNA is already circulating. During diagnosis, fetal DNA is isolated and analyzed. The technology makes it possible to identify not only gender, but also a number of major chromosomal pathologies (Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc.) at the earliest possible stages of pregnancy.

It is important to note that neither DNA testing nor ultrasound diagnostics are performed without medical indications only for the purpose of identifying the gender of the unborn child, because such an approach is considered unethical. If nature, over the course of millions of years of evolution, intended to keep this information secret until the baby is born, there is no need to disrupt such delicate processes unnecessarily.

Feelings of the expectant mother

At the 17th week of pregnancy, the actively growing uterus is palpated four centimeters below the navel. Now it is growing upward, pressing and slightly displacing the internal organs. In this regard, the expectant mother is faced with a frequent urge to urinate, heartburn and shortness of breath. The abdomen is noticeably rounded.

In a lying position, a woman may first notice the baby's movements. At first they look like an air bubble rolling inside. After a couple of weeks, the mother will get used to these sensations and will even be able to determine from them where the baby is at the moment, in what part of the abdomen. Movements will become an important method of communication between mother and baby, an indicator of his well-being, periods of sleep and wakefulness.

Some pregnant women note that at the 17th week of pregnancy, the décolleté area is covered with a bright mesh of veins. This is fine. Indicates that the mammary gland is preparing for lactation.

Increased blood circulation and high stress on small blood vessels can cause nosebleeds, and the sensitivity of the gums also increases to the point of bleeding.

Fetal movement in the seventeenth week of pregnancy

It is believed that the fetus begins to actively move inside the uterus after reaching the age of 20 weeks. But many women are ready to claim that they felt the first tremors already at 17 weeks or even earlier. In general, these tremors, even if they did exist, are still barely perceptible.

The first tremors usually appear when the expectant mother is in a stressful situation, experiences fear or other strong emotional states. The most obvious movement of the fetus can be felt at night, when you are in a relaxed state and getting ready to sleep. Women often complain that their unborn child becomes most active in the afternoon, closer to night.

The fetus begins to behave very actively almost from the 12th week, but its expectant mother cannot feel movement until it reaches a certain size. If such movements are completely absent, there is no need to worry or sound the alarm. This condition is normal. The fetus may not manifest itself in any way until 20-22 weeks.

What's happening to the baby

At the 17th week of pregnancy, the fetus is growing rapidly and gaining weight due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. It will help the baby regulate body temperature after birth: newborns, contrary to popular belief, rarely freeze thanks to warming brown fat.

The baby becomes noticeably more well-fed. His weight at week 17 is 100-120 grams, his height is on average 15 cm. He moves a lot, there is now enough space in the uterus for this. Actions are now more coordinated.

If previously the child’s chin was pressed to the chest, now the neck straightens and the head gradually takes a vertical position. The baby actively trains grasping, swallowing and breathing reflexes.

Other development successes:

  • At week 17, the formation of the cardiovascular system, nodes, bundles and fibers of the heart, necessary for healthy cardiac activity, is completed.
  • Alveoli form in the bronchi.
  • Sweat glands are located in the skin.
  • The baby learns to recognize sounds: some calm him, like his mother’s voice, while others, sharp ones, can cause fear.
  • In girls, the uterus is already forming, in boys - the prostate.

How you feel at 17 weeks

Hormonal changes are still occurring in the body of the expectant mother, this contributes to the appearance of pigment spots of various locations. Previously appeared spots may intensify, so you should limit your exposure to open sunlight. Even if you do not observe the appearance of pigmentation, it is still better to protect yourself from exposure to sunlight.

In the seventeenth week of pregnancy, gum bleeding may increase; this is facilitated by a lack of vitamins and the presence of an inflammatory process, and hormonal changes in the body enhance this process. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a dentist.

Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness begin to appear more and more clearly. Problems with sleep may appear, and symptoms of insomnia may appear. This mainly affects women who like to sleep on their stomachs, but now it causes discomfort. It is better to sleep lying on your side, placing a small pillow under your tummy or knee (whichever is more comfortable).

This week, expectant mothers may feel the first movements of the fetus, especially if the woman has a thin physique. However, you should not expect daily movements, the baby is still getting stronger, but every day he will make himself known more and more often.

Tests and ultrasound

At 17 weeks, it is optimal to undergo a second pregnancy screening. It includes an ultrasound examination and a blood test for 3 hormones, the so-called triple test. It is often prescribed according to indications if the results of the first screening and second ultrasound are in doubt.

What parameters are recorded during an ultrasound?

  • head and abdominal circumference;
  • length of femur and humerus;
  • estimated fetal weight;
  • approximate volume of amniotic fluid;
  • position of the placenta (attachment to the anterior or posterior wall);
  • attachment of the umbilical cord, the number of vessels and blood flow in them;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • cervical length.

These data help to assess the rate of fetal development in accordance with the timing of pregnancy, identify genetic pathologies, and the risks of threatened miscarriage.


When performing an ultrasound, special attention is paid to an important fetal organ - the placenta (“baby place”). It develops gradually, and by the time of final maturation it can reach 500-600 g, representing a disk with a diameter of 17-20 cm and a thickness of 2-4 cm. Thanks to the placenta, the mother-fetus connection is established; through it, nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood enter the baby, carbon dioxide and waste products of the child are removed. The placenta protects the fetus from the effects of many harmful substances, however, nicotine, alcohol, and most medications overcome the placental barrier. This is why it is so important to give up bad habits even before bearing a child and under no circumstances self-medicate. The placenta also prevents the occurrence of an immunological conflict between the body of the mother and the child and produces “pregnancy hormones”. As the fetus grows, the placenta becomes thinner and more permeable, it ages, and during childbirth the “baby place” is removed from the mother’s body.

Along with other indicators, doctors evaluate blood flow, thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta (at this stage it is equal to 1). Premature aging is possible due to infection, excess calcium in a woman’s body, and hypertension. In combination with Rh conflict, maternal diabetes, impaired uteroplacental blood flow, or fetal development retardation, this can complicate the course of pregnancy. In this case, cardiotocography (CTG) of the fetus is additionally prescribed to monitor its heartbeat and physical activity, and record contractions of the woman’s uterus.

An equally important factor is the location of the placenta in the uterus. Ideally, it is located on the back wall; attachment to the anterior is not critical, but can be an obstacle to natural childbirth and a reason for prescribing a cesarean section. Placenta previa is dangerous - its location below with partial or complete overlap of the uterine os. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time. As pregnancy progresses and the uterus grows, the placenta may rise.

Warning symptoms you shouldn't worry about

I don’t feel any movement – ​​is this normal?

Yes, quite, during the first pregnancy you can feel normal fetal movements at 16-22 weeks.

I have tightness in my lower back and lower abdomen – is this a miscarriage?

Pain in the lower back at week 17 is most often associated with an increasing load on the back and a shift in the center of gravity due to an expanding abdomen. Massage and rest will help you; on the recommendation of your doctor, you can wear a support bandage. Pain in the abdomen may be associated with a growing uterus and stretching of the ligaments that hold it in place. But if the pain is unbearable and is accompanied by bloody discharge, then you should immediately seek medical help.

A runny nose does not go away - what to do?

The mechanism of the occurrence of a runny nose during pregnancy is not fully understood. It is believed that nasal congestion without signs of inflammation or allergies occurs in pregnant women due to hormonal changes. Pregnancy hormones relax the smooth muscles of the walls of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, resulting in nasal congestion.

In this case, rinsing the nose with water-salt solutions and maintaining air humidity in the room at 40-60% can help. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is not recommended: they are addictive.

Body temperature 37-37.2°C – is this inflammation and a cold?

A slight increase in temperature during pregnancy is caused by a high concentration of progesterone in the blood. This is normal and does not affect the woman’s well-being in any way.

Mother's body at 17 weeks of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the fetus grows very quickly, because it also gains fatty tissue. The expectant mother naturally notices the weight gain. To avoid excessive weight gain, a woman must eat small portions and often. After all, due to the rapid growth of the uterus, the stomach shrinks. Eating large portions of food can cause discomfort and a feeling of heaviness. It is difficult for him to process such a volume of food.

The load on a pregnant woman's kidneys also increases. They really work for two. They filter waste from the mother and baby from the blood. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor the functioning of the genitourinary system. It is recommended that pregnant women avoid excessive consumption of salty and spicy foods in order to avoid various inflammatory processes.

A pregnant woman needs to pay more attention to her health. Overheating, hypothermia, lack of sleep, overwork, and stress are contraindicated for her. It is very important to avoid colds and other diseases.

A pregnant woman's heart rate also increases. This is caused by the work of the fetal placenta. She, receiving nutrients from the mother’s body, carries them through the vessels to the baby. Sometimes high heart activity can cause gum injury. If your gums are bleeding, consult your dentist and use a prescribed mouth rinse.

As the child develops and the mother's body changes, sweating and vaginal discharge increase. This should not frighten or cause unnecessary anxiety for the expectant mother. The main thing is to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

At the seventeenth week, the expectant mother can not only get the first photo of the long-awaited baby, but also find out the sex of the child. At this stage of development, it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby. The genitals have long been formed and by this time, if the baby is in a good position, they can already be seen.

Lifestyle: our recommendations

In the second trimester, when you have a lot of strength and energy, exercise for 30 minutes for 3-5 days a week. You don't have to go to the gym. You can do simple exercises at home. For this, we recommend that you purchase a fitball, which will be useful in the future for activities and games with your baby and during motion sickness.

Physical education during pregnancy will prevent excessive weight gain, improve sleep and psycho-emotional state, and prepare the body for childbirth.

What happens in your body at 17 weeks?

Together with the baby, the uterus grows, and, accordingly, your size, the tummy already stands out noticeably, the waist disappears. Breasts, in preparation for the upcoming feeding, noticeably enlarge, nipples become more sensitive, so give preference to natural bras.

The muscles that support the uterus are stretched, which can lead to pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Due to the action of progesterone, expectant mothers become distracted and forgetful. It would be a good idea to purchase a bandage that will support your tummy and relieve the strain on your back.

Checklist for 17 weeks of pregnancy

  • Drink enough water and choose foods high in fiber. This is the best prevention of constipation during pregnancy.
  • Choose comfortable maternity clothes. Nothing should restrict your movements or put pressure on your stomach.
  • Remember to do pelvic floor exercises to prevent postpartum complications such as genital prolapse and urinary incontinence.

The seventeenth week of pregnancy is the optimal time for 2 screenings. Sign up for the procedure at any time convenient for you by contacting the Women's Medical Center. You will avoid queues and long waits, and receive the most accurate results within 1-2 days.

Proper nutrition

Now your weight has not yet increased too much, and from time to time you probably indulge yourself with sweets and baked goods. However, it’s time to accustom yourself to proper nutrition without excess calories, because very soon a period of increased appetite will begin: the baby will actively gain weight, accumulate fatty tissue, and mommy will constantly want to eat.

There should definitely be protein dishes on your menu. It is better to give preference to dietary meat (poultry, rabbit); there must be fish and eggs. Also, don't forget about plant proteins.

A pregnant woman's diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits. The more varied the menu, the better. Scientists have proven that different colors of fruits and vegetables contain different antioxidants, so add some color to your diet!

Add more fiber to your diet: it is found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals. You need a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, but the daily requirement is extremely difficult to obtain from products, even the highest quality and variety. Therefore, the expectant mother needs special preparations containing vitamins and microelements.

Try to gradually reduce the amount of light carbohydrates in your diet. If you buy bread, choose whole grain, and it is better to replace pasta with cereals.


Don't forget about special underwear that supports the stomach and chest, as well as compression hosiery - tights and stockings, which reduce the load on the veins and prevent the development of varicose veins.

Source: GettyImages

It is important!

Monitor your pulse and blood pressure. The volume of circulating blood increased by half a liter, and the work of the heart increased. In the 5th month, it begins to fragment, making 80–90 beats per minute (instead of the prescribed 72), and the results on the tonometer display exceed your usual numbers by 5–15 mm Hg. Art., but that's ok!

Sufferer or excellent student: main types of women in labor

Discharge from the genital tract

Bloody discharge is an unfavorable symptom, especially if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. If even brown spotting discharge appears, you should immediately seek help, as it can develop into bleeding.

You should also seek help if you notice yellow, green, purulent discharge, mixed with flakes and having an unpleasant odor. Such discharge indicates the presence of a genital tract infection. After diagnosis, the doctor will recommend the optimal treatment, which must be carried out without fail, this is necessary to exclude intrauterine infection of the fetus.

At the seventeenth week of pregnancy, moderate discharge is normal, light in color, uniform in consistency, with a sour odor.

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