24 week of pregnancy: full description, photo, ultrasound

Many people like to count. They say that information looks more clear in numbers. Expectant mothers, waiting for the approaching day of birth, also carefully keep track of their weeks and months. Sometimes the following question may arise: “24 weeks of pregnancy – how many months have already passed?” To do this, we will try to figure out how to correctly calculate the gestational age. Firstly, there are obstetric months, which consist of 4 weeks. They begin their counting from the first day of the last menstruation. There are also embryonic periods, which count from the moment of conception. Therefore, the obstetric period is 1.5 - 2 weeks longer than the embryonic period. Typically, gynecologists count weeks based on the timing of menstruation, so the 24th week of pregnancy can be considered the last week of the 6th month of pregnancy.

Body changes and new sensations for women

Starting at 24 weeks, many women may feel slight contractions of the uterine muscles - the so-called Braxton-Hicks training contractions. Such “attacks” last, as a rule, 40–60 seconds, are practically painless and do not bring much discomfort to the pregnant woman. Training contractions (some expectant mothers do not feel them at all, which is also normal) “teach” the uterus to contract and relax, thereby preparing it for future birth. The appearance of contractions is usually provoked by fetal movements, the activity of the woman herself, her physical activity, bladder filling, and orgasm. If Braxton-Hicks contractions occur, doctors recommend that the pregnant woman change her body position, relax, take a warm shower or bath (no longer than 10–15 minutes!), drink water, tea with milk, take a deep breath and exhale slowly, or, conversely, speed up your breathing (breathe like a dog). If contractions become regular, are accompanied by pain, bloody or watery vaginal discharge, as well as a decrease in the active movement of the fetus, the pregnant woman should immediately contact her doctor - all this may signal the onset of premature labor.

How you feel

You gained even more weight and it became harder to breathe. At the 24th week of pregnancy, you may still be bothered by constipation, heartburn, night cramps in the lower extremities, and swelling. A large belly can make it difficult for you to move around, sleep awkwardly, and lace your shoes on your own. You may also notice that you become tired quickly. Try to rest during the day, because this feeling will only intensify further.

During the 23rd to 24th week of pregnancy, many women experience Braxton Hicks contractions. This is not at all dangerous: with the help of minor muscle contractions, the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth. When you feel contractions, lie down for half an hour and rest. If after this muscle contractions continue, with a certain frequency and the addition of other symptoms, this may be premature birth. 24 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the baby is not yet ready to be born, so if you experience back and abdominal pain, bleeding, or strong pressure in the pelvis, you should call an ambulance!

Changes in your body can cause various types of pain. For example, at 24 weeks of pregnancy, painful sensations appear in the back and lower back due to a shift in the center of gravity. One of the stages of preparation for childbirth is the “divergence” of the pelvic bones, so you may also feel discomfort in the sacrum.

By the 23rd - 24th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers encounter all the troubles associated with hemorrhoids. At the first signs of illness, review your daily diet and include foods high in fiber and foods that have a laxative effect. Also try not to get too cold and rest often. In addition, you can purchase rectal suppositories at the pharmacy, but only after consulting a doctor.

Mom's belly

Mom's belly is growing rapidly. A woman may feel slight pain in the lumbar region or in the hypochondrium, which is associated with the growth of the uterus and is not a deviation from the norm. In addition, arched stripes form on the skin of the abdomen - stretch marks (striae): to prevent their further development, use special creams against stretch marks or simple olive oil.

As for fetal movements during pregnancy, starting from the 24th week, the baby should remind itself of itself on average 10–15 times per hour. If the mother does not feel fetal kicks for 12 hours or more, she should inform the doctor.

Risk factors

One of the dangers of the 24th week of pregnancy is diabetes, so it is very important for the expectant mother to know her blood sugar level. If it increases slightly, this is considered normal, but a strong increase is a sign of pregnancy diabetes, which increases the risk of difficult labor, causes excess weight in the fetus and can cause a decrease in blood pressure in the newborn.

At 24 weeks of pregnancy, premature birth is possible. Their onset is accompanied by paroxysmal pain in the abdomen and pelvic area, as well as tension and “petrification” of the uterus. At the same time, rupture of amniotic fluid may occur, and sometimes mucous discharge of a brown color or mixed with blood appears.

Another risk at 23–24 weeks of pregnancy is swelling, which can be one of the symptoms of gestosis. Outwardly, they are not immediately visible, so you need to carefully monitor your weight, try not to overeat, take vitamins recommended by your doctor, follow a drinking regime and do exercises.

Nutrition at 24 weeks of pregnancy

Nutrition during pregnancy should remain healthy, balanced, enriched with healthy foods (cottage cheese, dietary meat, sea fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs). The expectant mother should avoid processed foods, spicy, fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks, coffee and sweets. Excessive consumption of the latter in the second half of the “interesting situation” can cause a sharp jump in glucose in the body and provoke the development of diabetes in pregnant women.


  1. To avoid getting sick, a woman should try to avoid contact with sick relatives and friends. And also to maintain immunity, at least to some extent, provide the body with vitamins.
  2. Excessive weight gain is an undesirable phenomenon during pregnancy, since it can affect not only the condition of the pregnant woman, but also her baby. To do this, you need to adjust your diet: eat more vegetables and fruits, exclude fried, smoked, salty foods and sweet pastries from your diet, eat small portions, but often.
  3. In order to prevent the appearance of edema, you can raise the foot end of the bed, which will ensure better blood flow. You can limit your salt intake to prevent excess fluid retention in the body.
  4. To reduce the pain associated with increasing stress, a pregnant woman needs to rest more. You can also start wearing a bandage to evenly distribute the load on the spine and back muscles. To do this, consult with the gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy.
  5. Despite the situation, doctors do not recommend severely limiting physical activity, because the baby needs sufficient oxygen for its development. Walk more, sign up for swimming or yoga, watch video tutorials with exercises for pregnant women. Movement is useful for pregnant women. The main thing is that the physical activity is not too active, so as not to provoke labor.
  6. Create a favorable environment around yourself. The less stress, the better for the expectant mother and her baby, because the baby feels the slightest changes in his mother’s mood. Listen to calm music, sing, read to your baby - it is very important for him to hear his mother’s voice.

Sex at 24 weeks pregnant

During pregnancy (including at 24 weeks), it is extremely undesirable to change your sexual partner - this provokes a disruption of the vaginal microflora, which is especially sensitive during the period of waiting for the baby. But doctors allow having sex with your beloved and only one in the absence of medical contraindications: if at the moment of physical intimacy it feels good for the mother, it means it’s good for her baby too! Precautionary measures, however, will not hurt: you should avoid rough sex and the classic position, when the man is on top and can inadvertently put pressure on the pregnant woman’s stomach.

Medical observation

Ultrasound examinations are rarely done at 24 weeks of pregnancy. It is prescribed only if indicated or if a screening ultrasound was missed. During the examination, the doctor determines the position of the fetus in the uterus, assesses the correct development of the child’s organs, the baby’s motor activity and heartbeat, the condition and location of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

In addition, general tests may be prescribed at 24 weeks of pregnancy. Typically, such studies are carried out in case of problems with the expectant mother’s health in order to check the number of red and white blood cells, sugar levels and the presence of protein in the urine.


Do you still continue to “indulge” in one or two cigarettes a day, thinking that nicotine in small doses will not affect the development of the baby? Then remember that smoking during pregnancy can lead to a variety of consequences. Thus, quite recently a study was conducted in which Dutch scientists found that an addiction affects not only the mental, physical and mental development of the fetus, but also determines the future sexuality of the child. Women who smoked during their “interesting situation” are more likely to give birth to children with bisexual or homosexual tendencies, which manifest themselves during puberty. Exercise is especially effective in combating nicotine addiction—to overcome a bad habit, be sure to sign up for yoga or Pilates for pregnant women.

Courses for pregnant women

Today there are many different courses in which women prepare for childbirth. Their syllabus may vary depending on the purpose of the specific courses. Some of them include a theoretical part, where pregnant women are told about how childbirth takes place, how to prepare for it, what breathing techniques can be used. In other courses, women can do yoga, drawing and anything else that helps create a peaceful state. The advantage of such courses is that a woman can attend them with her husband. And if a couple is planning a joint birth, it will be useful for a man to learn the necessary information about childbirth.

Therefore, if a pregnant woman wants to prepare for childbirth, she can now choose the courses that suit her and enroll in them.

Beauty and accessories

During the 6 months of pregnancy did you feel tired? This means that the time has come to regain your vigor, good mood, and at the same time “mitigate” possible problems associated with the restructuring of the body. How to do it? We recommend you go to the spa. But first, make sure that it has a special program for pregnant women. What can expectant mothers do? “Chocolate” procedures are perfect for preventing the appearance of stretch marks, Japanese manicure is effective for brittle nails, and to strengthen the immune system, experts offer women baths with the addition of various beneficial substances (be sure to consult your doctor before taking a bath!).

How to understand that everything is fine with the baby?

For me, as a prenatal diagnostics doctor, the most favorite screening is the first one, at 11-14 weeks.

Often it is at this moment that the mother sees her baby for the first time: she sees arms, legs, sees the heartbeat and, as yet, the imperceptible movements of a real person. At this time, we can already see a lot; this information will be priceless, one of the most important in our new life.

The advent of ultrasound marked a new era in the diagnosis of various diseases, incl. and in obstetrics. Ultrasound allows you to “look” inside the uterus, see the fetus, its body parts and internal organs, without incision or damage, it looks like a miracle, right?

From primitive technologies, when using ultrasound it was only possible to confirm the presence of pregnancy, to today, when ultrasound allows us to examine the fetus in the smallest detail, the progress of the method is colossal. Today, an ultrasound doctor can see a lot, but not everything.

One of the most difficult tasks of prenatal medicine is the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities (CA).

Chromosomal abnormalities are diseases caused by a violation of the number (or violation of the structure) of chromosomes, the genetic “storage” of each person.

You can suspect a chromosomal pathology based on specific signs, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made by examining in detail and counting the chromosome set. To do this, you need to look inside the cell, into its nucleus, where the chromosomes are located. In humans, venous blood is most often used for this; in a special laboratory they will isolate the cells, get to their nuclei, count and evaluate the structure of all chromosomes.

Does a pregnant woman need physical activity?

You develop your Baby’s vestibular apparatus if you at least get out of bed and move around the apartment during the day. If your physical mobility is many times higher: you bend over, squat (don’t forget: not sharply!), turn, walk at different paces, swim, etc., then the developmental effect for the Baby is much stronger. The Baby's sensitivity to movements, combined with their diversity, can later become the basis for the development of coordination of movements that are needed in sports, dancing and in general for an active lifestyle. A child’s physical activity is the healthy development of not only his body, but also his intellect.

Since your physical activity is closely related to the capabilities of your body, we will assume that reasonable mobility, available to you, will develop your Baby’s vestibular apparatus the way he needs it.

Touch, as you remember, is an incredibly sensitive sense organ. The baby is susceptible to both painful and pleasant sensations that arise from the contact of parts of his body with the umbilical cord, placenta, walls of the uterus, as well as from your stroking and touching when he grows up a little. Tactile contact is necessary for the Baby before birth, and after his birth it will become one of the main components of his successful development. The warmth of mom's or dad's palms, tapping on the wall of the abdomen, stroking and massage of the protruding back, head, arms or legs - all this gives the Baby great pleasure and gives a lot of positive emotions. Which means it certainly develops.

The combination of tactile sensations with sound can make the effect of developing communication with the Baby even more stable. So, if in the last three months before birth you hum a lullaby to your baby every evening at the same time and at the same time rhythmically pat his back with your palm (usually the entire central vertical of the abdomen), then even after birth he will calm down when he hears a familiar lullaby and feeling the rhythmic tapping.

So, the most accessible for our special developmental influences, starting from approximately the 22nd week before birth, are the vestibular apparatus, the Baby’s hearing and tactile contact with him - it is at this time that the Baby’s brain activity becomes similar to the activity of the newborn’s brain, and we can talk about his readiness to learning.

Good to know

Anemia during pregnancy

What sports can pregnant women do?

How to maintain your waist: what to do before and during pregnancy and after childbirth

Fetal movements during pregnancy: what do they mean and how to count?

How to communicate with a baby in your belly?

You can't move if you lie down? Exercise and pregnancy

Pregnancy and sports - by week: loads and contraindications

Physical education during pregnancy: safety rules

A set of physical exercises for pregnant women by trimester

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

Indicators, their norm

Fetal development on ultrasound is assessed mainly by linear dimensions and functional indicators. Weight - about 630 grams, length of the fetus - 30 - 33 cm. The biparietal size of the head (the distance between the parietal tubercles - transverse) is about 56 - 66 mm. Fronto-occipital size (longitudinal) – 70 – 85 mm. Linear dimensions of the limbs: the length of the thigh is approximately 40 - 46 mm, shoulder - 36 - 44 mm, lower leg - 37 - 45 mm, forearm - 33 - 38 mm. The circumference of the head is approximately 20 -24 cm, the abdomen - 17 - 23 cm. the volume of amniotic fluid is about 400 ml.

Of the functional indicators, the most significant are those of the fetal cardiovascular system. According to Doppler measurements, the heart rate should be in the region of 125 - 170 beats per minute or more, the ratio of speed in systole and diastole in the aorta of a developing child should be 4 - 6, and the linear speed of blood flow in it should be 25 - 28 cm per second.

Tests and studies during pregnancy

ultrasound (ultrasound examination) - 24-26 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation.
Exclusion of malformations of the nervous system, determination of the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, place of placenta attachment and its condition. You can determine the sex of the child. Clinical blood test - 24-26 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. The hemoglobin level is examined.

Visiting a doctor monitoring pregnancy: once a month. Weighing, measuring blood pressure, measuring the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat.

General urine test - before each visit to the doctor. Indicates the quality of kidney function.

Visiting specialists: therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist.

ECG (electrocardiogram).

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