27th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother

Pregnant: illustrative photo: Pixabay The 27th week of pregnancy means that the second trimester is coming to an end. Women will have a long-awaited maternity leave and the opportunity to have plenty of rest before giving birth. How does the life of a pregnant woman change at this stage? How does the baby develop? Answers to common questions are in the article.

Interesting Facts

Time from conception25 weeks
Period by month27 weeks
What month7
Dimensions and weight of the fetus360 mm, 875 g
Uterus dimensionsAt the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process, VDM is 25-27 cm
Pregnant weightGain from the beginning of pregnancy is 7-10 kg; over the last week no more than 400-500 g

Your baby is the size of


360mm Size

875 g Weight

Two thirds of pregnancy is over. By the 27th week of gestation, symptoms associated with an enlarged belly become more and more apparent. The baby is actively growing, and his movements are more strongly felt by you. Let’s find out what else happens to the woman and the unborn child during this period, but first let’s decide on the calculations:

  • 27th week of pregnancy - what month?

    Since there are exactly 4 weeks in an obstetric month, you are now only one short of 7 months of gestation.

  • What trimester?

    It's the first week of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Sensations and changes in a woman’s body

External changes in a woman’s body are associated with preparation for future motherhood.
During the first months of pregnancy, the breasts have managed to increase in size, and now a small amount of colostrum can be released from them. This is a normal phenomenon if there are no ailments. Due to changes in hormonal levels, a woman develops age spots, which disappear without a trace after the end of pregnancy.

In addition, changes in mood are possible. If in the first months this was a consequence of early toxicosis with nausea or vomiting and other ailments, now the mother begins to worry about the upcoming birth.

Exactly 27 weeks have passed since the first day of the last menstruation, which was followed by ovulation and fertilization of the egg by sperm. If in the first weeks there is a high probability of the embryo (blastocyst) detaching from the uterine wall, then over time its position will stabilize. It begins to actively develop and increase in size. By week 27, a greatly grown belly causes a lot of problems for a pregnant woman. The uterus affects the lower region, which includes the intestines and bladder. You need to be prepared for consequences such as digestive problems and frequent urination.

Stay up to date with all the changes every week of pregnancy

Receive letters about the baby's development and the mother's condition once a week.

To cope with constipation, heartburn, and bloating, doctors recommend that mothers follow a diet that allows them to regulate the process of bowel movements. But you need to come to terms with the frequent urge to go to the toilet: under no circumstances should you tolerate it, it can harm the genitourinary system. It is especially difficult for women at night; sometimes they have to go to the toilet several times.

The impressive size of the uterus presses not only downward, but also upward, tightly adjacent to the diaphragm. Hence the breathing problems - shortness of breath. There is a feeling of stale breath. If before it was not difficult to take a deep breath, now it becomes difficult.

Sleep problems are a common occurrence at 27 weeks. They may be due to anxiety, running to the toilet, or some other factor. Sometimes the mother and baby simply do not have the same sleep and wakefulness patterns. A woman feels well the movements of her child in the womb, and if the baby wants to play at night, then the mother has to stay awake with him. During excessive movement, experts recommend calming the baby with stroking and a lullaby.

Pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Even though most of the pregnancy is over, the expectant mother may experience pain from time to time. Discomfort is caused by a number of reasons and, as a rule, does not lead to miscarriage. It is important to know them so as not to confuse them with a real threat of termination of pregnancy.

  • Pain in the sides of the abdomen and in the lower back is the result of stretching of the muscle ligaments of the uterus.
  • Leg pain, cramps and swelling appear due to various circumstances. Cramps can be caused by a lack of nutrients in the body (for example, calcium), and excessive swelling indicates kidney problems, poor drinking habits, or too much physical activity.
  • Pain and dizziness in the head, sudden onset of drowsiness and weakness. One of the reasons may be the uterus compressing the vena cava, which supplies blood to the heart.
  • Pain in the anus causes frequent constipation. In this case, the pregnant woman most likely has hemorrhoids, which should be treated by a specialist.

Fever and colds

A woman’s immunity during pregnancy weakens its protective functions, so her body is susceptible to infection with various kinds of diseases. First of all, we are talking about viral infections. To avoid catching a cold, gynecologists recommend their patients to be more thoughtful about where they spend their time. It is best to give preference to meeting at home with a small group of friends rather than going to a crowded gathering. In public places the risk of contracting an infection is higher. In addition, in order not to catch a cold, you need to dress appropriately for the weather, keep your feet warm, and during epidemics, eat foods rich in phytoncides (garlic and onions).

If the body still cannot withstand the pressure of bacteria and is overcome by a cold, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Monitor the temperature. If it stays at 37-37.5 degrees, then there is no need to bring it down with medications. Increased body temperature is common during pregnancy. If the mark on the thermometer approaches 38 degrees, you need to drink paracetamol.
  2. When the first signs of a cold appear, you must make an appointment with a therapist and gynecologist. Doctors will advise the safest and most effective methods of fighting colds during pregnancy. If your temperature rises, you need to call a doctor at home.
  3. To prevent dehydration, you should take warm drinks: teas, fruit drinks, milk.
  4. As a safe remedy, you can use traditional methods: rinsing and inhalation with infusions of medicinal herbs.
  5. During illness, bed rest in a well-ventilated room is recommended.

Discharge at the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy

Discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy is profuse. Compared to the first months, now you can see more contents from the genital tract on your underwear. This may be alarming for some mothers. But experts reassure: at this time this is the norm. Most importantly, the color and consistency should not change. If blood appears from the vagina, then you must immediately go to the hospital to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Often at 27 weeks pregnant women develop candidiasis or thrush. Symptoms of this unpleasant disease include cheesy discharge with a sour odor, itching and soreness in the vaginal area.

Thrush must be treated urgently and get rid of it before childbirth. Otherwise, it may harm the child's health.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The 27th week of pregnancy has begun, the normal weight gain is 7-9 kg. The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on other organs, which makes you want to go to the toilet more often, regardless of the time of day and the amount of liquid you drink. There is no need to endure; urinary retention can lead to inflammatory processes.

Another problem is digestive disorders. A diet rich in fiber, proper drinking regimen and an active lifestyle will help you cope with constipation. The uterus also puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing shortness of breath.

Due to the increased load on the spine, many pregnant women experience lower back pain. If you plan to be on your feet for a long time, put on a bandage in advance, which will take some of the load off your back. Take breaks from work and do exercises on a fitball.


Since pregnancy with twins entails an increased risk of various complications, expectant mothers need to be regularly monitored by a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.

If your pregnancy is progressing normally, try to lead a moderately active lifestyle and take walks in the fresh air more often. At the same time, you should not go far from home, especially in the later stages.

Don't lift heavy objects.

Normalize your sleep and wakefulness patterns. During the daytime, you can lie down several times to rest.

A visit to the pool will be beneficial, but it is better to avoid a bath or sauna for now.

Fetal development at 27 weeks

The baby's dimensions are now 36 cm in length, weight - about 875 grams. In the event of premature birth, doctors will be able to keep it alive in most cases. Because by this time all organs and systems have already been formed and are actively functioning:

  • thyroid and pancreatic hormones are produced;
  • the brain increases in size, convolutions form;
  • the bladder removes urine, and meconium accumulates in the intestines;
  • the alveoli of the lungs are formed, a substance is formed in them that will help them open during birth;
  • receptors distinguish tastes well;
  • grasping and sucking reflexes are developed.

What's happening

26 weeks of pregnancy is the point at which the fetal pituitary gland releases growth hormone. Your baby's brain establishes a connection with the adrenal cortex, due to which other hormones begin to be produced. At this time, the formation of the pulmonary alveoli is completed, the lungs themselves take their final place.

The rudiments of baby and molar teeth are already formed, and the latter become ossified at the 26th week of pregnancy. The child’s skin gradually smoothes out and changes its color, and the skeletal system continues to strengthen. Your baby is already able to see, but he is still very far-sighted, and everything appears to him in the form of blurry colored spots.

The baby is very active, and you constantly feel his movements. At 25–26 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is most often positioned upside down, but can easily change position. This should not be a cause for alarm now.

The child hears well, he is able to distinguish voices and even remember music. Start singing lullabies to him, and after birth the baby will calm down to the sounds of a familiar melody.

Tests and ultrasound

In the third trimester, visit your gynecologist 2-3 times a month. The closer to the birth, the more visits there are. Don't forget to take a general urine test in advance. Its results help identify inflammation and gestosis. During a general examination, the gynecologist can determine the position of the fetus in the womb. But don’t let the phrase “breech presentation” scare you: at 27 weeks of pregnancy this is normal. The baby has time to turn head down until 36 weeks.

An ultrasound examination is carried out only if there is a clinical picture of disturbances in fetal development. It can be used to assess the baby's heartbeat, the amount of amniotic fluid, the location of the fetus in the uterus, the degree of maturity of the placenta and the condition of the uterus as a whole. You can also determine how much the fetus weighs, whether its height, head circumference and other parameters correspond to medical standards.

Predisposing factors

The chances of having twins increase if:

  • there is a hereditary predisposition;
  • the age of the expectant mother is more than 35 years;
  • before starting to plan a pregnancy, the woman took COCs (in this case, the so-called rebound effect occurs);
  • more than one embryo was transferred in the IVF program;
  • The woman already has several children. According to statistics, in approximately 30% of cases the fourth pregnancy is multiple.

What to discuss with your doctor

  • Headache and dizziness at the 27th week of pregnancy can be associated with general fatigue, surges in blood sugar, low hemoglobin, or special mobility of the fetus, which, actively moving, compresses the inferior vena cava. Occurring sporadically, they should not cause you concern. However, if the headache is persistent and accompanied by fatigue, nausea and drowsiness, consult your doctor about the need for additional diagnostics.
  • If you feel pain in your lower abdomen, tell your gynecologist about it. Get advice on how to distinguish the alarming symptoms of hypertension and other complications from premonitory contractions. Usually they focus on the nature and duration of pain.

Medical observation

Most likely, the second planned ultrasound examination is already behind you, but it happens that the doctor orders an ultrasound scan at the 26th week of pregnancy. The examination may be necessary for medical reasons or if for some reason it was not done earlier.

During an ultrasound, a specialist will look at how the internal organs of the fetus and its skeleton are developing, and will also determine the risk of defects of the nervous system and other abnormalities. In addition, the uterus is examined: the condition of the internal muscle layer, the attachment site and location of the placenta, the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid.

Also, at 26 weeks of pregnancy, a general urine and blood test is prescribed, sugar levels and hemoglobin are checked, after which, if necessary, a special diet or medications are recommended to adjust the indicators. Women who are Rh negative are given an antibody test.

Possible complications

The twenty-seventh week of pregnancy normally proceeds calmly. Only in rare cases do pathologies such as placental abruption, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and gestosis develop. In order to diagnose these disorders in a timely manner and maintain pregnancy, it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist and know the alarming symptoms for which you should immediately seek medical help in a hospital:

  • Curdled vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor may indicate the presence of thrush. It must be treated before birth, otherwise the child risks becoming infected.
  • Blood at 27 weeks of pregnancy is a possible sign of premature placental abruption and cervical dilatation.
  • A prolonged absence of movement or excessive activity of the fetus is a signal that not everything is all right with it. We can talk about pathologies of its development, placental insufficiency and the risk of premature birth.
  • Unbearable pain in the lower third of the abdomen is one of the symptoms of increased tone, which causes oxygen starvation in the child.
  • Severe swelling and sudden weight gain are alarming symptoms of preeclampsia. Usually accompanied by high blood pressure.

Childbirth during pregnancy with twins

Most often, twins are born at 34-36 weeks of pregnancy. Much less often, childbirth occurs at 38-40 weeks.

The doctor chooses the optimal method of delivery based on factors such as the condition of the mother, presentation of the fetus, the volume of amniotic fluid, and the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). According to statistics, a caesarean section is performed in 2 out of 3 cases.

If a woman is expecting twins, she is hospitalized in the antenatal department 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

If babies are born long before their due date, resuscitation and skilled care may be required.


Even if you are no longer as light and mobile as before, you should not give up walking and playing sports. Physical activity at 27 weeks of pregnancy improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles, and improves mood. And now you definitely need to receive maximum positive emotions. Try to create a comfortable environment around yourself, avoid stress and overwork. Sex is possible with the mutual desire of the partners and the absence of pregnancy complications.

The 3rd trimester is not the best time to travel, including by plane. If the trip cannot be postponed in any way, be sure to take your exchange card from the gynecologist in advance, which contains all the information about the course of the pregnancy, test results and ultrasound. This information will greatly simplify the work of the medical staff; you will be able to get the necessary help on time, even while in another city.

Checklist for 27 weeks of pregnancy

  • If you find it difficult to do gymnastics for pregnant women, start going to the pool. Swimming with a growing belly is comfortable and easy. You will feel how grateful your back will be. For a child, this is an excellent opportunity to train their vestibular apparatus.
  • Colorful dreams or insomnia are normal phenomena at 27 weeks of gestation. They are caused by the action of hormones. An evening walk, a well-ventilated room and a well-chosen pillow contribute to a sound, restful sleep. And you shouldn't overeat at night.
  • To prevent stretch marks, regularly apply special fatty creams or oils to the skin. Also, avoid sudden weight gain.

Do you have any questions or are experiencing unusual sensations? Make an appointment with a gynecologist at the Women's Medical Center. Many years of practical experience and modern technical equipment of the clinic will help you cope with any problem during pregnancy.

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All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

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