Is it possible to refuse fluorography and how to do it?
In adult patients, the need for fluorography is a concern due to the presence of a certain dose of radiation.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: diagnosis and treatment
Back pain often occurs in a person due to the formation of incorrect posture while walking
Signs of a malignant tumor on an MRI of the brain
How often can you do an MRI of the brain?
Magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic method based on obtaining layer-by-layer “slices” of the area under study. This
Osteochondrosis. Cause of pain. Diagnosis and treatment.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is considered one of the severe degenerative-dystrophic processes, which consists in the occurrence of degenerative changes
MRI of the brain
Which is better and safer: EEG or MRI of the brain?
There are many methods for imaging brain pathologies. These include: MRI (including functional MR spectroscopy,
Barium sulfate for X-ray. por. d/p susp. 80g - Instructions
When a patient complains of pain in the abdominal cavity or disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal
Can I drink alcohol before an MRI?
Can you drink alcohol while preparing for an MRI?
In modern medicine, magnetic resonance imaging is considered the standard of diagnosis, making it possible to detect a wide range of internal pathologies
MRI of the chest
Magnetic resonance imaging of the chest and mediastinum
Organs of the chest schematically Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to study the structure of the internal organs. The method provides comprehensive
“Empty sella” syndrome - what is this disease and why is it dangerous?
26 Nov 2021 at 23:15 MRI of the head in Tushino 41226 The term “empty sella turcica”
Why are tattoos considered a limitation for MRI?
Contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Magnetic resonance diagnostics is considered a popular method for identifying diseases. Screening helps doctors without injuring the patient
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