Diet before colonoscopy - old and new recommendations

Slag-free diet for 3 days

The first stage of standard preparation is changing the nature of your diet. The patient is recommended to eat only easily digestible refined foods. Therefore, 3 days before the study, it is mandatory to follow a slag-free diet.

CanIt is forbidden
Eggs, cheese, sour cream, butter, yogurt and fermented milk products without additives or fillersVegetables in any form, including potatoes, herbs, mushrooms, seaweed.
Meat, poultry, lean fish (boiled, steamed or stewed)All bakery, flour and pasta products
Sugar, honey (not in honeycombs)Cereals, cereals, legumes, cereals, nuts, seeds, sesame, poppy seeds, grains, bran and other seeds, spices
Broths (clear, strained, tea, water, non-alcoholic, uncolored drinks.Tough meat with cartilage, sausages, sausages, canned food, seafood
Allowed products and liquids must not contain small seeds, grains, seeds, branFruits, berries, including dried fruits, preserves, jam, marmalade, jelly
Chips, hamburgers, chocolate
Alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, compote, jelly

The evening before the procedure and on the day of the examination itself, you should abstain completely from eating.

If the patient suffers from chronic constipation, then the diet should be started earlier (5-6 days before).

Preparing for a colonoscopy.

What you can eat before the examination:

  • For two days, exclude the intake of foods rich in fiber - vegetables, fruits with skin, berries with small seeds and grains, bread, mushrooms, cartilage, etc.
  • The day before the examination, take only liquid food (transparent meat and vegetable broths, jelly and juice without pulp (except beetroot and black currant), black and green tea (except hibiscus and fruit)
  • The day before the study at 16-00 the last meal of liquid food

Colon cleansing with drugs

A diet before the study is always required. The next stage of standard preparation is the inclusion of drugs for intestinal lavage, which are a balanced electrolyte solution.

Preparation for colonoscopy with MOVIPREP

Moviprep has 3 convenient methods of application depending on the time of the start of the colonoscopy:

1 If the colonoscopy is scheduled for the morning (08:00 – 10:00) – a one-stage evening regimen.

Day before colonoscopy:

  • Breakfast - according to the list of permitted foods and liquids,
  • Lunch and dinner - only clear liquids allowed!
  • 19:00 – 20:00 - take the first liter of Moviprep solution;
  • 20.00 - 20.30 - drink 500 ml of permitted liquid;
  • 21:00 – 22:00 - take the second liter of Moviprep solution;
  • 22.00-22.30 – drink 500 ml of permitted liquid.

2 If the colonoscopy is scheduled for lunch time (10:00 - 14:00) - a two-stage regimen.

Day before colonoscopy:

  • Breakfast and light lunch - according to the list of permitted foods and liquids,
  • Dinner - only permitted clear liquids!
  • 20:00-21:00 - take the first liter of Moviprep solution;
  • 21.00 - 21.30 - drink 500 ml of permitted liquid.

Colonoscopy day:

  • 06:00-07:00 – take the second liter of Moviprep solution;
  • 07.00-07.30 - drink 500 ml of permitted liquid.

3 If the colonoscopy is scheduled for the afternoon or evening (14:00-19:00) - a one-stage morning regimen.

Day before colonoscopy:

Breakfast, lunch and light dinner - according to the list of permitted foods and liquids.

Colonoscopy day:

  • In the morning - only permitted clear liquids.
  • 08.00-09.00 - take the first liter of Moviprep solution;
  • 09.00-09.30 - drink 500 ml of permitted liquid;
  • 10.00-11.00 - take the second liter of Moviprep solution;
  • 11.00-11.30 — — drink 500 ml of permitted liquid.


You should stop taking all liquids no later than 3-4 hours before the test.

How to prepare a solution of Moviprep:

  1. To prepare the first liter: dilute the contents of one sachet A and one sachet B in a small amount of drinking non-carbonated water at room temperature until completely dissolved, bring to 1 liter with water, mix.
  2. To prepare the second liter: repeat the algorithm from point 1 (above), using the remaining sachet A and sachet B.

The procedure is unpleasant, but practically painless, because... carried out using the latest equipment of the latest generation. The endoscope has an ultra-thin 8 mm insertion tube.

Preparation for colonoscopy with FORTRANS

If the colonoscopy is scheduled for the morning (08:00 – 11:00) - One-stage evening preparation.

Day before colonoscopy:

  • Breakfast - according to the list of permitted foods and liquids,
  • Lunch - only clear liquids allowed!
  • 17:00 – 20:00 - during this period of time the patient needs to drink 4 liters of the prepared Fortrans solution (for a patient less than 70 kg - 3 liters), each sachet is diluted with 1 liter of water, and gradually drunk - about 1 liter over an hour.
  • You can squeeze half a lemon or orange into the solution to make it taste more pleasant.

If the colonoscopy is scheduled for (11:00 – 15:00) - Two-stage preparation.

Day before colonoscopy:

  • Breakfast - according to the list of permitted foods and liquids,
  • Lunch - only clear liquids allowed!
  • 17:00 - 20:00 - during this period of time the patient needs to drink 3 liters of the prepared Fortrans solution (for a patient less than 70 kg - 2 liters), each sachet is diluted with 1 liter of water, and gradually drunk - about 1 liter over an hour.

Colonoscopy day:

  • 06.00-07.00 - drink 1 liter of the prepared Fortrans solution.
  • You can squeeze half a lemon or orange into the solution to make it taste more pleasant.

Preparation for colonoscopy with EZICLEN

To properly cleanse the intestines, you need to take two bottles of Esiclene. Before taking, the contents of each bottle must be diluted with water. The patient should drink the resulting diluted solution and two more cups filled to the mark with water or an approved clear liquid (i.e., approximately 1 L) over the next two hours, as described below in the sections

Mode of application

If the time of the prescribed procedure allows, then the split-dose regimen is preferable to the one-time regimen on the eve of the procedure. A single dose regimen on the eve of the procedure is potentially suitable as an alternative regimen.

1 Two-step application mode

Day before the procedure:

The evening before the procedure (for example, at 18.00) you must follow the following instructions:

  • The contents of one bottle of Esiclene should be poured into the supplied measuring cup and diluted with water to the mark (i.e. to a volume of 0.5 l).
  • Over the next two hours, the patient should drink the resulting solution and an additional two measuring glasses of water or clear liquid (i.e., about 1 liter).

Day of procedure:

On the morning of the procedure, between 05.00-06.00, you must repeat the steps according to the instructions for the evening before:

  • The contents of the second bottle of Esiclene should be poured into the supplied measuring cup and diluted with water to the mark (i.e. to a volume of 0.5 l).
  • Over the next two hours, the patient should drink the resulting solution and an additional two measuring glasses of water or clear liquid (i.e., about 1 liter).

The full volume of the diluted Esiclene solution and an additional amount of water or clear liquid should be completed at least 2 hours and no later than 4 hours before the start of the procedure.

2 One-step application mode

(application mode for use depending on the individual needs of the patient)

Day before the procedure:

The evening before the procedure (for example, at 18:00):

  • The contents of one bottle of Esiclene should be poured into the supplied measuring cup and diluted with water to the mark (i.e. to a volume of 0.5 l).
  • Over the next two hours, the patient should drink the resulting solution and an additional two measuring glasses of water or clear liquid (i.e., about 1 liter).

Approximately 2 hours after starting the first dose:

  • The contents of the second bottle of Esiclene should be poured into the supplied measuring cup and diluted with water to the mark (i.e. to a volume of 0.5 l).
  • Over the next two hours, the patient should drink the resulting solution and an additional two measuring glasses of water or clear liquid (i.e., about 1 liter).

Preparation with Duphalac

Duphalac is another laxative that allows you to gently and effectively prepare the intestines for endoscopic examination.

The drug should be taken the day before, 2 hours after a light lunch. The entire bottle of Duphalac (200 ml) is diluted in 2 liters of plain water. Drink the prepared solution in sips, and the entire volume should be consumed within 2–3 hours.

Bowel movement begins 1 to 3 hours after starting to take Duphalac and ends 2 to 3 hours after taking the final dose. With the help of the drug Duphalac, preparation for the procedure is carried out gently and very comfortably for the patient.

During colonoscopy under sedation (intravenous anesthesia)

It is necessary to maintain a fasting period of at least 8 hours and at least 4 hours without water. On this day it is not recommended to drive a car, operate any machinery, or make important decisions. It is advisable to be met and escorted home.

When making an appointment for gastro + colonoscopy, two-stage preparation is not suitable, since the patient must come to gastroscopy on an empty stomach, not eat or DRINK!

IMPORTANT: In case of concomitant pathology of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, preparation with MOVIPREP is more justified.

After completing the examination and receiving the results of a colonoscopy, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.

Little tricks (for Fortrans):

  1. To improve the taste of the solution, you can cool it by placing it in the refrigerator the evening before the test.
  2. To improve the taste of the solution, you can dilute 1 packet with 900 ml of water + 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice without pulp and zest.
  3. It is recommended to drink clean water, which should be stopped three hours before the procedure. After this, any drinking before the procedure is not recommended.
  4. Drink one glass every 15-20 minutes until you have drunk the entire recommended 3-liter volume. You can take a break every hour during this process. And it is advisable to distract yourself with some household chores.

Diet before colonoscopy with Moviprep

If the procedure is scheduled for a time between 10:00 and 14:00, then it is better for the patient to adhere to a two-stage scheme.

  • The day before the appointed date, you can consume any product from the permitted list presented above for breakfast. A light breakfast is allowed, and for lunch only liquid food is allowed.
  • From 18:00 to 19:00 you will need to drink the first liter of Moviprep solution.
  • On the day of manipulation (from 6 to 7 am), the next liter of preparation is taken.
  • After each liter you drink, it is important to wash it down with 500 ml of liquid.


Remember that from the moment you start taking this drug until the colonoscopy, it is better to avoid eating altogether and you can drink clear water. This will help the intestines to efficiently clear the contents.

General principles

Tell your doctor what medications you are taking. Activated carbon, medications based on bismuth and iron should be discontinued before the study. For other drugs, dosage adjustment is necessary.

If you suffer from constipation, you should start taking laxatives at least a week in advance. For people with constipation for more than a week, a combination of laxatives and an increased dosage is recommended. This will allow you to cleanse your body well.

When preparing for a colonoscopy, Vaseline oil orally and in the form of enemas is contraindicated.

Plant-based sedatives will help you feel comfortable during a colonoscopy. They must be taken for several days before the procedure. Calmness during the examination will help the patient undergo it painlessly, and the doctor will be able to obtain diagnostically important data.

How to prepare properly:

Knowing what you can eat before a colonoscopy can provide better information. As a rule, start a diet

three days before the procedure
. Its essence is to rid the body of intestinal contents (discussed by many: toxins and toxic substances, disposal of harmful gas-forming products, dietary fiber, feces) and coloring substances that can distort the color of the mucous membrane, the image. In addition, a slag-free diet helps normalize stool, preventing the development of constipation, diarrhea, bloating and the formation of large feces that make it difficult to pass through the endoscope.

This medical procedure may be accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen due to excessive “bloating” with air, which is introduced through the endoscope, if there is “excess content” in the lumen. But maintaining the recommended diet before a colonoscopy can reduce discomfort by improving preparation without obstructing the view of the camera and the endoscope. If you suffer from constipation, you will need to talk to your doctor, who may prescribe a course of daily laxatives.

Day before the procedure

The patient’s proper morning during this period should begin with a light breakfast. It can be semolina porridge, yogurt, cottage cheese. You can first drink a glass of clean water, and 15 minutes after that you can start eating. After breakfast and until the completion of the study, it is forbidden to eat solid food; you must drink only clear liquids (teas, still water, juices).

Lunch must take place no later than 15:00. You can drink any broth (clear, strained). From 17:00 on the day before a colonoscopy, you can start taking a special drug to cleanse the intestines.

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