perinatal screening
Perinatal screening - mandatory examination of the fetus
Ultrasound is widely used for examination during pregnancy. After all, this method is easy to carry out,
Gastroscopy, endoscopy
The correct interpretation of the FGDS conclusion and the established norm: how to decipher what the doctor said?
Doctors Prices for services Name of service Cost A03.16.001 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 3650 rub. FGDS (including IV
Ultrasound of the intestine: how is it done, what does the study show?
Author: Daniil Rafaelevich Markaryan, senior researcher at the Department of Surgery, International Research Center, coloproctologist, oncologist, surgeon 0 (Voted:
Approaching birth
Due date: all the ways to find out when the baby is born
One of the very first and most pressing questions of expectant mothers: when to expect an appearance?
In what cases is breast ultrasound necessary?
Ultrasound of the mammary glands during feeding allows timely diagnosis of inflammatory and congestive complications, which are often
The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy before the delay
Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous gynecological pathology during which a fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus.
The essence of colonoscopy: what is it for, how is it done and what are the indications
Home » How to do colonoscopy of the intestines Today in medicine there is a huge range
liver diseases on ultrasound and tests
Gastroenterologist at SM-Clinic spoke about liver fibrosis
The liver is the largest gland responsible for digestion. The liver produces bile, which is useful
Is it possible to determine the sex of a baby by ultrasound at 12 weeks?
doctor ultrasound of the fetus - a procedure that pregnant women must undergo during the entire period of gestation
Ultrasound of the pelvis with an internal sensor: vaginal and transvaginal – MEDSI
What is a vaginal ultrasound? Vaginal (transvaginal) ultrasound examination of the pelvis is performed using
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