Folk remedies for blood sugar: simple and effective methods, advice and recommendations from doctors

  • July 22, 2018
  • Other states
  • Valieva Olga

Increased blood sugar occurs most often with diabetes. In rare cases, this condition is observed in completely healthy people. At such moments, they feel severe weakness and dizziness, which are suddenly replaced by vigor. External signs – possibly dilated pupils, pale skin, inappropriate behavior, chills. How to regulate the decrease in blood sugar using folk remedies is described in detail in this article.

Causes of increase and first symptoms of diabetes mellitus

There is an opinion that blood sugar can only increase with diabetes. This is mistake. An increase in the indicator also occurs in the following conditions and diseases:

  • physical activity that provoked an increase in heart rate to 130-135 beats per minute with an untrained heart;
  • eating large amounts of sweets, fruits, baked goods (these are all sources of simple carbohydrates that directly affect sugar levels even in completely healthy people);
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages (beer and low-alcohol cocktails are especially insidious in this regard);
  • chronic fatigue and stressful situations against its background.

Diabetes mellitus is an incurable metabolic and endocrine system disease that develops as a result of impaired absorption and production of insulin. One of the first symptoms of this disease is an increase in sugar levels. In parallel, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • constant thirst, dry mucous membranes and skin;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • irritability and anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • weakness, low performance.


In addition to diet and traditional methods, to normalize blood glucose levels, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This means that you must initially give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, since alcoholic drinks contain a lot of sugar and have a high hypoglycemic index.

They also negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas and liver, which ensure the synthesis and utilization of glucose. It is very important to gradually increase or maintain physical activity at the proper level, that is, to be active most of the time. This is due to the fact that during physical activity muscles work, and their activity requires glucose.

The result is that the more a person moves, the more sugar is wasted, which leads to a decrease in its level. Therefore, an excellent addition to treatment would be regular trips to the gym, swimming pool and just exercise at home or regular walks.

Differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Endocrinologists distinguish two types of diabetes mellitus – type 1 and type 2 (depending on insulin resistance). Reducing blood sugar using folk remedies will be carried out using different methods in each case.

  1. The first type is insulin dependent. Occurs when pancreatic cells do not produce the hormone insulin in sufficient quantities. It is he who is responsible for the processing and absorption of sugar. In the absence of an externally administered hormone, a patient with this type of disease will fall into a coma and die without proper therapy. People suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent) should not rely on folk remedies that lower blood sugar. If something goes wrong, the effect of the medicinal plant is insufficient, or the patient has an individual intolerance to the components from the recipe, the matter can end in death. In type 1 diabetes, the patient needs to inject insulin subcutaneously every day.
  2. The second type is insulin-independent. Patients with this type of diabetes suffer from similar symptoms. But they do not need injections of the hormone. Most often, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in older people who are obese or overweight. Folk remedies for blood sugar in this type of disease are very effective. At the first stage of the disease, you can not start taking medications, but try to adhere to a strict diet. Its essence is that it excludes the consumption of foods high in simple carbohydrates. At the same time, you need to use folk remedies for blood sugar. This dual therapy will significantly improve the patient’s well-being.

The use of traditional methods of treatment for type 1 diabetes

Is it advisable to try to lower blood sugar with folk remedies for insulin-dependent diabetes? No, it's rather dangerous. The artificial hormone insulin is completely safe and completely similar in structural formula to human insulin. If you try to refuse injections and be treated with traditional methods, the patient will most likely fall into an insulin coma, after which death is possible.

Folk remedies for lowering blood sugar, effective and safe, are best used for type 2 diabetes. Even if the prescription does not work for some reason, there is a chance that the patient will not fall into a coma. In this case, the decision to replace pharmacological treatment with folk remedies will not cost him his life. With an insulin-dependent type of diabetes, the patient may simply not be satisfied with one of the components included in the recipe, and he will fall into a coma.

Why do folk remedies for blood sugar not work in some cases? Most often because there is an individual intolerance to one of the components of the recipe. In this case, it simply ceases to have any effect on the body: the cells of the immune system perceive the metabolites of such a substance as a threat to life.

Sugar substitutes

In cases where it is too difficult for a person to give up consuming sugar even with elevated levels in the blood, substitutes can come to the rescue.

The most famous is Aspartame, which is usually added to tea or coffee - it dissolves well in hot and cold water, contains no calories and has no side effects. Based on aspartame, a safe sweetener Argoslastin was created, even sweeter, but completely safe and has zero calories.

In turn, industrial fructose is difficult to dose, although it is sweeter than sugar, and in an overdose, this substitute leads to excess uric acid and triglycerides.

Long-term consumption of Xylitol impairs vision and causes dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, and Saccharin is not absorbed by the body, therefore it is completely prohibited in some countries.

Folk remedies that lower blood sugar: list

Which recipes are safe and at the same time effective can be found below. The principle of action of each component, the necessary proportions and possible side effects are described in detail:

  1. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs lower sugar levels and heal the body due to the content of bioflavonoids in the leaves, stems, and roots. These are substances rich in amino acids, vitamins, and microelements. Some of them can affect the composition of the blood. Usually, decoctions are more effective, that is, a freshly prepared mixture of herbs, water and other ingredients. It will become an infusion after standing in a cool place for more than a day. At the same time, some of the bioflavonoids lose their properties, and it will not be possible to quickly lower blood sugar using folk remedies with herbs. A fresh decoction is always more effective - it is guaranteed to work, usually within twenty minutes.
  2. Fruit juices can bring both benefits and harm when sugar levels rise. If the squeeze was made from a fruit whose pulp has a high glycemic index, then the indicator will rise even more. This can cause coma in the sick person. If the juice was squeezed from a fruit with a low glycemic index, it will help lower the sugar level to the reference value.
  3. Vegetable broth, as a rule, is on the table of any diabetic. This decoction, prepared from vegetables with a low glycemic index, perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates body cells with beneficial vitamins, amino acids and microelements.
  4. Performing simple physical exercises that will force the body to use up newly received carbohydrates is another traditional medicine method that answers the question of how to lower blood sugar in diabetes. This method is only suitable for people with the first stage of the disease. At later stages of the disease, physical exercise can cause a deterioration in the condition. You should be as careful as possible with this method of reducing sugar in diabetes. If a large amount of simple carbohydrates was eaten (more than two hundred grams), physical activity simply will not be able to burn such an amount of sugar.

Foods that inhibit glucose

The main diabetic spice that helps reduce blood glucose levels is cinnamon. Its hypoglycemic effect lies in its ability to inhibit gluconeogenesis (the process of glucose formation from amino acids obtained during the processing of protein foods). It is recommended to add cinnamon to drinks (tea, coffee, drinking yogurt, fruit juice). The spice can be used to flavor curd desserts. Cinnamon is a tasty and healthy component of apple pies prepared at home according to special recipes for diabetics.

An important vitamin component of a diabetic diet is berries. Many garden and forest varieties have a hypoglycemic effect and have a low glycemic index. The most useful berries:

  • Blueberry. Preserves the vascular system of the visual organs from damage, which helps prevent retinopathy, a severe complication of diabetes.
  • Kalina. Reduces blood pressure, prevents the accumulation of low-density lipotropes (“bad” cholesterol).
  • Sea ​​buckthorn. Increases the immune status of the body, stimulates digestion and carbohydrate metabolism.

The berries are used as a base for drinks, added to cheesecakes, curd mousses and casseroles, and baked goods for diabetics. The right drinks:

  • Tea with cinnamon, lemon and orange.
  • Ginger tea drink.
  • Fresh vegetable juices (tomato, beetroot, cabbage).
  • Compote of healthy berries.

An effective hypoglycemic drink is prepared from chicory root. The plant contains essential oils, bioflavonoids, and the prebiotic inulin. The main menu is based on products and dishes from vegetables, cereals, grains and legumes. Some foods are recommended to be included in your daily diet because they help stabilize blood sugar.

Healthy fruit and vegetable set

Turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, celery, gingerCabbage (all types, including sauerkraut), cucumbers, zucchini, garlic, onionsLemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, limes

Among grains and cereals, oats and buckwheat are recommended. For high sugar they are used as follows:

  • Pour buckwheat (25 grams or a tablespoon) into a glass of fermented milk drink (kefir, yogurt, natural drinking yogurt) overnight. Eat the next morning, on an empty stomach, and no later than half an hour before breakfast.
  • Grind the oat grains. Brew at the rate of 1 cup per liter of water. Let it brew for 30–40 minutes. Eat a little before main meals.

Traditional medicine methods are time-tested, but each patient has individual characteristics of the body. A course of herbal remedies should be started with caution and after the approval of the treating endocrinologist.

Herbs that lower sugar levels

List of plants whose leaves and stems (both fresh and dry) affect blood sugar levels:

  • dandelion;
  • laurel color;
  • nettle;
  • clover;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort.

From any of the plants listed above, you can prepare both a decoction and an infusion. Should be taken on an empty stomach, twenty minutes before meals. The total duration of the course is no more than a month.

If the purpose of the intake is to quickly reduce blood sugar using folk remedies, then you should take the herbal decoction after meals:

  1. St. John's wort has a sedative and calming effect. At the same time, it effectively reduces the concentration of sugar, as it stimulates the functioning of pancreatic cells. The tissues begin to produce insulin, and even a small amount of it promotes the absorption of sugar. As a result, its concentration in the blood decreases rapidly.
  2. Yarrow not only quickly lowers sugar levels, but also heals the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. All patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are recommended to drink courses of yarrow decoction from time to time for preventive purposes. If the patient also has diabetes, you can kill two birds with one stone. Bioflavonoids contained in yarrow have a complex healing effect on the body.
  3. Nettle has many beneficial properties: it thins the blood, promotes detoxification and lowers sugar levels. It is optimal to drink nettle decoction in courses of one month several times a year. The decoction should be prepared concentrated, two to three tablespoons of dry nettle per half liter of water, boil for half an hour. It is optimal to take half an hour before meals, but if necessary, it can be taken after eating simple carbohydrates.

Drinks to reduce sugar

In addition to various infusions and paste-like mixtures, drinks made from berries, fruits, vegetables, etc. are good for lowering glucose. Means that help normalize blood sugar include:

  • green tea, hibiscus;
  • tea or decoction of linden;
  • chicory drink (contains inulin - a plant analogue of insulin);
  • brewed hawthorn and rose hips;
  • hot drinks made from blackberry and currant leaves.

Attention! It is very important not to forget that medicinal herbal teas should be combined with drinking enough clean water, drinking at least 2 liters per day.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing drinks that lower sugar, and only a small part is described here, but the most effective ones have been selected, that is, those that can quickly remove excess sugar from the body. Natural vegetable juices help get rid of hyperglycemia well. In addition, they are also very beneficial for the body.

It is recommended to include tomato, squash, pumpkin and potato juices in your diet. They should be taken freshly squeezed on an empty stomach. Optimally 2 times a day. Chicory also helps reduce glucose levels; it is recommended to replace black tea and coffee. It's very easy to prepare.

Place 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiling water and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then drink it like regular tea. You can also use chicory root - grind it and pour 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then infuse and drink 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Juices are one of the simple folk ways to lower sugar

Tea made from rose hips perfectly stabilizes blood composition. Its berries should be crushed, poured with water and left to brew overnight, after which you should drink half a glass several times a day. Oat decoction also reduces glucose concentration. Oatmeal is boiled for about 15 minutes in a water bath, and then infused and drunk in small portions several times a day.

Sauerkraut juice is considered an equally effective remedy. It allows you to quickly bring down high sugar levels and maintain its normal level. Regular intake of this juice will allow the patient to forget about the troubles associated with hyperglycemia. It is recommended to drink juice one third of a glass 3 times a day.

You can normalize blood sugar well and for a long time by taking kefir with the addition of cinnamon. Add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a glass of kefir, then stir well. It is recommended to drink this remedy at night. A stable decrease in glucose is provided by drinks made from lilac buds, currant and blueberry leaves, clover and nettle.

Sometimes products are prepared from them with the addition of alcohol, which are pre-infused for several hours. This folk treatment is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, blood glucose must be monitored. As a rule, therapy in this way is carried out for a month, and then after a 2-3 week break is repeated.

Herbal infusions: complex effects for lowering sugar

The most effective use of herbs involves mixing them. A quick decrease in blood sugar using folk remedies is possible within ten minutes. Using herbs in their pure form (for example, a decoction of one nettle or one yarrow) is also an effective method, but the effect will be long-lasting, up to half an hour.

  1. Mix two tablespoons of dry crushed nettle with one teaspoon of dry dandelion stem. Pour boiling water (20-300 ml) and let it brew for one to two hours. Take before every meal. This collection will allow you to achieve optimal sugar levels. If the food contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, the effect of the herbal mixture will be weaker.
  2. Mix about 50 grams of dry crushed yarrow, the same amount of St. John's wort and nettle. Boil for fifteen minutes in 500 ml of clean water. This infusion not only reduces sugar (diabetes is a direct indication for the regular use of these herbs), but also alleviates the patient’s condition with gastritis, peptic ulcers, erosions of the stomach and esophagus.

Vegetable broths: benefits and harms

Patients with diabetes always face a dilemma: what to eat to feel full and at the same time prevent an increase in blood sugar? For several decades, modern pharmacology has studied the properties of vegetables and their effect on insulin production.

As a result, medicine adopted the old folk recipe. Its essence is that vegetable decoctions give vigor, increase performance, and improve complexion. This miraculous effect on well-being is achieved due to the fact that blood sugar levels decrease. Our ancestors did not know anything about the composition of tissues and organs, but were able to find a remedy to improve the condition of diabetes.

Here is a list of vegetables, the broth of which promotes satiety and at the same time lowers sugar:

  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • asparagus;
  • spinach;
  • eggplant;
  • radish;
  • turnip.

You can use one vegetable or all at once. If you chop the zucchini, shred 200 grams of cabbage, add a clove of garlic and a little green onion, you will get a healthy and tasty soup.

The leader in lowering blood sugar is citrus fruits. Lemons, grapefruits and oranges can stimulate insulin production even in people with a diseased pancreas. These fruits can be eaten raw or added to various hot dishes. If you wish, you can prepare your own juice and drink it before each meal.

Egg and lemon - a time-tested recipe

This method of reducing sugar levels is rarely to anyone's taste. Beat one egg until smooth and squeeze the juice from one lemon into the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly, add salt if desired.

Take the entire mixture at once when symptoms of high blood sugar appear. As soon as the patient begins to feel weak and dizzy after eating, he needs to go and make a mixture of eggs and lemon. Relief occurs on average half an hour after taking the drug.

Many patients are categorically against this method. The taste of beaten egg with lemon is very specific and unpleasant. Some people feel the urge to vomit.

If the taste of the drink is not satisfactory, then you can use an egg with lemon juice at least every day. Unlike herbal infusions, this method is not capable of causing addiction or an overdose of any substances in the body.

Ways to regulate blood sugar during pregnancy

In the first two trimesters of pregnancy, the indicator may rise or fall sharply. Because of this, the woman feels unwell: sweating increases, headaches, severe weakness and shortness of breath. Most medications are prohibited during pregnancy, as they may have a toxic effect on the fetus.

The most effective way is to follow the rules of dietary nutrition. A pregnant woman should completely exclude foods containing simple carbohydrates from her diet:

  1. Potatoes, beets, carrots, and pumpkin have a high glycemic index. They are prohibited for consumption by people with a predisposition to diabetes. You should avoid dishes made from these vegetables during pregnancy if your sugar level constantly rises after eating.
  2. Chocolate, marshmallows, marshmallows, cakes, pastries - all sweets, both factory-made and home-made, should be eliminated from the diet. This step is guaranteed to reduce your sugar levels. In the first two weeks, you will miss the usual sweets, and then your metabolism will adjust to proper nutrition and the cravings will disappear.
  3. Bakery products are another reason for increased blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman. You should abandon them completely or replace them with black Borodino bread.


First of all, avoiding white bread, pastries and all sweet foods and drinks will help reduce blood glucose levels.

If diabetes has already been diagnosed, then the attending physician will set strict dietary restrictions, but if the increase in glucose is only a temporary concern, then you should start adhering to the following recommendations in advance:

  • Any alcoholic drinks should be completely excluded.
  • All spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods should be removed from the diet.
  • You should exclude sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, etc.), potatoes, pasta, mushrooms, and pork from the menu. These foods cause a sharp spike in blood sugar.
  • It is necessary to eat a lot of food rich in fiber - fresh vegetables, bran.
  • The total caloric content of the diet should be reduced if possible.
  • It is advisable to eat food in small portions, but often enough.
  • Carbohydrate-rich foods should be consumed in the first half of the day.
  • It is advised to replace regular bread with whole grain bread containing bran, and animal fats with vegetable fats.
  • It is important to maintain a drinking regime: drink enough water per day.

Traditional methods of reducing sugar in pregnant women

If a pregnant woman decides to use herbal decoctions, then before starting treatment she should consult with her gynecologist. Ordinary nettle (which is a proven folk remedy to increase blood sugar) is not at all so harmless; in some cases, it can increase the tone of the uterus and contribute to the onset of premature contractions.

It is optimal to use mint and St. John's wort during pregnancy. It should be noted that the latter has pronounced sedative properties.

Folk remedies for blood sugar during pregnancy - decoctions, herbal infusions, vegetable broths. Every day you can replace dinner with a decoction of cauliflower and zucchini with added salt. This “soup” will fill you up without causing an increase in blood sugar levels.


According to doctors, regular and feasible physical activity can lower blood sugar and keep it at a normal level.

To do this, you don’t need to do anything special - just do morning exercises, walk as much as possible, choose the most suitable type of sports activity for yourself (biking, rollerblading, swimming, etc.) and, if possible, visit a fitness club.

If there is such an opportunity, then you should choose an adequate type of exercise for yourself - Pilates, yoga, aerobics or other programs, based on your health indicators and the recommendations of specialists.

Exercise to lower blood sugar levels

Lowering blood sugar with folk remedies involves not only the use of herbs, vegetables, and citrus fruits. Exercises from the school physical education program familiar to us all are very effective for this purpose.

Sugar spikes most often after eating simple carbohydrates. There is not enough insulin in the blood to absorb all the metabolites. As a result, the body begins to be poisoned with sugars. The patient feels unwell, may lose consciousness, or fall into a coma.

If he starts doing intense exercise at a high pace, sugar will begin to be used directly for energy. This method is effective if the excess of metabolites is not critical. If there is a lot of sugar in the blood (indicator above ten units), then starting to exercise is a bad idea, this can provoke a deterioration in the condition.

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