How to make a urine test bad: methods and answers from doctors

Anything can happen in life and sometimes it happens that you need to fake a urine test and make it look bad. There are many reasons why a person might need this, and they are different for everyone. In such situations, people are concerned about how to achieve this and what needs to be done, because not everyone knows what is needed for this. You will learn how you can imagine a urine test to be bad from this article, which contains various methods and advice from doctors. Let's get started!

Urine test

In order to take a urine test, you need to follow certain rules. There are certain rules that allow you to take the test and get the correct results. For example, before the test you should not eat anything that could affect the color of your urine. Such products include bright berries, and before donating urine, it is necessary to carry out personal hygiene procedures. As for the first portion of urine, there is no need to collect it, only the subsequent biomaterial. Using all this information, it will not be difficult to figure out how to make a bad urine test so that protein is found. You need to do the opposite.

Fifth look. Russian-conscript

The Dyna-Tek executive's phone is ringing off the hook. The most varied and unexpected proposals and applications are received, even from areas that were difficult to imagine at first. For example, one of the companies producing disposable diapers wants to test their products “for durability” with the help of Surine.

However, not everything is so clean and smooth. Semi-legal organizations have already become interested in synthetic urine, offering to sell it to people to falsify tests and deceive doctors. Oh, I see that the young men of military age in our audience fidgeted with interest. Well, let's dwell on this topic in more detail.

Of course, Diches, as a law-abiding citizen, indignantly rejected such an unworthy proposal. However, the idea remains and it is very much alive. You can verify this by looking at one online store, where similar synthetic urine is sold in small wholesale in small bottles. The idea is simple: we take a bottle, heat it to the temperature of human urine, check it with a special thermal indicator strip, then dissolve a tablet with the required sample in the heated urine. You can imitate anything - from diabetes to pregnancy.

Young people, sit down where you rushed to? Girl from the front row, this applies to you too; a positive urine test is not enough to simulate pregnancy. However, as for all other diseases. There is no doubt that the new product will soon reach the vast expanses of Russia, which are simply teeming with those who want to “escape” the army by any means necessary. I must disappoint you - synthetic urine will not help them.

Military medical examination, and indeed all medicine in general, is not accustomed to making a diagnosis based only on one analysis. It is necessary to have a clinical picture of the disease, confirming X-ray, instrumental and a number of other studies, which are very problematic to fake. The same deception with diabetes will be instantly revealed if you do a blood test. What are you saying? Is it possible to fake blood?

Theoretically, of course, it is possible. After all, there have been reports of the creation of artificial blood in Japan and the United States, and even in Russia, blood substitutes based on perfluorocarbons are used, which can transfer oxygen to tissues.

But in practice, you can recognize any fake. So you shouldn’t rely on artificial urine, artificial blood, or even artificial brains equipped with artificial intelligence. Everything depends on the person himself, on his natural abilities and natural capabilities. We will rely on them. The lecture is over, everyone is free. Girl from the front row, what are you doing tonight?...

Alexey Vodovozov


Among all pathologies of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis is one of the most common. It is diagnosed in 33-40% of cases when urological pathologies are suspected. At the same time, males may be much more susceptible to this disease.

However, specific preparation is required for certain types of analysis. For example, before testing urine for catecholamines, it will be important to refuse treatment with certain medications, and you will also need to limit physical and mental stress. A few days before the oxalate test, you will not need to take medications with increased vitamin C content. A specialist should tell you about the nuances. Only after all preparatory procedures have been completed is it possible to begin collecting urine.

Let's pay attention to the fact that you can slightly violate certain rules for passing urine so that the result is negative. As you can see, you don't have to put in a lot of effort to break these rules. And the question of how to make a general urine test bad can be considered closed.

What blood indicators may be present for ARVI?

First of all, attention is paid to blood leukocytes. In many diseases, their number deviates from the norm. This also happens in the case of ARVI, due to the reaction of the immune system to the presence of infectious agents in the body.

Diseases of bacterial etiology are more characterized by leukocytosis (increased number of white blood cells), but viral infections more often result in leukopenia (low number of white blood cells).

Indicative in a general blood test for ARVI is ESR. This indicator increases, but, as a rule, not immediately, but only 2-3 days after the onset of the disease.

The most effective means to degrade analysis

As we have already seen, there are many ways to do bad urine and blood tests. And one of them is the use of pharmaceuticals. These include the following drugs:

  • "Metformin" - this drug is prescribed quite often. It is often used to treat diabetes, and its use can also negatively affect the result of a urine test.
  • Fluoxetine is a popular medication prescribed to treat depression; this medication causes false positive results in urine tests for various types of drugs.
  • Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant that is also used to treat chronic pain, neuropathy and migraine; consuming it may result in a false-positive urine test result, which may indicate the presence of the hallucinogen LSD (lysyrginic acid deethelamide) in the body.
  • Labetalol is a beta blocker that is used to control blood pressure and can also show the presence of amphetamine, methamphetamine and LSD in the urine.
  • Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a drug used to treat ADHD and has also been cited as a common cause of false positive tests for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and LSD.
  • Sertraline is an antidepressant. It may test positive for the presence of benzodiazepines and LSD.
  • Tramadol is a prescription-only drug, which makes it difficult to use. It is used to relieve pain.
  • Quetiapine (Seroquel) is an atypical antipsychotic/antipsychotic drug that is often used to treat ailments such as various mental illnesses. A urine drug test in such a case can show the presence of methadone in the body.

Tests for urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects both children, men and women. You may hear this diagnosis if you go to the doctor complaining of painful and frequent urination. Let's try to figure out what tests will help with this disease.

The urinary tract includes the pathway from the kidneys to the outside. These are the ureters (tubes that go from the kidneys to the bladder), the bladder, and the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside).

How do UTIs manifest?

  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, above the bladder (above the pubic bone)
  • Frequent urge (wanting to urinate)
  • Small amounts of urine at a time
  • Urine is cloudy, dark, with an unpleasant odor, with blood.
  • Men may have painful ejaculation
  • Fever, chills, nausea and lower back pain are more indicative of kidney damage.

Who is the Culprit of a UTI?

Most UTIs are caused by bacteria that are normally found in the intestines. This is the so-called E. coli. But other bacteria, such as Staphylococcus, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterococcus and Pseudomonas, can cause infection. Against the background of problems with the immune system, autoimmune diseases and diabetes, you are more likely to get a UTI from a variety of pathogens.

A special group are sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia and mycoplasma.

Anatomy is important

If the infection is in the kidneys, doctors call it pyelonephritis. If it is in the bladder - cystitis. If there is inflammation in the urethra - urethritis. Kidney infection is a serious condition. It is often provoked by congenital disorders of the urinary tract and immunodeficiency conditions. Pyelonephritis can complicate the course of pregnancy, and repeated cases impair kidney function.

Infections of the lower urinary tract are much more common. Women are more likely to get UTIs because their urethra is much shorter. The urethral opening is located closer to the anus and intestinal bacteria penetrate the urethra more easily. Wet contact during sex also makes it easier for bacteria from the vagina and anus to enter the urethra.

In men, UTIs are often associated with prostate problems and sexually transmitted infections.

What can cause a UTI?

  • Previous episodes of UTI
  • Diseases that affect the innervation of the bladder (diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries)
  • Menopause in women or use of local contraceptives
  • Overweight
  • Conditions that block the flow of urine (kidney stones, enlarged prostate in men)
  • Mostly anal sex

What can be seen in the analyzes

In case of the above complaints, the first thing doctors do is ask you to take a general urine test. It is collected in the morning, after washing with clean water. It is advisable to collect the entire portion of urine in a clean container, mix and pour some into a sterile container. A general urine test will show the presence of leukocytes, blood and bacteria.

If you need to look more closely at the content of leukocytes and blood (erythrocytes), only the middle portion of urine is collected and tested according to Nechiporenko. In this case, they begin to urinate in the toilet, collect the middle portion of urine in a container and finish urinating also in the toilet.

A urine culture can determine the type of bacteria causing the infection. It will also help the doctor choose an antibiotic for treatment.

In sexually active girls and young people, it is justified to conduct PCR studies of smears from the urogenital tract for sexually transmitted infections. Because these pathogens are not detected in routine urine cultures.

How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

  • When you shower or bathe, wash and wipe your perineum from front to back. Do the same when wiping after urinating or defecating.
  • Wash the area between the anus and genitals.
  • Avoid prolonged urinary retention (if you want to go to the toilet, go).
  • It is advisable to urinate before and after sex and use a condom.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing and nylon underwear for long periods of time.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) to prevent dehydration.

How else can you make a urine test look bad?

What to do if you do not have the funds to buy medicines? This happens, and we hasten to please you, because this is not a problem! There are still options for making a urine test bad. Kidneys, as you know, are a filter. You can eat unhealthy foods the day before the test. But it is better to prevent such effects on the body and use the following options. These include:

  1. Drop some blood and glucose. This will help you mess up your urine test.
  2. Try to drink liquid in very small quantities, eat a lot of salty and spicy foods. Do not wash your face in the morning and collect your urine. This method will also help you ruin your own tests.
  3. You can try to negotiate with your doctor to slightly adjust the tests. Of course, this option should be left as a last resort, but this can also happen.

Third look. Modern laboratory

The era of industrialization in laboratory diagnostics began not so long ago. Doctors and laboratory assistants had to delve into urine right up until the end of the last, 20th century, when powerful computer laboratory machines appeared - closed-type biochemical analyzers. No, the girl is in the front row, this does not mean that they are locked, they have that name because a person does not interfere with the technological process while performing the analysis.

The laboratory operator simply needs to load urine or blood samples into the analyzer and then simply print out the received data. The machine will do the rest itself under computer control.

The main problem is the reliability of the research. In other words, you need to find in the sample what is really there. And, preferably, not to find something that was not there in the first place. This problem is solved by fine-tuning the equipment, creating so-called “controls” and calibrators - reference samples, by which the accuracy of the research is determined.

Until recently, manufacturers of laboratory equipment and reagents acted simply: they took the most ordinary human urine and used it to test the accuracy of the analyzers and the sensitivity of the reagents. No, the girl in the front row, they didn’t collect urine from their employees, although I like your way of thinking. They purchased the straw-yellow liquid necessary for research. Yes, you heard right, they purchased it, and, mind you, for money and in huge quantities.

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