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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune inflammatory disease of the connective tissue of the joints. Pathological processes
Hematocrit - what is it, what does it depend on? Hematocrit analysis provides data on the ratio
Hyperbilirubinemia (HBN) is not an independent disease, but a laboratory syndrome that occurs in many nosological conditions.
Gout Diabetes mellitus Atherosclerosis 41763 April 07 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be used
Pyelonephritis Diabetes mellitus Hepatitis Rheumatism 45893 October 27 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be
General information Eosinophilia is diagnosed in a patient if he has laboratory tests
Ferritin stores iron and transports it throughout the body to where it is needed. However, ferritin
What is all this for? Transnasal gastroscopy (“gastroscopy without swallowing”) is performed on patients who, due to
Colposcopy is a classic method for diagnosing gynecological diseases. Examining the condition of the vagina, vulva and cervix,
Cytological examination of smears from the cervix allows one to assess the condition of the mucous membrane, the presence or absence