Gastroscopy: indications, preparation and procedure
Gastroscopy: indications, preparation and procedure
Gastroscopy is one of the types of endoscopic examination of the patient, which is a visual examination of the walls
Lymphopenia - low lymphocytes in the blood: causes and symptoms
Read more about blood tests in our article “Hematological tests: norms and interpretation of results.”
Basic functions of platelets
Raise platelets in the blood after chemotherapy
Why are platelets needed? Platelets ensure normal blood clotting. This function is based on the ability to
Femoflora research - real-time PCR
Study of femoflora. Indications and preparation A unique, high-precision method of clinical research using PCR for
Normal lipids and cholesterol levels
Normal blood sugar levels in men by age - table, deviations and therapy
Thyrotoxicosis Hepatitis Diabetes mellitus 49663 August 06 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be used
From what test: why test antibodies and how to do it correctly
When taking tests in paid laboratories, we receive a form in our hands indicating the result, and
Oxalate kidney stones: symptoms and treatment
How to improve your drinking regime? Of course, there is no need to force a child to drink water. When thirsty
Differences between Femoflor-16 and Femoflor Screen, indications for their use
If infections caused by opportunistic bacteria are not detected in time, they can cause problems
reference values
Reference (reference) values ​​/ Analysis standards
When we take the test in the laboratory, we receive a form with the results. Results may vary
What are leukocytes
Blood tests for suspected cancer: deciphering the norm of deviation
What do leukocytes show in a blood test? Now most laboratories are equipped with automatic counters that print
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