What is the difference: types of ultrasound (ultrasound examination)
Ultrasound diagnostics (sonography) is a popular, painless and highly informative method of examining patients with a variety of
“Empty sella” syndrome - is this disease dangerous?
Diseases localized in the area of ​​the skull and brain are certainly the most informative and safe for
Endoscopy of the knee joint - preparation for arthroscopy
Orthopedic traumatologist > Articles > 10 things you need to know about arthroscopy For correct prescription
Is it possible to take dental x-rays during pregnancy, will there be any harm?
02/27/2020 Most expectant mothers are faced with the need to treat their teeth during pregnancy. Growing baby takes
adenoids in a child
Examination of the nose in children using an endoscope
Endoscopy of the ENT organs is one of the most effective examination methods, which allows the doctor to examine hard-to-reach
ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy
Ultrasound at 37 weeks of pregnancy - the norm, how the baby develops
An ultrasound at the 37th week of pregnancy is prescribed to determine the degree of maturity of the child, as well as
X-ray of the lumbar spine with functional tests
X-ray of the spine with functional tests The most informative is considered to be radiography of the spine, which is carried out in a vertical position.
Diagnostics and x-ray of the nasal bones: when is it prescribed, what determines?
When is an X-ray of the nasal bones necessary? Among the main indications for radiography of the nasal bones are:
Removing adhesions after operations in the ostepata office: effectiveness and results
Treatment of adhesions is aimed both at removing existing adhesions and at preventing
Fetal size at 22 weeks gestation
22 week of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development, description
This week the baby looks just like a miniature newborn baby. His growth
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