Ultrasound diagnosis of varicose veins is carried out by a phlebologist, ultrasound doctor, Ph.D. Raskin V.V.
Ultrasound (USDG, USDS) - diagnosis of veins of the lower extremities
How is an ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities performed? Leading role in the diagnosis of varicose veins of the lower
pregnant woman with smiley faces on her belly
28th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother, tests, photos, ultrasound
Photo: UGC The long-awaited third trimester has begun, which brings the baby closer to birth every day.
Features of preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in children
Ultrasound of internal organs for children at the Markushka clinic
Price list Clinic doctors In pediatric gastroenterology, ultrasound diagnostics are in demand, namely gastric ultrasound (ultrasound
Pregnancy development chart
23rd week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother, photo, ultrasound
This week your baby weighs around 450-500 g. The skin is still covered
Reflection of the signal on the screen of an ultrasound scanner
Dopplerography of the veins of the lower extremities: preparation and indications for ultrasound examination
The essence of Doppler ultrasound ultrasound, or Doppler ultrasound, of the vessels of the lower extremities is a study based
Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system: injuries to the lower limb. Part 2
The soft tissues of our body include the skin, subcutaneous fat layer, lymph nodes, muscles and
Prenatal screening of the 2nd trimester (14-20 weeks) (venous blood) in Pavlovo
Many “advanced first-time parents” will be able to show you not only photos and videos of their child
No punctures! When is abdominal surgery inevitable and when is it not necessary?
Author of the material At the Center for Endovascular Surgery, Prof. Kapranov undergoes operations to remove uterine fibroids.
Colonoscopy of the intestine. Indications, methodology and preparation for the study. Virtual colonoscopy.
What is a colonoscopy? Colonoscopy (video colonoscopy) is a type of endoscopic examination during which all
Broad-based intestinal polyp identified on virtual (CT) colonoscopy
Doctors' opinions on virtual colonoscopy and patients who have already undergone it
Home / Departments / Computed tomography / CT of the intestine (virtual colonoscopy) Modern computed tomography
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