Blood clotting during pregnancy

A general blood test is one of the most common methods of laboratory diagnostics necessary for assessing the amount of hemoglobin, the number of constituent elements - red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, etc. Taking a sample of biological material (venous or capillary blood) is carried out by qualified specialists in compliance with the necessary set of aseptic measures and antiseptics.

To successfully conduct the study and obtain the most reliable results, the patient also needs to adhere to simple rules - avoid drinking alcohol and fatty foods, and donate blood on an empty stomach. What to do if, despite the fulfillment of the requirements on the part of the patient and the medical professional, the collected blood sample has clotted and cannot be used for analysis?

In this situation, there is no particular cause for concern - this phenomenon is quite common in medical practice under the name hemolysis. In this article, we will provide our readers with information about what reasons lead to the unsuitability of a biomaterial sample for research, what to do if blood clots during a blood test and how to insure yourself against such a situation.

Why did blood clot during analysis?

A general blood test is one of the most common methods of laboratory diagnostics necessary for assessing the amount of hemoglobin, the number of constituent elements - red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, etc. Taking a sample of biological material (venous or capillary blood) is carried out by qualified specialists in compliance with the necessary set of aseptic measures and antiseptics.

To successfully conduct the study and obtain the most reliable results, the patient also needs to adhere to simple rules - avoid drinking alcohol and fatty foods, and donate blood on an empty stomach. What to do if, despite the fulfillment of the requirements on the part of the patient and the medical professional, the collected blood sample has clotted and cannot be used for analysis?

In this situation, there is no particular cause for concern - this phenomenon is quite common in medical practice under the name hemolysis. In this article, we will provide our readers with information about what reasons lead to the unsuitability of a biomaterial sample for research, what to do if blood clots during a blood test and how to insure yourself against such a situation.

How to submit biological material correctly?

In the absence of appropriate preparation before testing, the resulting sample may become unsuitable for study. In laboratory diagnostics, blood from a vein is most often used - it is this material that provides practitioners with more detailed information about the biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Based on the final analysis data, the attending physician can accurately diagnose the pathological process and decide on the tactics of subsequent treatment measures.

However, to obtain accurate results, the patient needs to donate blood after following the relevant rules.

You should start preparing for the biomaterial collection procedure three days before the appointed time:

  • The consumption of alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks is prohibited.
  • Fatty, spicy and fried foods are excluded.
  • Smoking, psycho-emotional stress and physical activity are limited.

A sample of biomaterial is taken in the morning - from 8.00 to 11.00. It is advisable for the patient to have dinner on the eve of the study no later than 19.00, and it is necessary to refuse breakfast - it is allowed to drink a glass of purified water without gas. The child can be fed 2 hours before the procedure.

It is the hemolytic reaction, which is based on the physiological destruction of red blood cells, that most often leads to the impossibility of performing an analysis

Why did the blood clot during collection?

Failure to comply with generally accepted rules for preparing for analysis increases the risk of obtaining an incorrect result, as well as the likelihood of hemolysis in the test sample. This natural process, which occurs continuously in the human body, completing the life cycle of red blood cells, leads to their destruction and the release of hemoglobin into the environment. However, even if the patient has fulfilled all obligations before the study, there are other circumstances in which the blood can clot - which means that the removed sample becomes unsuitable for further work with it.

These include:

Blood test using ELISA method

  • The accelerated mode of blood sampling leads to an immediate hemolytic reaction; to prevent this from happening, blood is drawn into the syringe slowly.
  • Poorly performed tube processing - the collected blood may clot due to the presence of traces of previous biological material.
  • Getting a disinfectant into the needle - when treating the injection site with a swab moistened with 70% alcohol, the medical worker must wait until it dries and only then inject. Otherwise, osmotic hemolysis occurs - the destruction of red blood cells under the influence of substances with an active hemolyzing effect.
  • Insufficient amount of anticoagulant - to prevent the clotting of venous blood, a special reagent is added to the test tube; if the dose is incorrectly calculated, the resulting sample coagulates.
  • Violation of the conditions for transporting biomaterial samples from collection points to the laboratory center. The occurrence of a hemolytic reaction is facilitated by mechanical action, for example, shaking a test tube or keeping it on a vibrating surface. This type of hemolytic reaction is also observed in patients with prosthetic valve apparatus of the heart muscle.
  • Exposure to sunlight and low temperatures negatively affects blood components and triggers the mechanism of temperature hemolysis.

In some cases, the selected venous blood can be transfused into another tube - failure to follow the rules for sterilizing specialized vessels can cause a clotted sample.
Despite the many existing reasons, it is not difficult to avoid the possibility of a hemolytic reaction. To successfully carry out laboratory diagnostics, the patient must choose a medical institution with a good reputation. You can ask specialists in advance about the methods of blood sampling used, the preservatives used, the conditions for storing and transporting samples of biological material - the quality of the final research data depends on this.

In conclusion of the above information, I would like to remind readers that even if the blood sample has clotted and the analysis could not be performed, you should not be too nervous about this. The procedure should be repeated, taking into account the recommendations proposed in our article!

Blood clotting problems in children: when and how to treat?

— How common are hereditary diseases of the blood coagulation system?

— Among them, the most common is von Willebrand disease, a blood disease in which spontaneous bleeding occurs. It is detected in 1% of the population, but the symptomatic form affects 125 people per 1 million population.

Hemophilia A is also common, diagnosed in 1 in 5,000 newborn boys, and hemophilia B in 1 in 20,000 newborn boys.

Effective treatment has been developed for these diseases, but there is no way to eradicate the disease itself today.

— What are the symptoms and causes of hemophilia?

- Mild hemophilia may not manifest itself in any way and may be discovered after significant trauma or surgery. Signs of moderate hemophilia develop after a year. The occurrence of hematomas and prolonged bleeding after relatively minor injuries is typical. The severe form manifests itself already in the first year of life, as the child becomes more active. It manifests itself as soft tissue hematomas, bleeding from the mucous membranes, and hemorrhages in large joints.

Hemophilia is caused by a breakdown of the gene containing information on how to produce clotting factor VIII (in hemophilia A), IX (in hemophilia B). These factors are necessary to form a blood clot that will close the hole formed in the damaged vessel. If there are not enough of them, the rate of blood clot formation decreases sharply and bleeding continues longer than usual.

— How is hemophilia treated?

— The most accessible and widespread method is replacement therapy with clotting factor concentrates. They can be plasma, made from donor plasma, or recombinant, which are obtained using genetic engineering methods. Factor concentrates are administered intravenously by health care workers or by patients and their relatives themselves.

Treatment of hemophilia can be carried out on demand, that is, upon the occurrence of bleeding, or prophylactically, when the factor is administered regularly to prevent irreversible joint damage and disability, depending on the severity of the disease. Life does not stand still; clinical trials are being carried out on drugs that allow one to avoid intravenous injections and the need for frequent repeated administrations.

- For example?

— Analogs of coagulation factors that can circulate in the bloodstream for a long time, imitating the function of the missing factor, gene therapy.

— Is it true that only males suffer from hemophilia, and is it transmitted through the female line?

— Due to the nature of the inheritance of hemophilia, in the vast majority of cases this is true. However, in a marriage between a carrier woman and a hemophiliac man, there is a 25% chance of having a daughter with hemophilia. In addition, if a carrier girl has a missing or inactivated X chromosome with an intact gene, she will also suffer from hemophilia.

Why does blood taken for analysis from a vein clot?

Blood is an important material that allows us to identify many harmful bacteria that provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the body. But sometimes the blood test taken is invalid, the reason for this is its clotting, but why does it happen?

Lack of preparation for the test may cause the blood to be unsuitable for testing.

Almost every person, when an illness appears, is faced with a blood test from a vein. Indeed, blood from a vein allows us to learn about most of the processes occurring in the human body. Thanks to this material, the doctor is able to immediately find out by deciphering the analysis result whether there is an inflammatory process in the body and what treatment methods will be more effective in this situation. But in order to obtain accurate information, blood must be donated in accordance with all rules.

You should prepare for the test a couple of days before the appointed day. During this period, foods containing a high percentage of fat, as well as alcoholic beverages, are excluded from the diet. When donating blood from a vein, a person must have an empty stomach. If these requirements are not met, there is a high risk of not only obtaining an incorrect result, but also the inability to conduct a blood test due to hemolysis.

It is worth knowing that hemolysis - blood clotting - is a natural process that necessarily occurs with every red blood cell, the existence of which is about 120 days. After this period of time, every red blood cell in a person’s blood ends its existence by hemolysis.

What hemolysis is is often learned by the patient only when it turns out that the analysis failed due to blood clotting. Hemolysis is a natural process in which red blood cells undergo destruction, during which hemoglobin is released. It is this process that provokes blood clotting. You can avoid such troubles with the analysis by adhering to the preparation rules applied before taking the analysis.

And although most often the causes of hemolysis are hidden in improper preparation for the test, there are other reasons that can make blood unsuitable for testing.

What reasons provoke clotting of blood donated for analysis?

Even if all the requirements were met before taking the test, this does not mean that there are no reasons why the blood would clot. In fact, there are an impressive number of them. This means that it will not be possible to tell once why the blood taken from a vein for analysis has clotted. Since many reasons can provoke such a reaction:

  1. Poor tube processing. Sometimes the reasons why blood clots may be hidden in traces of blood that was previously in a given test tube. Even minor traces of it can provoke hemolysis;
  2. Blood sampling took place in an accelerated manner. If blood is taken from a vein in literally a few seconds, then the strong vacuum obtained for this reason provokes instant hemolysis. Therefore, in this case, it is not even worth wondering why the immediately taken blood clotted;
  3. Low amount of preservative. To prevent the clotting process from starting in the analysis of blood taken from a vein, a special preservative is added to it, this helps preserve the blood for research. But for the blood to clot even in the presence of this preservative, it is enough to incorrectly calculate its dosage and add a significantly smaller amount than required;
  4. Violations of antiseptic rules. The reasons may also be hidden in the transfusion of blood from one test tube to another. Often, when analyzing blood taken from a vein, the blood is transfused into another tube. And if one of the test tubes was not previously sterilized, then the reason why the blood clotted may be precisely this failure to comply with the rules for sterilizing test tubes;
  5. Lack of proper transportation conditions. Sometimes the workers involved in transporting them to the laboratory are to blame for an invalid analysis. This happens more often in clinics, where tests for research are transported to other medical centers;
  6. Storage violations. In order for the blood to clot, it is enough to shake the flask or place it, for example, on the refrigerator, this will provoke hemolysis;
  7. Temperature conditions. Blood should not be frozen or kept in sunlight, as this will cause it to change, after which it will become unsuitable for research. It is also impossible to store at room temperature, this also applies to one of the common causes of blood hemolysis.

Despite the existing reasons, it is easy to reduce the likelihood of hemolysis. You just need to adhere to the rules, starting with preparation for the test, and subsequent actions performed with the resulting blood sample.

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Preparing for a blood clotting test

A seemingly harmless test, but an error in its readings can lead to thrombosis or severe bleeding, which is why it is important to properly prepare for donating blood.

To ensure the reliability of the result, doctors recommend adhering to the following conditions:

  • An hour before the procedure, refrain from drinks: tea, coffee, juices
  • Blood is taken on an empty stomach and usually early in the morning, so the patient needs to fast 8-12 hours before the procedure. A light dinner is allowed the night before.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, including beer, at least one day before donating blood.
  • Strenuous work and physical activity are not recommended
  • If you are taking anticoagulants, you should inform them about this when donating blood.
  • Blood test has clotted: what does this mean?

    Every person knows firsthand what a blood test is. A clinical blood test is one of the simplest and most common medical tests needed to determine the composition of the blood.

    And also evaluate the hemoglobin content, the number of red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and other elements in it, to check the body for infections and anemia. As a rule, blood is collected in two ways: from a vein or from a finger.

    It is no secret that in order to successfully conduct a blood test before the procedure, you must follow a few simple rules, namely: refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and fatty foods, and most importantly, do a blood test on an empty stomach, limiting yourself to a glass of water for breakfast. But even despite the fact that all of the above obligations were fulfilled in good faith by the patient, it also happens that the blood test has clotted and the blood taken cannot be used for research. Fortunately, there is no cause for concern here. In medical practice, this phenomenon is quite common and is known as hemolysis.

    Hemolysis is a completely natural process that constantly occurs in the human body. It represents the destruction of the membrane of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma. There are chemical hemolysis (can be caused by chloroform, ether), biological (the venom of some snakes), mechanical (long walking, marching hemoglobinuria, strong shaking of an ampoule with blood), thermal (contrast temperature effect on red blood cells) and immune (transfusion of incompatible blood).

    To prevent hemolysis during blood sampling, a special preservative is added to the blood sample tube. It also happens that the technology of the blood sampling process itself is disrupted. In this case, the blood will clot after a certain period of time, and perhaps even instantly. As a rule, this occurs due to incorrect actions of the health care worker, or as a result of violations of the storage conditions of the blood material. Therefore, in most cases, all private clinics and laboratories compensate the patient for losses at their own expense.

    So, why did the blood test clot? There are several reasons:

    · insufficient sterilization of the test tube used for analysis;

    · insufficient amount of active preservative that prevents blood clotting;

    · the patient’s failure to comply with the required diet—eating fatty foods, alcohol the day before, or having a hearty breakfast immediately before the test;

    · very fast blood sampling - to avoid instant clotting, blood must be drawn slowly into the syringe;

    · violation of aseptic conditions - when blood is transfused from a test tube, air enters the test tube, which interacts with microorganisms and gives an undesirable result;

    · transportation conditions are violated - sometimes test tubes have to be transported for research in other laboratories or medical centers, and if the blood was poorly packaged or was subjected to shock during transportation, it will not be suitable for research;

    · storage conditions are violated (vibration is a common cause of hemolysis. If a test tube with blood was on a vibrating surface or was shaken, the tests will be spoiled);

    · the temperature regime is violated - in no case should the test tube be exposed to direct sunlight or temperature changes; the blood should be stored in special refrigerators where a constant temperature is maintained.

    Also an important factor for the successful completion of the test is the correctly selected institution in which the patient is going to donate blood, since the correctness of blood sampling and compliance with its storage does not depend on it, and accordingly, it cannot in any way affect the quality of the test result.

    You can try to find a clinic with a good reputation on your own. Ask the doctor to pour the preservative solution in public to make sure the tube is sterile. If all precautions do not yield results and hemolysis occurs, then you should demand your money back and take the test again, possibly even in another medical institution.

    In conclusion, a reminder: even if the blood test has clotted and the study is carried out, you should not worry about it, but just re-take the test, guided by the advice given in this article.

    Why does blood clot when taking a test from a vein?

    Home » Blood test » Why blood coagulates when taking a test from a vein

    Every person knows firsthand what a blood test is. A clinical blood test is one of the simplest and most common medical tests needed to determine the composition of the blood.

    And also evaluate the hemoglobin content, the number of red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and other elements in it, to check the body for infections and anemia. As a rule, blood is collected in two ways: from a vein or from a finger.

    It is no secret that in order to successfully conduct a blood test before the procedure, you must follow a few simple rules, namely: refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and fatty foods, and most importantly, do a blood test on an empty stomach, limiting yourself to a glass of water for breakfast. But even despite the fact that all of the above obligations were fulfilled in good faith by the patient, it also happens that the blood test has clotted and the blood taken cannot be used for research. Fortunately, there is no cause for concern here. In medical practice, this phenomenon is quite common and is known as hemolysis.

    Hemolysis is a completely natural process that constantly occurs in the human body. It represents the destruction of the membrane of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma. There are chemical hemolysis (can be caused by chloroform, ether), biological (the venom of some snakes), mechanical (long walking, marching hemoglobinuria, strong shaking of an ampoule with blood), thermal (contrast temperature effect on red blood cells) and immune (transfusion of incompatible blood).

    To prevent hemolysis during blood sampling, a special preservative is added to the blood sample tube. It also happens that the technology of the blood sampling process itself is disrupted. In this case, the blood will clot after a certain period of time, and perhaps even instantly. As a rule, this occurs due to incorrect actions of the health care worker, or as a result of violations of the storage conditions of the blood material. Therefore, in most cases, all private clinics and laboratories compensate the patient for losses at their own expense.

    So, why did the blood test clot? There are several reasons:

    · insufficient sterilization of the test tube used for analysis;

    · insufficient amount of active preservative that prevents blood clotting;

    · the patient’s failure to comply with the required diet—eating fatty foods, alcohol the day before, or having a hearty breakfast immediately before the test;

    · very fast blood sampling - to avoid instant clotting, blood must be drawn slowly into the syringe;

    · violation of aseptic conditions - when blood is transfused from a test tube, air enters the test tube, which interacts with microorganisms and gives an undesirable result;

    · transportation conditions are violated - sometimes test tubes have to be transported for research in other laboratories or medical centers, and if the blood was poorly packaged or was subjected to shock during transportation, it will not be suitable for research;

    · storage conditions are violated (vibration is a common cause of hemolysis. If a test tube with blood was on a vibrating surface or was shaken, the tests will be spoiled);

    · the temperature regime is violated - in no case should the test tube be exposed to direct sunlight or temperature changes; the blood should be stored in special refrigerators where a constant temperature is maintained.

    Also an important factor for the successful completion of the test is the correctly selected institution in which the patient is going to donate blood, since the correctness of blood sampling and compliance with its storage does not depend on it, and accordingly, it cannot in any way affect the quality of the test result.

    You can try to find a clinic with a good reputation on your own. Ask the doctor to pour the preservative solution in public to make sure the tube is sterile. If all precautions do not yield results and hemolysis occurs, then you should demand your money back and take the test again, possibly even in another medical institution.

    In conclusion, a reminder: even if the blood test has clotted and the study is carried out, you should not worry about it, but just re-take the test, guided by the advice given in this article.

    Why does hemolysis occur during blood sampling?

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    A blood test is considered a standard routine test, which any person has to do frequently. The analysis allows us to study the main components of blood, the ratio of blood cells, as well as the presence of pathogens of infectious diseases. To get reliable results, you need to properly prepare for blood donation: do not drink alcohol or fatty foods on the day before blood collection. If these requirements are not met, hemolysis when taking blood from a vein is very likely. You need to donate blood from a vein and finger on an empty stomach, in the morning, so that you can eat quickly after the procedure.

    But, even if all the requirements are met, the resulting blood may be unsuitable for analysis. Most often, the cause of damage to biological material is blood hemolysis. Let's consider the causes of hemolysis during testing.

    Rules for taking blood

    A person planning to donate blood for analysis from a vein or finger must ask how to do it correctly.

    You need to make sure that some tests require obtaining blood from a vein rather than a finger for a number of reasons:

    • When taken from a finger, some of the blood cells degrade and microscopic clots form, making analysis difficult. To avoid repeated blood sampling, it is recommended to take material from a vein;
    • To collect blood from a vein, safe disposable vacuum systems complying with international standards are used;
    • Some tests cannot be performed on blood taken from a finger prick;
    • The process of drawing blood from a vein lasts several seconds. It is safe and painless, which is important when taking samples from small children;
    • Highly qualified medical workers are allowed to take blood from a vein.

    Rules for taking blood

    Reasons for clotting

    Hemolysis is the destruction of red blood cells in the blood, releasing hemoglobin. Hemolysis can be physiological (normal) and pathological. Physiological hemolysis occurs at the end of the red blood cell's life span, which lasts four months. With pathological hemolysis, red blood cells die prematurely. To prevent clotting, blood collected for testing is stabilized with preservatives.

    The causes of hemolysis when taking blood from a finger and a vein lie entirely on the unqualified actions of medical personnel. Either the rules for taking a blood sample for analysis were violated, or the conditions for preserving biological material were not met.

    During hemolysis, blood may clot immediately after it is taken, or after a short time, and the analysis will have to be retaken. Private clinics, whose paid services include blood tests, return money if the analysis fails.

    Hemolysis during blood sampling from a vein occurs both due to the patient’s fault and due to unqualified actions of personnel.

    The patient’s guilt boils down to failure to prepare for blood donation: eating fatty foods directly on the day of blood collection, or the day before. Fats emulsify the blood and cause a change in its colloidal properties. Red blood cells cannot live in such blood and die.

    Hemolysis during blood sampling makes it impossible to perform tests and the need to repeat the procedure for obtaining biomaterial for analysis. So, in some cases it is necessary to analyze the level of bilirubin in the blood. This substance is synthesized from hemoglobin released during the breakdown of red blood cells, that is, hemolysis. Therefore, hemolysis during blood sampling for bilirubin makes the material unsuitable for analysis: the amount of bilirubin will be obviously overestimated.

    Results of Blood Drawing Errors

    The fault of the medical staff is as follows:

    • Dirty test tube. Traces of materials from the previous analysis remained on the walls of the vessel. It’s good if hemolysis occurs immediately. Otherwise, distorted research results may be obtained;
    • A preservative was not added to the test tube, or a solution of inappropriate concentration was prepared;
    • High speed of blood sampling. The vacuum caused by rapid filling of the syringe leads to instantaneous destruction of red blood cells;
    • Failure to comply with asepsis rules. When transfusing biological material from test tube to test tube, the activity of microorganisms can cause hemolysis;
    • Failure to comply with transportation rules. Situations in which blood is collected in one place and examined in another are quite common. If the rules for packaging blood tubes are not followed, and they are subjected to shaking or vibration, which negatively affects blood cells;
    • Violation of storage rules. Keeping blood tubes in a vibrating refrigerator contributes to the development of the cause of hemolysis. The destructive effects of direct sunlight and elevated temperatures, or freezing also contribute to the development of the causes of blood hemolysis.

    How to avoid

    When collecting blood for analysis, it depends a little on the patient. The main thing is to choose a clinic that has a reliable reputation. In case of hemolysis of the sample, it can be taken again. But few people would be pleased to lose time, and in some situations, money, due to poor quality of service. It’s even worse if hemolysis occurs during blood sampling from an infant or child. The analysis procedure itself, especially from a vein, causes fear in children. It will be unpleasant for parents to watch the suffering of a baby whose veins are pierced several times.

    To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to show interest in the working conditions of medical personnel. You should ask where and when the analysis will be carried out, how it will be transported and under what conditions it will be stored.

    To avoid hemolysis of the blood sample being taken, as well as the cost of personal time and money for repeated analysis, it is best to take the procedure seriously and take care of the sterility of the instruments. It is a good idea to have a syringe, sterile gloves and a test tube with you. It is a good idea to personally control the addition of the preservative to the test tube.

    Before choosing a private clinic for a blood test, you need to read reviews about its work. Frequent complaints from patients about blood clotting when selected for analysis in a particular laboratory indicate that it is better to go to another institution.

    Unscrupulous management of a medical institution may specifically prescribe repeated procedures in the hope of receiving money for them again. In these cases, you must demand a refund and contact another laboratory.

    Why does blood flow poorly or does not flow from a vein during sampling?

    • 1. Low blood pressure
    • 2. Poor visibility of veins and thick blood

    Some people, when taking tests, encounter a problem when blood does not flow from a vein. And all the efforts that were made to increase blood pressure are barely enough for 5 cubes. But why does this happen? Could this be a harbinger of a disease or is such a problem not uncommon among people and can be completely solvable? After all, even pumping a fist, the veins are poorly distinguished, which seriously complicates the process of passing this analysis.

    Low blood pressure

    There are several ways that can explain why blood does not flow when it is taken for testing.

    The culprit for this phenomenon may be:

    1. Low blood pressure can cause poor plasma circulation through the venous network.
    2. Reduced circulatory activity is observed in people with so-called running veins. Their low visibility can create problems during testing.
    3. Thick blood.

    Due to the above factors, blood from the veins may not flow well.

    If the pressure is low when drawing blood from a vein, the patient may not only encounter difficulties in performing this manipulation, but also feel discomfort during the procedure.

    These symptoms include:

    • dizziness;
    • noise in ears;
    • loss of orientation;
    • fainting;
    • pain in the head.

    Typically, low blood pressure is equated with a symptom that occurs due to infections, ailments associated with internal organs, blood loss or other negative external factors.

    In addition, the following banal phenomena can be provocateurs of low blood pressure:

    • smoking;
    • strict diet;
    • stressful situations;
    • overwork.

    Insomnia and a sedentary lifestyle can also lead to low blood pressure.

    Poor visibility of veins and thick blood

    It happens that a person’s veins are poorly visible, making it difficult for doctors to hit them with a needle. The cause of this phenomenon may be severe fatigue of the body. In addition, before donating blood, you should not eat or drink anything. To reveal such veins, you need to develop your hand before the procedure, rhythmically clenching your fingers into a fist in order to influence active blood circulation.

    Thickened blood can make it difficult to take tests from a vein. Since its functionality includes the transportation of oxygen and other useful substances to the organs, if its condition is disturbed, this process becomes difficult. This provokes the appearance of an imbalance of redox phenomena throughout the human body. As a result, the functioning of the heart muscle, brain, kidneys, liver, etc. deteriorates.

    Often the root cause of its thickening is a lack of fluid in the body. Therefore, before taking a blood test, it is advisable to drink 2-3 glasses of clean water. This will help loosen it.

    But if the situation has not changed after drinking the liquid, this indicates the presence of serious health problems. Then the patient needs to undergo appropriate diagnostic procedures to determine the causes of the disease.

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    Why does blood taken for analysis from a vein clot?

    Blood is an important material that allows us to identify many harmful bacteria that provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the body. But sometimes the blood test taken is invalid, the reason for this is its clotting, but why does it happen?

    Lack of preparation for the test may cause the blood to be unsuitable for testing.

    Almost every person, when an illness appears, is faced with a blood test from a vein. Indeed, blood from a vein allows us to learn about most of the processes occurring in the human body. Thanks to this material, the doctor is able to immediately find out by deciphering the analysis result whether there is an inflammatory process in the body and what treatment methods will be more effective in this situation. But in order to obtain accurate information, blood must be donated in accordance with all rules.

    You should prepare for the test a couple of days before the appointed day. During this period, foods containing a high percentage of fat, as well as alcoholic beverages, are excluded from the diet. When donating blood from a vein, a person must have an empty stomach. If these requirements are not met, there is a high risk of not only obtaining an incorrect result, but also the inability to conduct a blood test due to hemolysis.

    It is worth knowing that hemolysis - blood clotting - is a natural process that necessarily occurs with every red blood cell, the existence of which is about 120 days. After this period of time, every red blood cell in a person’s blood ends its existence by hemolysis.

    What hemolysis is is often learned by the patient only when it turns out that the analysis failed due to blood clotting. Hemolysis is a natural process in which red blood cells undergo destruction, during which hemoglobin is released. It is this process that provokes blood clotting. You can avoid such troubles with the analysis by adhering to the preparation rules applied before taking the analysis.

    And although most often the causes of hemolysis are hidden in improper preparation for the test, there are other reasons that can make blood unsuitable for testing.

    What reasons provoke clotting of blood donated for analysis?

    Even if all the requirements were met before taking the test, this does not mean that there are no reasons why the blood would clot. In fact, there are an impressive number of them. This means that it will not be possible to tell once why the blood taken from a vein for analysis has clotted. Since many reasons can provoke such a reaction:

    1. Poor tube processing. Sometimes the reasons why blood clots may be hidden in traces of blood that was previously in a given test tube. Even minor traces of it can provoke hemolysis;
    2. Blood sampling took place in an accelerated manner. If blood is taken from a vein in literally a few seconds, then the strong vacuum obtained for this reason provokes instant hemolysis. Therefore, in this case, it is not even worth wondering why the immediately taken blood clotted;
    3. Low amount of preservative. To prevent the clotting process from starting in the analysis of blood taken from a vein, a special preservative is added to it, this helps preserve the blood for research. But for the blood to clot even in the presence of this preservative, it is enough to incorrectly calculate its dosage and add a significantly smaller amount than required;
    4. Violations of antiseptic rules. The reasons may also be hidden in the transfusion of blood from one test tube to another. Often, when analyzing blood taken from a vein, the blood is transfused into another tube. And if one of the test tubes was not previously sterilized, then the reason why the blood clotted may be precisely this failure to comply with the rules for sterilizing test tubes;
    5. Lack of proper transportation conditions. Sometimes the workers involved in transporting them to the laboratory are to blame for an invalid analysis. This happens more often in clinics, where tests for research are transported to other medical centers;
    6. Storage violations. In order for the blood to clot, it is enough to shake the flask or place it, for example, on the refrigerator, this will provoke hemolysis;
    7. Temperature conditions. Blood should not be frozen or kept in sunlight, as this will cause it to change, after which it will become unsuitable for research. It is also impossible to store at room temperature, this also applies to one of the common causes of blood hemolysis.

    Despite the existing reasons, it is easy to reduce the likelihood of hemolysis. You just need to adhere to the rules, starting with preparation for the test, and subsequent actions performed with the resulting blood sample.

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