In a dream and without pain or how to avoid discomfort during a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy under anesthesia is a safe and informative study for the early diagnosis of pathologies of the large intestine. During the procedure, the person is under the influence of special sedatives, and therefore does not experience pain or discomfort. The drugs used to put the patient into medicinal sleep do not belong to the group of narcotics and are selected individually by the anesthesiologist, so they do not provoke complications.

Colonoscopy under anesthesia at Medical On Group - Balashikha is carried out using advanced equipment - an endoscope equipped with a light source and a digital video camera. The image is displayed on the screen in real time, which allows the doctor to assess the condition of the mucous membrane, identify pathological foci, their nature and location.

The price of a colonoscopy under anesthesia at Medical On Group - Balashikha is pre-negotiated with the patient.

Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy under anesthesia

Before introducing the patient into medicated sleep, it is necessary to check whether he has any contraindications in the form of chronic diseases or allergic reactions to the drugs used.

Before performing a colonoscopy under anesthesia, it is necessary to clear the intestines of feces immediately before the procedure. When registering for an examination, the patient must receive recommendations on diet (for 4 days before the appointment, you must follow a slag-free diet), the use of laxatives or microenemas.

Preparation also involves some diagnostic tests (they are not included in the price of a colonoscopy under anesthesia):

  • general blood analysis
  • glucose level measurement
  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C
  • electrocardiography


What is better not to do before a colonoscopy and how to prepare for it.

1. In no case should you do enemas 2. You do not need to prepare in any other way than the preparation given below: 3. High-quality preparation for the examination is the key to a high-quality examination, the possibility of removing polyps directly during a colonoscopy 4. For a full examination of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract and subsequent administration of therapy, gastrocolonoscopy is preferable, i.e.
consecutive gastroscopy and colonoscopy with sedation (during sleep). Moreover, the duration of both studies is no more than 20 minutes (without operations, for example, polypectomies). 1 method of preparation is for patients over 35-40 years old or if you want to come for the study after 12.00 or later and for patients with chronic constipation: two-stage, it is easier to tolerate, of higher quality, recommended for patients over 35-40 years of age and for all patients, regardless of age. In this case, a colonoscopy is performed on the patient after 12.00-13.00. Buy the drug Fortrans at the pharmacy. On the eve of the colonoscopy, have a light lunch at 15.00, then do not eat. Dilute 2 sachets of fortrans in two liters of water. Starting from 16.00 to 18.00 (for patients under 35-40 years old, working from 18.00-19.00), drink 2 liters of the drug Fortrans, at the rate of 1 glass (250 ml) per 15 minutes or 1 liter per hour, a total of two liters. We remind you that the effect of the drug will begin after some time and will end after 3-4 hours. On the day of the study, then get up no later than 6-7 am and drink another 2 liters of Fortrans in the same order, at the rate of 1 glass (250 ml) per 15 minutes or 1 liter per hour, for a total of two liters. The effect of the drug will end completely by 11.00-12.00. During preparation and after it, patients, as a rule, do not feel hungry. After the effect of the drug wears off, you can safely reach our center.

Method 2 of preparation - a one-day preparation scheme for working patients under 45 years of age without complaints of chronic constipation, the time for colonoscopy is after 15.00. Colonoscopy preparation and procedure take one day. Buy the drug MOVIPREP at the pharmacy. The night before dinner (preferably) is light, with limited fiber. On the day of colonoscopy, from 7.00 to 8.00, take the first liter of solution, from 9.00 to 10.00, take the second liter of solution at the rate of 1 glass every 15 minutes. Important! After each liter of the prepared Moviprep solution, you need to take 500 ml of liquid (water, light juices, green tea, clear broth), i.e. In total, you need to take 2 liters of Moviprep (1 liter + 1 liter) and an additional 1 liter of approved liquid.

3rd method of preparation - in this case, colonoscopy can be performed at any half of the day, preferable for young patients under 35-40 years old. Buy the drug Fortrans at the pharmacy. On the eve of the colonoscopy, have a light lunch at 15.00, then do not eat. Dilute 4 sachets of fortrans in four liters of water. Starting from 16.00 to 20.00, drink 4 liters of the drug Fortrans, at the rate of 1 glass (250 ml) per 15 minutes or 1 liter per hour, for a total of four liters. As a rule, when preparing with Fortrans, the patient does not feel hungry.

The 4th method of preparation is for patients under 35 -40 years of age without complaints of chronic constipation and if you want to come for the study from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The same method is suitable for video capsule research. Buy the drug Fortrans at the pharmacy. On the eve of the colonoscopy, have a light lunch at 15.00, then do not eat. Dilute 3 sachets of fortrans in three liters of water. Starting from 16.00 (for those working from 18.00-21.00), drink 3 liters of the drug Fortrans, at the rate of 1 glass (250 ml) per 15 minutes or 1 liter per hour, for a total of three liters. We remind you that the effect of the drug will begin after some time and will end after 4-5 hours. On the day of the study, then get up no later than 6 am and drink another 1 liter of Fortrans in the same order, at the rate of 1 glass (250 ml) per 15 minutes or 1 liter per hour. The effect of the drug will end completely by 10.00-10.30. During and after preparation, patients, as a rule, do not feel hungry. After the effect of the drug wears off, you can safely reach our center.

For all methods of preparation: 1. We recommend taking all medications that you take every day in the morning on the day of the test, 2. Bring with you the tests you have (validity up to 2-4 weeks), results of medical studies (validity 1- 3 months), discharge, they may be needed to prescribe additional examination or treatment 3. You will not need accompaniment; 30 minutes after the procedure you will be ready to begin your usual activities. Our GASTROCENTER is within walking distance from the Shchukinskaya metro station, if you arrive by car, parking is free (if you are traveling with accompanying persons, they should pick you up after the study, in about 1-1.5 hours)

Which patients do we see first? We primarily accept patients with acute abdominal pain, nursing mothers, and patients with diabetes, especially type 1.

What is included in the price of an intestinal colonoscopy under anesthesia?

In the absence of additional procedures and therapeutic manipulations (for example, removal of polyps), a “sleep” colonoscopy lasts 15-30 minutes. This time can increase to 1 hour if it is necessary to do a colonoscopy under anesthesia with a biopsy, where it is important to take tissue samples for histology. The same applies to difficulties with inserting an endoscope for adhesions in the abdominal cavity, as well as cases where the intestine has pronounced bends or an elongated sigmoid colon.

A complete examination of the rectum is not always possible, which may be due to anatomical features or poor preparation. Immediately after the procedure, the patient can return to normal activities after a short rest. The restriction is imposed only on driving a car during the day.

You can find out the price of intestinal colonoscopy under anesthesia at Medical On Group - Balashikha and sign up for an examination by phone or online.

In a dream and without pain or how to avoid discomfort during a colonoscopy?

In a dream and without pain or how to avoid discomfort during a colonoscopy?

1. Colonoscopy is an unpleasant procedure. But it is considered the gold standard for colon cancer prevention. It should be done for people over 45 years old once every five years. Every year, more than 800 thousand people around the world develop colon cancer. In Russia, over the past 20 years, colon cancer in the structure of all cancer diseases has moved from 6th place to 3rd. In 60–70% of patients, the disease is diagnosed in an advanced form. 2. Colonoscopy detects not only cancer, but also the appearance of polyps in the colon. These are fleshy growths that can develop into malignant tumors. They occur more often in women than in men. It is believed that after 50 years, every fourth person has at least one polyp . 3. In general, even if nothing bothers you, at a certain age you have to decide to have a colonoscopy . We are not talking about those situations when this procedure is simply necessary: ​​if a person suddenly loses weight for no apparent reason, if he is bothered by unstable stools - either diarrhea, or constipation, if he feels pain in the abdomen... This study is prescribed before some gynecological operations, before removing ovarian cysts. 4. Our large intestine is shaped like the letter P , and when the doctor turns the endoscope to a transverse section, and then makes another turn, the sensations are not pleasant. In addition, the air inflating the intestine also adds discomfort. Adhesions can also increase pain. But there is a way out: medicated sleep! Nothing bad happens to us from medicated sleep. The patient falls asleep easily, wakes up easily, usually dreams, and good ones at that, and today’s medications do not affect memory. 5. Before putting the patient to sleep, the anesthesiologist calculates the dose of the drug depending on his weight, age, blood pressure, and even takes into account how many kilograms the body has become lighter after cleansing the intestines. An electrocardiogram, which we do before a colonoscopy, will show the anesthesiologist whether there is a high probability of disturbances in heart rhythm and electrical conductivity during medicated sleep. 6. No nausea, no vomiting, no hallucinations; drowsiness, if it occurs after waking up, goes away within 30–40 minutes, and a person can even get behind the wheel of a car and drive home by himself. 7. The advantages of undergoing this procedure in a dream are obvious: - the patient is not in pain, he does not twitch, does not shrink, does not moan or scream. He's just sleeping! — it is more convenient for the doctor to work, so there is less chance that he will miss some kind of tumor; research is faster; — in elderly patients, the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis during the procedure or immediately after it is minimized. The fact is that when we are in pain or scared, the body produces adrenaline, which sharply raises blood pressure; - well, a fact that is sensitive for patients: we are embarrassed by this procedure, and when the doctor puts you into a medicated sleep, you become, as during an operation, the object of medical actions and that’s all. 8. There is another method of examining the intestines: Irrigoscopy - an X-ray of the intestines after barium is injected into it with an enema.
All these studies are carried out today at the Family Clinic. Sign up by phone. 43-03-03 and 41-03-03.

Transnasal gastroscopy: pros and cons

— Swallowing an endoscopic probe—some of the patients are unable to do this feat. How successfully does transnasal endoscopy replace an unpleasant procedure?

— The main advantage is that the device has a much smaller diameter, and in most patients it is able to pass freely through the nasal passages, then along the back wall of the pharynx, without touching the root of the tongue. This feature is greatly appreciated by patients who experience gagging during traditional examinations.

But, unfortunately, there are people whose gag reflex is very pronounced, and transnasal endoscopy is not a salvation. In such situations, you must listen to the doctor's instructions. During the endoscopy, he tells you how to behave and how not to concentrate on the problem.

For example, during traditional and transnasal gastroscopy it is best to breathe through the mouth, evenly, deeply, slowly and rhythmically, without thinking about anything else. Such breathing in itself allows you to somewhat neutralize the urge to vomit, and for some, reduce it to almost zero. Anesthesia is performed with a 10% lidocaine solution. Irrigation occurs not only of the mouth and pharynx, but also of the nasal passages in order to minimize discomfort.

This method has another advantage. During the transnasal study, the patient is not given a mouthpiece, which is necessary with the traditional “through the mouth” method (then it is installed so that the person does not bite the device). Therefore, the patient can talk to the endoscopist. And during a regular gastroscopy, you should not even swallow saliva, as this can provoke vomiting.

During a transnasal endoscopy, your doctor may take a biopsy if necessary. But the device is very thin, and its instrumental channel is significantly smaller than that of conventional gastroscopes, so only very small pieces of tissue can be pinched off.

Unfortunately, this method has disadvantages - it is not suitable for those who have a deviated nasal septum. Although there are exceptions. In addition, the picture that the doctor sees during endoscopy “through the nose” is not clear enough. This is due to the size of the device and the optics itself, which is built into the gadget. In traditional devices, the camera and matrix allow you to achieve full HD quality, there are zoom capabilities and dual focus.

But if we talk about screening patients who need to examine the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and at the same time suffer from a pronounced gag reflex, this is a very good method for them. Another plus: both transnasal and traditional gastroscopy are covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy.

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