Basophils are low or absent in the blood - causes in adults and children. Is this normal or pathological?
A reduced level of basophils is called basopenia, but this is a conditional laboratory concept. The concentration of bodies is extremely low,
Your bilirubin is high. What does it mean?
Hyperbilirubinemia (HBN) is not an independent disease, but a laboratory syndrome that occurs in many nosological conditions.
Performing a rapid troponin test
Rapid test for determining cardiac troponin in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction
Let's imagine that you are a doctor or paramedic who has been called to provide emergency care. U
What foods reduce hemoglobin in the blood - a list of the 7 best
Increased hemoglobin is a rather dangerous condition, which in 90% of cases indicates a malfunction in
Cardiac scintigraphy. What is a gamma cardiogram?
Scintigraphy: history, what it is used for The use of this diagnostic technique makes it possible to obtain a two-dimensional image
Osteoscintigraphy or skeletal scintigraphy. Diagnosis of bone cancer and other diseases.
Osteoscintigraphy, or bone scintigraphy, is a study of the osteoarticular system that allows identifying foci of metastatic lesions,
Diagnosis of pancreatitis - lipase and amylase in the blood
Amylase and lipase are digestive enzymes. Their quantity in the bloodstream is used for diagnosis
liver disease
Liver tests. Checking the main “filter” of the body: why and what indicators must be monitored
Liver tests are the most popular laboratory blood test that gives an overall picture of activity
Is your liver healthy? Symptoms of diseases and diagnosis of the liver
Today, more than a third of the adult population of the planet suffers from various hepatopathies (liver diseases). Meanwhile, truly
Blood sugar
Blood sugar - how and when to measure?
Throughout the day, the level of glucose in the blood changes several times. The indicators are influenced by qualitative and quantitative
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