Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system: injuries to the lower limb. Part 2
The soft tissues of our body include the skin, subcutaneous fat layer, lymph nodes, muscles and
Headache - main diagnostic methods and advantages of MRI
When should you get an MRI for headaches? Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is one of the modern
infections in men verified by tests
Top 5 tests for men that need to be taken regularly
The material for the study is blood taken from a vein. Comprehensive analysis includes detection of several infections
Is it painful to do bronchoscopy, indications for the procedure, rehabilitation after the procedure, complications - MEDSI
Why is bronchoscopy performed? The study is carried out for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.
The gallbladder is not visualized. Why is the gallbladder not visible on ultrasound?
X-ray (cholecystocholangiography) of the gallbladder and bile ducts
Appearance and position of the gallbladder in the abdominal cavity Computed tomography of the gallbladder -
The difference between extended colposcopy and liquid cytology
Azizova Muslimat Akhmedovna, gynecologist - Please tell us about diseases of the cervix and the frequent
Echogenic formation in the ovary according to ultrasound results: what to do?
Liver diseases are one of the most common diseases of the digestive system, the steady increase of which is called
Cardiotocography (CTG) of the fetus during pregnancy
How to check that the unborn child is developing correctly? This question is important for every expectant mother
Prenatal screening of the 2nd trimester (14-20 weeks) (venous blood) in Pavlovo
Many “advanced first-time parents” will be able to show you not only photos and videos of their child
Septoplasty - correcting a deviated nasal septum
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. Deviated nasal septum: how it occurs Causes Symptoms Types
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