Isolated immunoglobulin A deficiency - the point of view of a gastroenterologist
Types of diseases This syndrome can be either primary (genetically determined) or secondary (appears
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: diagnosis and treatment
Back pain often occurs in a person due to the formation of incorrect posture while walking
Signs of a malignant tumor on an MRI of the brain
How often can you do an MRI of the brain?
Magnetic resonance imaging is a diagnostic method based on obtaining layer-by-layer “slices” of the area under study. This
Preparing for a head MRI
Is a malignant brain tumor visible on MRI?
Clinical signs of brain tumors, as a rule, appear only in the last stages, so for
Osteochondrosis. Cause of pain. Diagnosis and treatment.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is considered one of the severe degenerative-dystrophic processes, which consists in the occurrence of degenerative changes
Tests for ureteral stones: X-ray, CT scan and ultrasound
According to medical indicators in the field of urology, one of the most common urological diseases is urolithiasis.
Photo: Ultrasound after IVF
Risk of miscarriage after IVF: causes, diagnosis, examinations
Ultrasound diagnostics is the most popular diagnostic method in the modern world. This is the safest, most painless and
Endoscopy of the nasopharynx in children - features of the procedure, indications
Flexible ENT endoscopy for children in the first year of life In a child up to one year of age, cavities
Allergies in children: a disaster or a solvable problem?
Why can’t tests show the presence of allergies in the body? And if symptoms indicate
MRI of the brain
Which is better and safer: EEG or MRI of the brain?
There are many methods for imaging brain pathologies. These include: MRI (including functional MR spectroscopy,
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