hysteroscopy in Moscow
Surgery in gynecology. Same day operations: Hysteroscopy and hysteroresectoscopy. Laparoscopy.
Hysteroscopy of the uterus is both a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that allows you to examine the cavity
Scars on the lungs: a pulmonologist on how to prevent fibrosis after covid pneumonia / The situation with covid, doctors say, has more or less stabilized. But there are still two cold months ahead, and no one knows for sure how they will pass. The coronavirus is too insidious, unpredictable and fast. And sometimes those who have suffered a severe illness face a long recovery. Covid affects all systems of the body, especially the lungs, which can subsequently form scars. What is the danger of fibrosis, how to treat it, what kind of rehabilitation is required for those who have recovered from “corona” - these and other questions of Amurskaya Pravda were answered by a pulmonologist at the Far Eastern Scientific Center for Physiology and Pathology of Respiration, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yulia Semirech.
What do spots in the lungs mean on X-ray: atelectasis, pneumonia and tuberculosis
— Yulia Olegovna, coronavirus often affects the lungs. How do these pneumonias differ from bacterial ones?
Is it possible to detect uterine cancer using ultrasound: what does the result look like?
How is cervical cancer diagnosed? Despite the fact that screening for early diagnosis of cancer has been developed
What does immunoglobulin A show?
Text of the book “Medical Microbiology: Lecture Notes for Universities”
Immunoglobulin A is an indicator of humoral immunity. It is determined to assess local immunity, the course of acute
Transfuse and heal. Is it necessary to donate blood during an epidemic?
Types of donation By purpose Blood can be donated for different purposes and for different reasons.
SonoAce Ultrasound magazine - to help the beginning ultrasound doctor
Author Kremleva Yulia Viktorovna Leading doctor Candidate of Medical Sciences Ultrasound diagnostics doctor up to 30
Signs of thyroiditis
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with Doppler sonography: indications and implementation
Determining the size of lymph nodes Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with Doppler sonography is prescribed for enlarged lymph nodes. Their
Bad urine in a child: Normal, Causes, Symptoms, Explanation
Laboratory studies of biological fluids, such as blood and urine, can identify incipient pathologies in
Genetic test for nationality: Russians and Ukrainians appeared in Africa 100 thousand years ago
DNA analysis for ethnic origin is a real find for people who want to lift the veil
CTG of the fetus during pregnancy: what the study shows and how it is carried out, interpretation
3 minutes Author: Lyubov Dobretsova 190 CTG is a special diagnostic branch of ultrasound examination
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