SonoAce Ultrasound magazine - to help the beginning ultrasound doctor


Kremleva Yulia Viktorovna

Leading doctor

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Ultrasound diagnostic doctor

until September 30

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Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs

in women is a modern and informative method used to assess and monitor the condition of the female reproductive system at different periods of life. A pelvic ultrasound includes examination of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

When can a transvaginal ultrasound be prescribed?

This method of ultrasound examination has significantly expanded the possibilities of diagnosing diseases of the female genital organs, including the uterus. It can be prescribed by a gynecologist or surgeon. Under certain conditions, transvaginal ultrasound is prescribed as part of an annual preventive examination.

Diagnostics is prescribed in the following cases:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • cancer screening;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • too long or short menstruation;
  • diagnosis of infertility;
  • bloody issues;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • severe menstrual pain;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • urological diseases;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy and fetal development (in the early stages).

Consequences of changing the shape of the genital organs

Prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall causes displacement of the urethra and bladder. Changes in the position of the reproductive system organs lead to urinary incontinence to varying degrees. If the posterior wall of the vagina is lowered, the normal act of defecation is disrupted. Pathologies also increase the risk and incidence of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

In addition to the negative impact on health, vaginal dystrophy worsens the quality of intimate life. Weakened pelvic floor muscles and insufficient mucosal sensitivity reduce libido and sexual satisfaction. In addition, there is dryness, burning, and pain during intimacy. The expansion of the vaginal vestibule makes the appearance of the genital organs unaesthetic, causing uncertainty and psychological discomfort.

How is transvaginal ultrasound performed?

The patient should undress below the waist and lie with her back on a gynecological chair or couch, her legs should be bent at the knees and spread apart.

A clean condom is put on the sensor and lubricated with a conductor gel, which performs two functions: it eliminates the air space between the sensor and the organs, and serves as a lubricant for better penetration.

The vaginal sensor, or transducer as it is also called, is carefully and slowly inserted into the vagina. Due to the absence of sudden movements and the shallow depth of penetration, the procedure should not cause unpleasant or painful sensations in the woman; if a woman feels pain, she should tell the uzist about it. The organs being examined are displayed on the screen, and the doctor records the necessary data. The doctor can move the sensor in different directions, this will allow him to better see the size and structure of the organs being examined. The procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes.

The information transmitted by the vaginal sensor is displayed on the monitor of the ultrasound machine in different projections, and scaling allows you to enlarge the image and examine the tissue fragment of interest in detail.

Diseases and pathologies of the penis

Ultrasound of the penis allows you to detect a wide range of pathologies and make an accurate diagnosis for the patient. These include the following violations:

  • Vascular thrombosis is an inflammatory thrombosis of the venous wall, characterized by the formation of blood clots that block the lumen of the vessels. The disease significantly increases the risk of death in men suffering from cardiovascular disease;
  • Malignant and benign formations. Provided timely diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis for a benign tumor is favorable. Elimination of a malignant tumor without serious consequences is possible only in 60% of cases, even if it is detected at the initial stage.
  • Fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa is a partial or complete replacement of the cavernous bodies of the penis with scar tissue, accompanied by various deformations of the organ (curvature, shortening, narrowing). This pathology disrupts the erectile function of men;
  • Atherosclerotic lesions are a dangerous disease characterized by narrowing or complete blockage of the vessels of the penis. May cause decreased libido, chronic impotence, urinary problems and prostate adenoma;
  • Stenosis of the penile arteries is a serious pathology in which the lumen of the vessel is closed by more than 70%. Drug treatment in this case is ineffective; blood flow can only be improved through surgical intervention;
  • Peyronie's disease is a pathology characterized by curvature of the penis due to fibroplastic degeneration of its tunica albuginea. The disease is quite rare - in 0.5-1% of men aged 35-60 years;
  • Traumatic consequences (cavernitis, abscess, shortening and deformation of the penis, erectile dysfunction, urethral stricture);
  • Congenital anomalies of the organ.

Which days of the menstrual cycle are suitable for transvaginal ultrasound?

Transvaginal ultrasound in the area of ​​the uterus and pelvis is mainly performed in the first days of the cycle, immediately after the end of menstruation. That is, it is recommended to choose days 5 to 8 of the cycle if we are talking about a routine scan. If the doctor suspects that a woman has uterine endometriosis, the procedure is postponed to the second part of the cycle. If there are inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, or you need to monitor the dynamics of follicle development, then the procedure is carried out several times in one cycle. If a girl starts bleeding, which is definitely not menstruation, then an ultrasound is done urgently any day.

Ultrasound of the penis in Lyubertsy

Ultrasound of the penis is a diagnostic procedure, which is classified as a urological ultrasound, which allows you to obtain information about the condition of the male genitals and the presence of pathologies or diseases.
The study is publicly available and absolutely safe, often has no alternative, and can be administered many times without harm to health.

Such ultrasound diagnostics is almost never prescribed as an independent procedure; in most cases, ultrasound is complemented by Doppler ultrasound.

Are there any contraindications for transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy?

This method is most often used during the first ultrasound during pregnancy; this sensor can show the presence of a fertilized egg just a few days after the delay. The transvaginal ultrasound method is also the most informative if there is a suspicion of pathology in the development of the first stage of pregnancy. It will help determine whether there is a threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, and whether the thickness of the chorion, the special inner layer of the uterus from which the placenta is formed, is sufficient. Preparing for such a study during pregnancy is no different from preparing for an ultrasound of a non-pregnant woman, but it is worth considering that this method is used only in the first trimester. At later stages, the usual method of scanning through the abdominal cavity is used, since a transvaginal sensor can provoke contractions or cause uterine tone.


Vaginal narrowing techniques

Modern medicine offers surgical, instrumental, injection and conservative methods.

  • Colporrhaphy surgery with partial resection of stretched tissues of the mucous membranes returns the muscles and organs of the pelvis to their anatomical position. At the same time, a perineorrhaphy procedure is performed to restore the aesthetics of the perineum. Surgical intervention demonstrates effectiveness in case of severe muscle strain, but is invasive and traumatic, long-term rehabilitation with sexual and physical rest for up to 8 weeks.
  • Conservative training of the vaginal muscles (Kegel technique, exercises with balls and devices) gives results with regular exercise. The technique is effective only with a low degree of deformation and requires constant work.
  • Vaginal contouring using hyaluronic acid fillers is effective with minor changes. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure, but lasts no more than six months.

Laser vaginal tightening at Damas Medical Center Vaginal rejuvenation

Laser tightening and vaginal rejuvenation. A promotion is taking place at Damas Medical Center

Instrumental laser narrowing of the vagina differs from plastic surgery in that it is safe and comfortable for the woman, from contour plastic surgery in that it has a stable result, and from training in that it requires minimal effort for the patient. During the procedure, a light beam of specified parameters affects the tissue, restoring microcirculation, nutrition, and stimulating collagen synthesis.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, in a gynecological chair with local anesthesia, without pain, punctures or tissue incisions. The session lasts about 20 minutes, after which the patient immediately returns to her normal life. Usually one procedure is enough for a pronounced result that lasts for a year. For severe atrophy, a repeat session is required after 6–8 weeks.

Rehabilitation involves limiting sexual contact, visiting a solarium, and sauna for 10–15 days. After the course, the tissue regains elasticity and tone, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane and the quality of sexual life improves, and urinary incontinence is eliminated.

Laser rejuvenation and narrowing of the vagina “Laser Spring” There is a promotion with a 50% discount!
Rejuvenation and narrowing of the vagina using the Top Co2 “Laser Spring” laser16,000 rub. instead of 32 thousand rubles as part of the ongoing promotion!

Preparing for an ultrasound

Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen)

children under 1 year:
do not feed 2.5-3 hours before the test

children from 1 year to 5 years:

do not feed 5-7 hours before the test or in the morning on an empty stomach

children over 7 years old:

in the morning (before 12 noon) on an empty stomach (do not eat anything, do not drink anything)

Ultrasound of the bladder with determination of function

children from 0 to 1 year:

does not require special preparation

children from 1 year to 3 years:

an hour before the test, drink 250-300 ml of liquid (without gas!), preferably just water

children from 3 to 7 years:

an hour before the test, drink 400-500 ml of liquid (without gas!), preferably just water

children from 7 to 12 years old:

an hour before the test, drink 500-700 ml of liquid (without gas!), preferably just water

children over 12 years old and adults:

an hour before the test, drink 1 liter of liquid (without gas!), preferably just water

Ultrasound of the stomach

Ultrasound of the stomach is performed strictly on an empty stomach (you cannot take food or any liquids, even water!) The best time to perform an ultrasound of the stomach is in the morning, 14 hours after the last meal. 2-3 days before the test, it is advisable to exclude gas-forming foods: milk, cabbage, legumes, black bread, grapes. If the patient is constipated, then it is necessary to give a cleansing enema the day before. In case of severe flatulence, sorbents (lactofiltrum, enterosgel), enzymes, and espumisan are prescribed for 3 days before the ultrasound. Take with you a bottle of water in the amount of 300 ml for a child under 2 years old, 400-800 ml for older children. Children under 3 months. breastfeed or bottle-feed during the examination under ultrasound guidance.

Ultrasound of the genitals of women, girls

Preparation is similar to a bladder examination. If ultrasound of the genitals is performed primarily, then with two sensors: abdominal and vaginal. If again, after treatment or control, then you can do it with one thing - a vaginal sensor. If this is an ultrasound of a child or a girl who is not sexually active, then the ultrasound is done only with an abdominal sensor.

Tips and tricks:

1. It is necessary to follow a healthy diet for one or two days, aimed at eliminating or reducing flatulence. To do this, it is advisable to exclude from the diet foods that cause excess gas: raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, sauerkraut, juices, brown bread, whole milk, as well as sweet foods and carbonated drinks. 2. The day before the test, take Espumisan 2 capsules 3 times a day. 3. During an abdominal examination, a well-filled bladder is required. 1-1.5 hours before the test you need to drink 700 ml of water (still!). (not juice, not tea, not coffee, but preferably regular still water). Vaginal examination should be done on the first clean days after menstruation. The bladder should be empty. If you use two sensors, then after the abdominal examination you need to go to the toilet). - Ultrasound of the genitals (uterus, ovaries) - on days 6-8 of the cycle; -on the recommendation of a doctor, an ultrasound of the genitals can be done on any day of the cycle, except for menstruation; - Ultrasound of the mammary glands - on days 4-5 of the cycle.

No preparation required:

Ultrasound dopplerography of the BCA - Doppler ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries (children and adults);

TCDS - ultrasound of cerebral vessels (children under 5 years old);

Ultrasound scanning of the arteries of the lower extremities (children and adults);

Ultrasound scanning of the arteries of the upper extremities (children and adults);

Ultrasound scanning of the veins of the upper extremities (children and adults);

Ultrasound scanning of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries (children and adults);

Ultrasound scanning of eye vessels (children from 12 years old and adults up to 60 years old);

Ultrasound scanning of the scrotum and penis (children and adults;

If you have any documents from previous studies, be sure to bring them with you. Our highly qualified specialists will be happy to help you!

Where can I get an ultrasound examination of the genital organs?

Male genital disease is a serious problem that needs to be solved quickly and effectively. Without an ultrasound of the scrotal organs, this issue cannot be resolved. You can, of course, seek help at a local hospital, but everyone knows what equipment and attitude they have towards people, so today more and more people prefer to turn to the services of private specialists.

An ultrasound of the penis can be done immediately upon arrival at the clinic. Thanks to the use of the latest equipment, doctors quickly obtain highly accurate research results and make the most accurate diagnoses.


Ultrasound of the genitals with a vaginal sensor800₽

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The essence of the procedure: with the help of ultrasound, you can see and evaluate the condition of the body of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes (if they are pathological) and the organs surrounding them. During an ultrasound, the sizes of all organs available for examination are measured, their structure and compliance with the phase of the menstrual cycle are assessed.

Description of the procedure: the study is carried out with a special vaginal sensor. Its use is preferable due to better visualization of the internal genital organs with a more refined assessment of their structure.

Ultrasound ultrasound standards

The highest speed of blood flow during contraction, at rest, in the arteries of each of the structural parts of the penis is 15-25 cm/s. At the beginning of the process of blood filling the cavities, the speed is more than 35 cm/s, but with a full erection it drops slightly. If the values ​​are less than normal, we are talking about arterial dysfunction. During systole, significant arterial resistance should be observed.

  • The final speed of blood flow through the arteries in diastole is approximately equal to 0, but during an erection it will be 10 cm/s or more.
  • Pulsatility index is normally more than 4.
  • Resistance index - at rest should be more than 0.8, at the beginning of an erection it decreases by 0.1 or more, but then reaches 1.0.

The blood flow in the deep dorsal vein is determined - when the drug is administered in a state of full erection, the outflow of blood should completely stop. If it persists even to a small extent, this is a sign of erectile dysfunction.

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