Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern and highly informative examination method used for a thorough examination of internal
Useful articles / October 28, 2020 Even if you exclude all sweets from your diet,
What does a CT scan of the cervical spine show? CT scan with contrast Indications Contraindications Preparation for the examination
To monitor the course of pregnancy, laboratory and instrumental tests are carried out. Among the mandatory diagnostic methods
A complete blood count is one of the most common laboratory diagnostic methods needed to evaluate
Computed tomography of the kidneys is a highly informative, safe diagnosis of the new generation. Accurate data became available to doctors
Absolutely all people develop their own special circulatory system in the womb.
As you know, medicine is developing rapidly - new diagnostic methods are appearing, innovative treatment models are being introduced.
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Interesting facts Parameters Indications Period from conception 17 weeks Period by menstruation 19 weeks