Study of the level of potassium, sodium, chlorides in the blood
General analysis This is one of the basic tests required when visiting many specialists. General
Doppler study
ISUOG Practice Guidelines: Use of Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics
Doppler examination is another option for ultrasound, which is based on the Doppler effect
Ultrasound for pregnant women
Number of ultrasounds during pregnancy (when? where? how often?)
Every day, when I do ultrasounds for pregnant women and not only, I am asked one and
closed tomograph
Explanation of MRI of the brain and spine: abbreviations
Among neuroimaging diagnostic methods, electromagnetic screening has the highest level of information content and reliability. MRI
Bacterial vaginosis: what every woman needs to know?
When do you need to take a Gynecological smear test? If you suspect inflammatory changes in the urogenital
Ultrasound of BDP: indicators are less than normal
The most informative method of examining the fetus and the expectant mother during pregnancy is ultrasound. Planned
Anti-CCP: what is the test for antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide needed for?
Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide are the main marker of rheumatoid polyarthritis in the early stages. Rheumatoid
Ultrasound of the pancreas: 2 examination methods
Shape Size Contour Structure How the results are interpreted The digestive system includes an organ such as
Treatment of pulpitis photo, video process materials
From this article you will learn: what is tooth pulpitis in dentistry, symptoms of the disease, how
Ultrasound biometrics of the eye. Eye biometrics
Ultrasound diagnostics is a highly accurate, painless and accessible method of studying the body in all respects,
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