Urinalysis HTI is a drug and alcohol test. How long do drugs last in urine?

Every modern person needs to know what CTI is, since today one may be faced with the need to conduct this analysis in various areas of life and situations. Moreover, the preservation of a job, reputation, or even the personal freedom of citizens sometimes depends on the accuracy of its results.

This abbreviation stands for chemical-toxicological study, the purpose of which is to detect foreign substances in the human body. It is able to identify the qualitative and quantitative composition of not only toxins, but also other compounds.

The biomaterial for analysis is urine. For the result to be indicative, it is important to meet certain conditions:

  • sample volume: not less than 50 ml;
  • containers for biomaterial: clean, volume no more than 200 ml;
  • sample storage time: no more than 2 days from the moment of collection.

It is also important to consider that the study must be performed in a laboratory licensed for this type of medical activity. The form with the result is drawn up in accordance with the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, certified by the signature of the doctor and the seal of the institution. A medical examination certificate must also be attached.

If these conditions are not met, the document may be declared invalid!

HTI - what is it?

HTI - laboratory urine analysis with detailed interpretation. It is carried out to detect the presence of alcohol and psychotropic substances . In some cases, this analysis is carried out to identify toxic substances that allegedly poisoned a person.

This research method has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is the ease of collecting biomaterial, and secondly, laboratory research is carried out quite easily and quickly. This analysis is simply necessary in some cases to establish legal fairness.

Diagnostic methods

The content of foreign substances in the submitted biomaterial (in this case, urine) can be detected in two ways. Let's look at them in more detail.


Test strips are used, which the specialist dips into the sample received from the patient. With the help of filters, liquid is absorbed, as a result of which antigens of certain substances are detected.

If they are present, a red line appears on the surface of the strip. As the concentration increases, the coloring also becomes more intense.

If there are no foreign substances in the material, there will be two stripes.

The duration of the express method is 15 minutes. Makes it possible to identify more than 10 types of psychotropic substances.


A more advanced method that allows you to detect all the most popular psychotropic substances. Studying the material takes 4 days. Prescribed when unacceptable components are detected in the biomaterial being tested during the initial rapid test.

The study is carried out on the basis of branches (in drug treatment clinics). Urine sampling takes place under conditions that exclude the possibility of substitution (falsification) of biomaterial. When transferring the sample to a health worker, a passport is provided to establish identity.

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Analysis transcript

Deciphering the results of this laboratory study, although it is a very important stage, also does not take much time. The results sheet should note any impurities if they are present in the person's urine. In addition, their number is indicated.

Expert opinion

Kovaleva Elena Anatolyevna

Doctor-Laboratory Assistant. 14 years of experience in clinical diagnostic services.

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If necessary, the doctor can determine how long before the test the person consumed alcohol or any drugs. Because this test is simple, the results are rarely wrong.

Inaccuracies may arise due to the fault of a laboratory employee due to equipment failure.

Indications for use

CTI is recommended if certain signs are present. Separately or in combination, they make one suspect pathological changes:

  • increased salivation;
  • neuralgia;
  • excessive dryness of mucous membranes and skin;
  • nausea;
  • breathing problems;
  • low-grade fever.

You need to undergo CTI if you frequently take addictive medications and have existing chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The procedure is also indicated for:

  • skin pathologies;
  • the presence of cancerous tumors;
  • depressed state;
  • identifying an allergic reaction.

The diagnosis is considered accurate because its execution and interpretation are simple and understandable.

Prohibited products that the analysis reveals

If the results of the laboratory test are positive, then in the transcript the doctor must indicate the name of the chemical substance that is present in the biomaterial. These include:

  • cocaine metabolites;
  • opiates;
  • marijuana;
  • amphetamine;
  • methamphetamine.

Expert opinion

Kovaleva Elena Anatolyevna

Doctor-Laboratory Assistant. 14 years of experience in clinical diagnostic services.

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The transcript indicates not only the presence of these prohibited drugs , but also their quantity. In most cases, the time when a person drank alcohol or took drugs is determined.

How to fill out the required document form

If you have absolutely no free time or for some other reason you cannot go to a medical facility, then our company will help solve this problem. We have been producing various types of documents for a long time, so we can confidently be called professionals in this field.

We use only forms printed at GOZNAK, that is, they fully comply with the requirements and standards in this matter. In order for the company specialist to fill out the form correctly, when ordering you will need to provide some personal information, including full name, date of birth, and so on.

The cost of the service will not be high, and the price is announced to the customer initially, so it will be possible to make the right decision based on personal financial capabilities. The process of drawing up a document will take from one to two days, which means you will be able to solve a vital problem in a timely and quick manner without delays.

You will not need to go to the clinic, which will save as much time as possible and completely eliminate complications. The required certificate will be certified by the doctor’s seal and the signature of the medical institution, so no one will have doubts about the authenticity of the document.

How long do drugs last in urine?

Any chemicals remain in the urine for several days after their use. Thus, opiates contained in urine are a sign of the use of one of the hardest drugs - heroin. If this quality is removed from the blood within 2-3 hours after consumption, then it is contained in the urine for another two days.

Amphetamines and methamphetamines are illegal substances that affect the central nervous system. They are contained in urine for the next 48 hours, from the moment of introduction into the body.

Cocaine, in most cases, is used by inhaling the substance through the respiratory tract or rubbing it into the gums. The substance is contained in urine for 6-8 hours, but can persist for up to a day.

Marijuana is a narcotic substance of plant origin. May be present in urine from 24 hours to several weeks.

Extraordinary situations

You may need to conduct an analysis if you need to prove your own innocence. It happens that law enforcement agencies do not conduct an examination on the spot (immediately after an accident or other emergency situation). More precisely, they can send you for a urine test for alcohol content, and upon receiving a negative answer, “attribute” you to drug intoxication. Therefore, it is important to organize your own safety by going to take a drug test yourself.

Analysis readiness time

CTI urine analysis is carried out both in public medical institutions and in private laboratories. The period within which the analysis will be fully prepared and deciphered usually does not exceed 24 hours .

Expert opinion

Kovaleva Elena Anatolyevna

Doctor-Laboratory Assistant. 14 years of experience in clinical diagnostic services.

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Sometimes, the analysis is carried out using the express method, using special test strips. This method is used more often in cases where analysis is needed by private individuals, for example, parents want to check their child for drug use.

If the results are necessary to carry out any legal action, for example, to confirm to the traffic police the fact that the driver was under the influence of drugs at the time of the accident, then a real laboratory test is used.

Reasons for ordering the test

Carrying out a chemical technical analysis requires:

  • when applying for a job as a security guard and to assess compliance with professional requirements;
  • persons who want to buy weapons to extend their use;
  • during legal proceedings;
  • when traveling abroad for work;
  • drivers in case of resolution of controversial issues with traffic inspectors, for admission to further driving;
  • foreign citizens who arrive in the country for temporary or permanent residence;
  • men (from 18 to 27 years old) while undergoing a medical examination for military service.

How to cheat research?

If a person did use narcotic substances , then he is interested in the question of how to bypass the laboratory test, or rather, make the results incorrect. There are several ways to do this.

Substitution of biomaterial . This method implies that instead of his own urine, a person will take biomaterial from a “pure” donor to the laboratory. A substitution can only be made if a person takes the material for research to the laboratory independently. For example, this analysis is necessary when applying for a security guard position. And in this case, it is unlikely that anyone will control the collection of material.

Drugs can evaporate from urine if you keep the liquid in the open air for several hours. As a result, the information indicated in the transcript of the analysis will be distorted.

You can agree with the laboratory staff to change the result. This method requires familiarity with medical personnel.

Another option is to accelerate metabolic processes in the body. Of course, this can only be done if the date of the laboratory test is known in advance. The essence of this method is to remove drug residues from urine through natural leaching. To do this, you need to drink plenty of fluids for 1–2 days before the test.

Taking detoxification medications that are aimed at removing toxins from the body. The disadvantage of this method is that the transcript of the results may indicate the content of this medicine.

It should be remembered that substitution of analysis results is a criminal offense.

For private clients

CTI (chemical toxicological study) is a laboratory urine test that allows you to detect the presence of psychoactive and/or narcotic substances in the body. A detailed transcript of the study allows us to establish not only the presence of these substances, but also their percentage. Procedure and deadlines for registration, list of examinations, cost of a weapons certificate >>>

Who needs a HTI certificate and why?

Chemical-toxicological analysis may be needed in various situations, for example, when investigating the circumstances of an accident, a criminal case, or in any other situations where it is necessary to assess the adequacy of a person.

However, most often a HTI certificate is required in ordinary “peaceful” circumstances. The document is primarily required to obtain a weapons permit:

  • For individuals (for hunting, self-defense)
  • Private security company employees (private security guards)
  • Teachers of specialized courses on the use of weapons.

What substances does CTI detect?

In case of a positive result, the CTI certificate contains a detailed explanation of the identified substances and their concentrations in the biomaterial. The list of prohibited substances includes the following types:

  • Alcohol
  • Opiates (cocaine, heroin, morphine, desomorphine, etc.)
  • Barbiturates (phenobarbital, barbamyl, cyclobarbital)
  • Benzodiazepines (diazepam, Relanium, nitrazepam)
  • Amphetamine, methamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, MDMA, “ecstasy”)
  • Cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish)
  • Opioids (tramadol, phencyclidine, methadone), etc.

In some cases, the examination can show a false positive result. It is necessary to avoid the use of certain types of medications:

  • valocordin
  • corvalol
  • phenobarbital
  • nurofen plus
  • pentalgin
  • pentalgin –N
  • codelac
  • codipront
  • codeterpin
  • sedal –M
  • Sedalgin neo
  • terpincode
  • tetralgin
  • caffetin and analogues.

Features of collecting biomaterial for research

Carrying out a chemical technical analysis requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • The volume of collected urine must be at least 50 ml
  • The container must be sterile and airtight, with a volume of no more than 200 ml
  • The deadline for submitting urine to the laboratory should not exceed 1 day from the date of collection.

It is very important that the analysis is carried out in a legal laboratory that has the right to carry out this type of activity. The medical institution performing the examination must have a license. The CTI certificate must be issued on the established form and certified by signatures and seals of the laboratory. Otherwise, the document will be considered invalid.

How long do drugs stay in urine?

The timing of detection of prohibited substances depends on many factors, including the type of substance itself, its dose and frequency of use, the person’s weight, etc. At the same time, there are confirmed time frames for the preservation of drugs in the body, allowing analysis with a high degree of accuracy.

Thus, with the greatest probability, traces of inclusions will be determined:

  • For amphetamines - within 2 days
  • For cocaine and heroin – within 3 days
  • For marijuana – within 4 days.

The figures are valid in the case of irregular (one-time) use of the drug. With continuous use, traces of the drug will remain in the body longer.

Registration of a certificate for a weapon in St. Petersburg almost always requires a separate visit to a specialized laboratory for a CTI analysis. However, there is no such need when contacting. We take the material on site and send it to the laboratory ourselves.

Branches of “Medical Commission No. 1” are open in 8 districts of the city and have all the necessary licenses. Certificates issued in our centers are official documents drawn up in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

More information about obtaining a weapons certificate can be found on this page or by phone

Procedure and deadlines for registration, list of examinations, cost of a weapons certificate >>>

Preparing for analysis

If a person has not used any illegal drugs, and wants the results of his CTI urine test to be as accurate as possible, then he needs to know some rules.

They consist of preparing for laboratory testing. Before visiting the laboratory, it is necessary to carry out hygiene of the genitals and anus. It is recommended to transport biomaterial in a clean container. It is better if it is a special container that can be purchased at any pharmacy. You must give urine in the morning.

Naturally, a few days before the analysis, you need to completely eliminate the use of alcohol, drugs, and reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke . If possible, you should stop taking any medications.

How to pass a chemical testing test for weapons in St. Petersburg?

To do a CTI analysis, contact a specialized government agency or a medical center that cooperates with it. Among them is our multidisciplinary clinic "OSMED". If you want to buy a CTI analysis, it is important to remember that it is illegal. Here you can do this research absolutely legally and at a low price.

Biomaterial for analysis is submitted directly to the clinic, which eliminates falsification and substitution. The subject is provided with a container for urine. He must provide at least 50 ml of biomaterial.

Beforehand, the person being examined is familiarized with the regulations and the list of medications, the use of which may affect the veracity of the result. If they are used, he must inform the employee of the medical institution.

Features of submitting an application for a certificate

In order to buy an HTI certificate for a weapon, you will need to submit an application, and our company offers to do this by phone, which is easy and will not cause difficulties.

A representative of the company will indicate the cost and terms of production of the document, in addition, you will be asked to choose the most convenient method of payment, in particular, payment can be made both in cash and by bank transfer. The certificate for the weapon will be handed to you personally, that is, no one will know that you purchased the document, that is, complete confidentiality of the acquisition will be maintained.

What affects the rate of elimination

How quickly the drug leaves the body depends on a number of factors:

  • type of drug;
  • dosage;
  • duration of use;
  • body type, presence of adipose tissue;
  • age;
  • concomitant diseases, especially of the urinary system;
  • accompanying addictions (alcohol, smoking).

You can add physical activity to the above - the less it is, the longer the toxins remain in the body.

Drug test results

The result is displayed in the form of bars. Depending on the manufacturer, the result may be positive in the form of one or two stripes. To obtain reliable data, you must strictly follow the instructions. In addition, a false result (positive or negative) is possible for the following reasons:

  • the test was stored incorrectly;
  • the test has expired;
  • influenced by other chemical compounds;
  • low quality test and others.

For example, a false positive result for morphine can be obtained if a person consumed baked goods with poppy seeds before taking the test.

How to speed up the elimination of drugs?

You can independently speed up the elimination of drugs from the body in different ways, but all of them will work only if you completely stop taking them again. At home, methods such as:

  • gastric lavage;
  • taking sorbents;
  • enemas;
  • taking diuretics.

Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. It can be plain water, mineral water, green tea, milk, fruit drinks.

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