Alpha amylase (amylase) (blood level determination)
Amylase is an enzyme that can break down carbohydrates. The enzyme produced by the pancreas is called pancreatic amylase. Test
Department of Radiological Research PET CT
PET/CT in Moscow and the Russian Federation. Single registration center for compulsory medical insurance and paid procedures - write an application
PET CT is the most necessary and informative study in oncology to detect metastases.
Pulmonary tuberculosis, symptoms, diagnosis, classification and treatment
Today in Russia, tuberculoma is not a rare diagnosis. Let's try to figure out what it is and
Can genetic tests be trusted to determine nationality?
Let us define the concept of nationality and the meaning of this term for genetics. For the average person, nationality is
Urine culture test: why is it needed and how to collect?
Urine culture for flora with determination of sensitivity to an expanded range of antibiotics, incl. Candida
Infections of the genitourinary system cause discomfort and are very dangerous. It's not just about unpleasant symptoms
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Reference values ​​The table shows normal values ​​of follicle-stimulating hormone depending on gender, age
Pulmonary tuberculosis, symptoms, diagnosis, classification and treatment
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that occurs due to Koch bacilli entering the human body. Disease
Dysmetabolic nephropathy (oxaluria) in children: a modern approach to treatment
Oxalates in daily urine Oxalates in the urine of a healthy person are present in small quantities.
Elevated red blood cells in urine: what does the analysis indicate?
Red blood cells in the urine of children mean that red blood cells have entered it, responsible for
Laparoscopic resection of the left kidney with tumor and resection of the walls of the left kidney cyst
Patient K, 69 years old. Diagnosis: tumor of the left kidney T1aNoMx. Left kidney cyst. Clinical
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