Directions to the Diagnostic Center of the Health Clinic
Certificate of fluorography sample free download
The fluorography certificate is an important and mandatory document informing about the state of health. Without
Laparoscopic resection of the left kidney with tumor and resection of the walls of the left kidney cyst
Patient K, 69 years old. Diagnosis: tumor of the left kidney T1aNoMx. Left kidney cyst. Clinical
Mammography - 6 Myths about it
“Safe Exposure,” or Six Essential Questions About Mammography
August 11, 2016 Some of the myths about mammography can have serious health effects
PCR diagnosis of latent infections
Block of urogenital infections using the PCR method (determination in the material using the PCR method)
PCR diagnostics of latent infections or Polymerase chain reaction diagnostics - a highly accurate method of gene diagnostics
Viral load in hepatitis B
Viral hepatitis B. Determination of the form and stage of the disease
You can get a blood test for antibodies to the hepatitis B virus at your nearest medical office
Antibodies to Helicobacter pylori IgA, Helicobacter pylori lgA quantity.
Detailed description of the study Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that affects the gastric mucosa
Lochiometra after cesarean section and childbirth: signs, treatment, risks
After cesarean section, white blood cells in the blood, urine and vaginal smear may increase by
General information and advice for all pregnant women during the coronavirus pandemic
Is it possible to take dental x-rays during pregnancy? The condition of the teeth and oral cavity often seems
Signs and features of embryo implantation
The birth of a new life and the formation of a person is a mysterious and amazing process hidden from view
Stages of development of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine
The lower back is the most overloaded part of the spinal column. As a result of exposure to certain provoking factors in
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