All tests
A blood test after chemotherapy worries the patient a lot, but it’s not the fact of collecting blood that frightens him
Hormonal balance plays a vital role in the life of any person, so its disorder leads to
Bronchial asthma is spreading among the masses; today almost 300 million adults in the world suffer from it
The liver is a key organ in copper metabolism; copper-containing and copper transport proteins are synthesized in the hepatocyte.
Contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging The basis of any imaging method is the ability of the eye to distinguish
An inguinal hernia is a pathological condition in which complete or partial protrusion of organs occurs
An inguinal hernia is a pathological condition in which complete or partial protrusion of organs occurs
General information Cancer of the digestive system is a malignant lesion of the digestive tube, as well as glands,
General information. Copper. Cu. Copper is an element of Group I of the periodic table; at. n. –
Home / Articles / Fungal spores in a gynecological smear: causes and treatment To identify