Blood transfusion. What is a blood transfusion and why is it needed?
This information explains what to expect before, during, and after your blood transfusion procedure.
Features of choosing an X-ray machine for a private clinic
High-quality and timely diagnosis is the key to successful and effective treatment. That's why in modern
Ultrasound examination of lymph nodes in cancer
Ultrasound of peripheral lymph nodes The lymphatic system is one of the body systems, which, along with
Preparing for a colonoscopy during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Share information with friends Facebook VK Linkedin Reddit email Colonoscopy during pregnancy is extremely recommended
Recovery with medications and medications after radiation therapy
Radiation therapy plays a vital role in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of various locations. It can be used
Urea standard in biochemical analysis (UREA)
Synonyms: Urea in urine, Urea Urea is a carbonic acid amide, a nitrogen-containing product of protein metabolism
What is colposcopy
Cervical colposcopy: should you be afraid of this procedure?
Colposcopy is a procedure in the field of gynecology, which is performed for the purpose of medical examination not only
biopsiya limfaticheskix uzlov DBD5 - Biopsy of lymph nodes
Lymph node biopsy. Lymph node biopsy to diagnose lymphoma.
Lymph nodes are part of the body's immune system and help fight infection by producing special
Ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities
Down syndrome is a relatively common congenital disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in pair 21.
Colposcopy of the cervix by a gynecologist
Colposcopy is a simple and effective method for diagnosing dangerous gynecological diseases
Colposcopy is a modern, absolutely safe and painless method for diagnosing a number of diseases of the cervix and
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