All tests
During pregnancy, a woman has to undergo a large number of different tests. And how to figure it out
Non-stress CTG test (cardiotocography), also known as fetal heart rate monitoring - prenatal testing,
THE IMPORTANCE OF ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY IN STUDYING EPILEPSY Electroencephalography plays a key role in the study of epilepsy in patients.
Protein Normal Protein excretion in urine is not normal. Normal in urine
The criteria and methods of personnel assessment with which an HR specialist works in a company depend on many
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that begins to be secreted early in pregnancy. According to its content in
Infectious disease specialist Sinitsyna Olga Valentinovna Experience 33 years Highest qualification category of infectious disease doctor Make an appointment
What is this? FGDS of the stomach is a highly informative diagnostic method that makes it possible to assess the condition
In blood analysis, MID denotes the totality of three formed elements included in the cellular biological composition
General analysis This is one of the basic tests required when visiting many specialists. General