How long to store baby urine for analysis?
Urine for analysis is stored for up to 1 day, but there are exceptions
How to store urine for analysis before delivery to the laboratory Biological materials are stored exclusively in
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to measles virus in the blood
Causes of measles Measles is one of the most contagious diseases. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. Human,
Picture 1
Anoscopy in Moscow - preparation for the examination and procedure
At an appointment with a coloproctologist, the doctor must conduct an external examination of the anus and palpation of the lower parts
Products that remove radiation from the human body
Penetrating into the human body, radionuclides cause irreparable harm. Here is a list of useful products that help with
Spermogram, spermatogram, spermiogram, spermokinesiogram: research and interpretation of results
Causes Diagnosis Treatment Leukospermia. The patient can receive such a conclusion after taking a spermogram. Leukospermia (pyospermia
hemoglobin during pregnancy.jpg
Hemoglobin norm in pregnant women, consequences of low Hb for the child
Hemoglobin norms during pregnancy If in the normal state the hemoglobin norm for women is up to 40
What does a deviation from the norm indicate?
Thrombocrit is the proportion of whole blood volume that is taken up by platelets (blood platelets).
Photo of ultrasound during pregnancy, photo of the fetus during ultrasound during pregnancy
Interesting facts Parameters Indications Period from conception 3 weeks Period by menstruation 5 weeks
Heel spur
Treatment of heel spurs in Petrozavodsk
Heel spur (or plantar fasciopathy) is a chronic disease of the musculoskeletal system associated with constant
Smoker's lungs
Comprehensive diagnosis of diseases in smokers: lungs
According to WHO, smoking is the main cause of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Cause of lung cancer
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