Penetrating into the human body, radionuclides cause irreparable harm. Here is a list of useful products that help in the fight against radiation.
If you have various diseases, it is not always possible to use medications to protect against radiation. It is useful to know the list of products that remove radiation from the human body. Food contains a certain set of substances and microelements that affect the condition of the skin and many systems of the human body. Nutritionists have identified a number of products that will help quickly remove dangerous radionuclides from the human body.
Products that remove radiation
The following foods should be eaten on a regular basis. Otherwise, the body will not receive the substances necessary to combat radiation. Of course, they will not be able to cure an organism affected by radioactive substances, but they can reduce the negative effects of radiation in a mild form.
In other words, regular consumption of products will help with radiation injury - short-term radiation, when the radiation dose does not exceed 1 Gy. So, products that remove radiation include:
- Dairy products.
- Fresh fruits and citrus fruits.
- Vegetable crops.
- Herbal decoctions, water.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding this product. During the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, milk was distributed to everyone as a protective product against radionuclides. However, later, information was made public about the dangers of dairy products from radiation exposure. However, in a number of sources, dairy products are listed as the first to be consumed during a radioactive attack. In addition to milk, this concept means:
- oil;
- sour cream;
- cream;
- cottage cheese.
Proponents of consuming dairy products during radiation exposure argue that the calcium they contain reduces the buildup of radioactive strontium. It is also indicated that cottage cheese is better than milk in cleansing the body of dangerous substances. Dairy products also contain methionine, an amino acid essential for the removal of radionuclides.
Fresh fruits and citrus fruits
Apples contain fruit pectins, carotene, calcium, i.e. all the necessary substances that help get rid of radionuclides. Fruit pectins act on heavy metals, group the most dangerous of them and remove them from the body through the intestines.
Where else is pectin found?
Carotene is a substance that detects pathogenic cells and restores them. Penetrating through cellular structures, carotene eliminates infected atoms. It then reacts to create a new cellular element. Carotene is called one of the most effective components against the complications of radiation. In addition to apples, it is useful to eat citrus fruits:
- grapefruits;
- oranges;
- tangerines;
- lemons.
Citrus fruits, in addition to fruit pectins, contain potassium and calcium. Potassium creates something like a barrier to radionuclides. The component inhibits the absorption of radioactive ingredients into the bloodstream. A sufficient amount of potassium in the body helps improve immune strength and increases protection against infections and viruses.
Vegetables are great for removing radiation. It is worth giving preference to radishes, which contain pectin and selenium - an element that removes radionuclides from the tissues and cells of the body. Selenium is able to penetrate deeply into infected cells, leaving them no chance to develop. In addition to vegetables, this substance is also found in nuts and cereals.
It is useful to eat pepper with pectin, carotene and fiber - a persistent element that can prevent the effects of radiation. Fiber can react with radionuclides, which are then removed from the human body by amino acids.
Cabbage is rich in caffeic acid, which breaks down infected particles into simple compounds. Subsequently, such breakdown, other elements present in the body can affect them and eliminate them. Fiber, caffeic acid, is also found in greens and fruits. Onions and garlic also get rid of radionuclides.
Herbal infusions and water
Now we know which products remove radiation. However, there are drinks with a similar mechanism of action. Grape and pomegranate juices have an antioxidant effect. Drinking plenty of fluids is beneficial. Water helps to quickly flush out hazardous substances from the human body. To prepare decoctions, you should give preference to the following plants:
- Linden;
- chamomile;
- tea mushroom;
- burdock;
- buckwheat;
- linen;
- prunes;
- nettle;
- echinacea;
- calendula;
- St. John's wort.
Tea lovers: to prevent the effects of radiation, you should choose a green tea drink. Natural green tea (without dye or flavorings) contains catechins - flavonoids, the strongest antioxidants.
Behavior when affected by radiation
Let us consider the algorithm of behavior in the event of radiation damage. It looks like this:
- Carry out actions on which the life of the victim directly depends: performing artificial respiration or chest compressions.
- Reduce exposure to radiation - move the victim to a shelter or basement.
- Get rid of clothing to eliminate the risk of re-exposure to radiation.
- By rinsing, clean the head area: eyes, mouth, throat and stomach, give it a sorbent (activated carbon, etc.).
- Protect the respiratory system with a respirator, cotton-gauze bandage or piece of cloth.
- Refer the victim to a healthcare facility.
Iodine-containing products
It is impossible not to mention iodine - as the most famous anti-radiation remedy. It was dropped into milk and given to people who had been exposed to radiation. It was prescribed internally as potassium iodide. Iodine is effective when used before irradiation.
If it accumulates in the thyroid gland before radiation, then radioactive isotopes will cause less harm to the body. To benefit, you need to take 100 to 200 mg of iodine with a glass of milk or water once every day.
Foods rich in iodine
It is easy to check whether there is enough iodine in the body: you just need to moisten a cotton ball with potassium iodide and apply it to the skin. If iodine is absorbed very quickly, but there is a microelement deficiency. Iodine can be found in seafood, squid, and seaweed. This microelement prevents the accumulation of cesium and strontium. The accumulation of these trace elements leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Other iodine-containing products include:
- Cod liver;
- pork;
- beef;
- cheeses;
- persimmon;
- spinach;
- fish fat.
Is radiography harmful?
Radiography is performed to create images of local areas of the skeleton and organ systems. During diagnostic procedures of this type (fluorography, mammography, etc.), a person is exposed to insignificant exposure to x-ray radiation. Even if a number of subsequent examinations are carried out, the patient receives no more radiation exposure than in ordinary life in a certain period of time.
If serious diagnostics (computed tomography) are required, then high doses of radiation are used. Such a measure is justifiably resorted to when the type of therapeutic course and the patient’s condition depend on the results of the study. The consequences of exposure to increased x-ray doses are determined not so much by the fact of irradiation itself as by the duration of the procedure.
In the case of a one-time x-ray diagnosis using a low radiation dose, measures to cleanse the body should not be carried out. If multiple diagnostics occur, accompanied by the use of increased doses of X-rays, it is worth thinking about methods for removing radiation.
The most harmful diagnostic method
Alcoholic drinks
Information is spreading across the networks that alcohol supposedly helps fight radiation. Water, wine and other alcoholic drinks do not treat or relieve symptoms of radionuclide damage. On the contrary, ethyl alcohol in combination with isotopes of radiation causes a double blow to the human body.
However, there is one positive point: ethyl alcohol will spread radiation to all systems of the human body, which will reduce the negative impact on one specific organ. Therefore, everyone who works in hazardous enterprises can benefit from alcohol and radiation by drinking a glass of red wine every day.
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The mechanism of radiation effects on the body
The destructive effects of radiation on the human body have been scientifically proven by a large number of studies. The danger lies in the fact that X-rays pass unhindered through human tissue, destroying the molecules of cellular structures into positive and negative ions.
Reasons for the danger of radiation exposure:
- there is a violation of the protective functions of the immune system;
- cellular structures and tissues in the human body are destroyed;
- structural changes occur in stem cells;
- a slowdown in human basal metabolism appears;
- pathology in the structure of red blood cells is diagnosed.
In a human body that has been exposed to radiation, oncological, endocrinological diseases or malfunctions of the reproductive system may begin to develop.
The type of pathology and the degree of its danger to the body depend on the following factors:
- irradiation power;
- distance from the radiation source to the person;
- duration of exposure.
The most dangerous disease caused by radioactive effects on the human body is radiation sickness, which can lead to fatal changes in the tissues of major organs.
This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
- decreased vital activity with significant loss of strength and constant weakness;
- presence of dry cough;
- failure of the cardiovascular and other systems of the body.
Often the appearance of such symptoms leads to death.
What removes radiation from the body after radiation for cancer
Most of the products listed above contain vitamins that help quickly remove radiation from the body, namely E, C and A. This vitamin complex is also found in medicinal plants. After radiation therapy, it is allowed to use folk remedies to remove radiation.
To remove radiation after radiation therapy for oncology, the following folk remedies are used as herbal medicine:
- Rosehip infusion. Add 40 g of fruit to a liter of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, drink the prepared product 24 hours before.
- Tincture of soothing and tonic herbs. Mix plantain, mint, chamomile (50 g of each plant), St. John's wort, yarrow (25 g each). Take a tablespoon and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, use ½ cup. 4 times a day before meals.
- Celery juice and honey. Squeeze 50 ml of juice from celery, add 1 tsp. honey Take in the morning 60 minutes before meals.
- Black radish tincture. Take 1 kg of vegetables, rinse, chop finely and pour in a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 15 days, strain and drink ¼ cup. three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
- Nettle decoction. Pour 2 cups. boiling water 5 tbsp. l. plants, brew for an hour. Strain, drink 200 ml three times a day, but not more than 30 days. If a long period is necessary, you need to take a break of 14 days.
Herbal medicine will not cure oncology, but can only improve health after radiation therapy. But to benefit from phytotherapeutic methods, you need to consult a therapist.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about radiation safety, call 212-639-7391, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you have an emergency after 5:00 p.m., on weekends, or on holidays, call your endocrinologist or go to an urgent care center or the nearest urgent care center. You can also call Nuclear Medicine at 212-639-6652 if you have questions about your appointment time or your treatment. to come back to the beginning
Access-A-Ride 877-337-2017 The New York City MTA offers shared rides and assistance for people with disabilities who are unable to ride buses or subways.
Air Charity Network 877-621-7177 Provides rides to treatment centers.
American Cancer Society (ACS) 800-ACS-2345 (800-227-2345) Offers a variety of information and (Hope Lodge) a free place for patients and caregivers to stay on cancer treatment time.
American Thyroid Association (ATA) Provides up-to-date information for thyroid patients, their families and other interested communities and organizations.
Light of Life Foundation 646-888-8106 Provides health information and support to patients with thyroid cancer.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) 800-4-CANCER (800-422-6237)
Resources for Life After Cancer (RLAC) Program At MSK, patient care does not end when active treatment is completed. The RLAC program is intended for patients who have already undergone treatment, as well as their family members. This program offers a variety of services, such as support groups, seminars, workshops, and counseling regarding life after treatment. She also helps resolve issues related to health insurance and employment. For more information, call 646-888-8106.
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. 877-588-7904 This website provides up-to-date information about thyroid cancer and the support services that patients and their caregivers can receive at any stage of investigation, testing, treatment or monitoring for thyroid cancer. thyroid cancer throughout life.
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