Recommendations for lung ultrasound in internal medicine. Part one
Advantages of ultrasound What is the difference between ultrasound and x-ray? These are two completely different methods of diagnosing patients.
There is a shortage. How does a lack of protein affect your appearance?
Protein deficiency is a pathological condition of the body caused by a deficiency of amino acids. Protein deficiency is common
Ultrasound examination of the eyes (Ophthalmoechoscopy)
B-scan is a technique for recognizing the internal structures of the eyes using an ultrasound machine. It refers to
Taking a sample
Excruciating waiting time: how long does a DNA paternity test take and is it possible to speed up the procedure?
DNA is a special technique aimed at establishing family relationships (most often paternity). As shown
MRI and X-ray
How does fluorography differ from chest x-ray?
Installations for MRI and X-ray examination Visualization diagnostic methods (radiography, fluorography, CT, MRI
Question answer
Gastroscopy for ENT diseases Laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis are clear contraindications to FGDS.
Semenyuk L.A. Ultrasound diagnosis of reflux esophagitis in children // Ultrasound and functional diagnostics. 2007. No. 2. P. 57–63.
Types of diagnostics Examination of the cardiovascular system: Echocardiography (heart examination) can be recorded digitally
microscopy of mycelium threads
Threads of pseudomycelium and blastospores in a smear in adults and children
In scraping, there are threads of mycelium in pityriasis versicolor. This is a chronic fungal disease. It is caused by Pityrosporum
Pregnant girl
Sugar curve - the norm by points in the glucose tolerance test, how the analysis is carried out and decoding
What is a sugar curve? A glucose tolerance test (abbreviated as GTT) is a laboratory test.
What is the difference between computed tomography and magnetic resonance and other diagnostic methods (ultrasound, x-ray)
To make correct diagnoses, doctors use various examination methods. There is no such thing as
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