When platelets are elevated in a child, what does this mean, how can they be reduced?
General blood test - decoding online Using the online test decoding service, you can
Herpes in children: vesicular rashes and aphthae
Herpes virus types 1.2, DNA (HHV-1.2, PCR) plasma, quality. in Moscow
Author Timofeeva Veronika Leonidovna Leading doctor Gynecologist until September 30 We are giving 1000 rubles for everything
10 facts about coughing neighbors, school Mantoux and tuberculosis that was not treated
Last year, more than 61 thousand new cases of tuberculosis were identified in Russia. How not
CTG during pregnancy: what is it for and how to do it correctly?
Name of service Price of service, rub. Cardiotocography (CTG) 1700 To monitor the development and condition of the child
Is it possible to do an MRI during menstruation?
Is it possible to do MRI and CT during menstruation and how is the study performed?
MRI is a non-invasive, informative diagnostic procedure. With its help you can explore what
Ultrasound of the pelvis with an internal sensor: vaginal and transvaginal – MEDSI
What is a vaginal ultrasound? Vaginal (transvaginal) ultrasound examination of the pelvis is performed using
Hepatitis tests: diagnosis of liver diseases
One of the most dangerous viral liver diseases is hepatitis. A key factor in successful therapy against
Lavacol (macrogol) - laxative
Use of the drug Lavacol for high-quality bowel preparation for colonoscopy examination
Preparation for a colonoscopy begins 2-3 days before the examination by following a slag-free diet. It is forbidden
26th week of pregnancy photo of the baby and your changes
The baby already weighs almost a whole kilogram - about 850-900 g, and his height is now
Laparoscopy in gynecology and restoration of menstruation after it
Women of childbearing age who are sexually active often complain of aching pain
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