Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in St. Petersburg
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in St. Petersburg Localization of the pathological focus with MRI of the brain begins to be determined
Urinalysis pro trace - interpretation of the analysis, normal
Pro trace in urine - what is it? All laboratory tests are encrypted for
intoxication test
How long does alcohol last in a person’s blood (table), permissible limit
In recent years, our state has become more and more serious about combating alcohol abuse. This
Displaced fracture: mechanism of development of this pathology.
A fracture is a violation of the integrity of a bone. Depending on its nature, either two are formed
Parts of the pituitary gland
Digital x-ray of the sella turcica in Vladivostok
The sella turcica in the brain takes part in the vital functions of organs. Represents a minor notch located
scanning methods
For patients: CT, MRI, ultrasound, x-ray. What do scans check?
Full text of the article: Working with diseases of the internal organs is especially difficult because they cannot be seen.
Preparation for ultrasound of the gallbladder with determination of function
The gallbladder is classified as an auxiliary organ of digestion. Its main task is the accumulation of bile,
Culture for pathogens of intestinal infections (Salmonella, Shigella) with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics
September 24, 2021 Dysentery (shigellosis) is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella, occurring with
JSC Astana Medical University Department “Introduction to the clinic” Topic: Tube procedures: FGDS, bronchoscopy, duodenal intubation, pH-metry. Astana. - presentation
Tracheobronchoscopy (full name of the procedure) is a modern diagnostic and treatment method for visualizing the internal surfaces of the trachea and bronchi.
Bacteriuria, cystitis and pyelonephritis during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the female body performs almost double work, therefore, the load also increases significantly.
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