What does the belly look like during pregnancy with a boy and a girl - what is the difference?

Hello, dear readers!

Today, there are many different methods for determining the sex of a baby who is still growing in the womb. Many women prefer the ultrasound procedure, as this is the most reliable and reliable way to study the characteristics of the developing fetus.

And yet among them there are those who want to maintain the intrigue until the last moment and at the same time test their intuition. To do this, they turn to folk signs and beliefs, which allow them to visually analyze the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl, the difference between which lies in the shape of the pregnant woman’s figure.

It remains for us to find out how true such a “fortune telling” can be, at what stage it is already possible to find out the gender of the child by external signs and what differences exist between the bellies of a girl and a boy.

Abdominal shape during pregnancy: all causes and influencing factors

Pregnancy is different for every woman. The external signs, configuration, size and parameters of the womb are also different for all women in labor, one might even say unique.

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy takes on one form or another under the influence of a number of factors, including the structure and weight of the body, individual characteristics of the body and procedures for caring for the pregnant woman throughout the entire period.

In medicine, the bellies of women who are “in position” are divided into categories according to the following configurations:

  • expectant mothers of short stature with a narrow pelvis have an acute abdomen from the time it becomes noticeable until the end of pregnancy;
  • a square shape of the womb is often observed with underdeveloped abdominal muscles, although the forum contains a lot of evidence that such a shape indicates low water or a large fetus;
  • A pear-shaped pelvis is observed in the period before childbirth, when the stomach has already dropped.

You need to sound the alarm if there is an asymmetrical configuration of the womb. In this case, pregnant women note that they have a stomach ache and discomfort in the pelvic area. It is difficult to determine the shape of the belly with the fetus in early pregnancy.

Often it depends on the female build. In thin people, a protruding round belly may appear in the first weeks, while in fat people it will remain small for a long time.

Polygon of evolution

Sexual reproduction is reproduction that involves sex cells. The presence of different sexes is not necessary; one individual may well produce both male and female gametes. This is what invertebrates do: gastropods, some worms, crustaceans and coelenterates. Moreover, hermaphrodites reproduce twice as efficiently as dioecious species, since each mature individual produces offspring. However, the vast majority of animals are dioecious. Obviously, the existence of sexes creates advantages that are greater than fertility.

In 1965, Soviet scientist Vigen Artavazdovich Geodakyan suggested that the male sex represents an experimental testing ground for evolution. On it, nature develops new signs, so male mortality should be higher than female mortality. From an evolutionary point of view, this is not scary, because one male produces disproportionately more germ cells than a female and can fertilize several individuals. The female sex in this system is assigned the role of custodian of genetic information (“Chemistry and Life” No. 4, 2001).

This theory is fully applicable to people. Boys die more often than girls, but they are born more often. For every hundred girls born, there are 101–108 boys, depending on the population. Meanwhile, the gender ratio should be equal. A person’s gender is determined by the combination of sex chromosomes and depends on whether an X- or Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg.

Mammals have two types of sex chromosomes: X and Y. At conception, they are combined with equal probability, so boys and girls should be born at the same frequency in a population

Naturally, scientists assumed that the imbalance in the sex ratio could be caused by an unequal number of sperm carrying the X and Y chromosomes, and some were not too lazy to count these sperm, but the data turned out to be contradictory. When comparing the sperm of the fathers of many sons and many daughters, in some cases there was a difference, and quite significant (44-54% and 37-49% Y-sperm), in others - not. So the sex ratio at conception is 1:1, and their difference at birth is explained by other reasons, for example, different prenatal mortality: according to specialists from the Institute of Medical Genetics of the Tomsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, female embryos predominate among spontaneous abortions.

Pregnant with boys: how to visually identify your future son?

Women who refuse to determine the gender of their child using an ultrasound still remain interested for the entire 9 months. They are languishing in anticipation, and in order to somehow decide what color to buy things for the baby, they ask friends and acquaintances how to find out who you are expecting by the appearance of your growing belly.

Each pregnant woman has her own “problems” and methods for determining the sex of the baby in the womb. Experts in the field of gynecology and obstetrics agreed that the difference between the shapes of the bellies of a girl and a boy is quite noticeable.

Let's consider how the womb of a woman who carries a son under her heart is different:

  • vague contours, slightly blurred, making it difficult to trace the changes taking place;
  • navel shifted downward;
  • the extended waist is clearly visible from the back;
  • low belly

Reviews from young mothers who have two children of different sexes confirm that during pregnancy with a girl, the womb was large, round and dense, like an inflated balloon. While waiting for the boy, from the first days when the belly began to grow until the moment of birth, it was neat, small and slightly pointed.

It is important for partners and married couples who will soon become parents to prepare mentally and physically for a new stage in their lives - the birth and raising of a child. You can get useful information from the free lecture “Step-by-step plan for preparing men and women for pregnancy” from obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Viktorovna Zhgareva.

Japanese conception calendar about the possible choice of the sex of the unborn baby

Some parents try to calculate favorable days for conceiving a child of a particular gender. They use various methods to determine the sex of the baby according to birth months, mother's age, month of conception and other various options. There are also versions regarding the future sex of the baby, based on the appearance and nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. It is believed that if a pregnant woman eats a lot of meat, then she should expect a boy, and if she eats sweets, she should expect a girl. By appearance they determine this: if a pregnant woman becomes prettier, then they expect a boy, they become impartial, she looks like a girl. Only this can already be understood in the process of expecting a baby, but parents want to try to choose the sex of the child in advance.

The Japanese method is effective, based on the relationship between the birth months of the mother and father of the unborn baby. You can select the gender of the baby using two tables. In one of them, the birth months of the parents are given; the numbers that appear at the intersection provide data for the second table. It also uses the result of the intersection of the previously drawn number and the month of planned conception.

The only nuance is the moment of choosing the vertical or horizontal month of birth for the father and mother. In some sources, the month of the mother is indicated in the vertical row, and the month of the father in the horizontal row, while in others everything is done the other way around. The exact data is lost, but in the case of the father’s vertical, the method is more workable, giving a noticeable positive result in matching the baby’s gender.

The first table of the Japanese method
Man's birth monthWoman's birth month

The second table gives the final result. You need to find the number from the first table, comparing it with the month of conception. The letter "M" means that a boy will be born. In all other cases, a girl will be born.

Summary table of the Japanese method

How to understand that there will be a girl: external signs

Those who are impatient to find out the gender of their future offspring begin searching for relevant information on the Internet already in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this regard, the query “who will I give birth to” is one of the most popular in almost all search engines.

The fact that a girl will be born is indicated by a high-growing, rounded belly with smooth contours, outwardly resembling a dense ball or ball. Another sign of a future daughter is indicated by a protruding navel and lateral muscles that hold the belly.

Doctors also recommend paying attention to what the vertical stripe along the abdomen looks like. If it is dark in color, it means it will be a boy. If there is a light, barely noticeable line, it is a girl.

You should not guess who will be born in the first weeks of the term, since the belly is just beginning to form, and its shape may change. The thirtieth week of pregnancy is the very period from which you can begin to analyze the features of the body configuration of a woman who is in an “interesting position.”

Ultrasound examination at 16 weeks of pregnancy

The results of an ultrasound at the 16th week of pregnancy may already inform you about who you are expecting: a boy, a girl. Ultrasound examination is probably the best that technologists and doctors could come up with. This harmless device can visually introduce a pregnant woman to her baby, whom, by the way, she will be able to see, hug and kiss in person only after 22-24 weeks (if not earlier).

With every step of innovative developments in the field of medical equipment, ultrasound is also becoming more information-rich. So, today there is:

  • Doppler ultrasound, with which the doctor can observe the work of the blood flow not only of the mother, but also of the baby;
  • 3D ultrasound examination;
  • And even 4D ultrasound.

3D ultrasound is a unique study (shows the child in a three-dimensional plane), thanks to which women can see not just the appearance of their baby, but examine his tiny fingers, eyes, and what position he is in. This type of ultrasound examination is as safe as a regular one, but it has many more advantages. With the help of 3D, you can easily dispel doubts about whether or not there are disorders, pathologies or defects in the fetus.

If the first ultrasound, which is performed at 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, is done as usual, then starting from the 16th week you can do a 3D ultrasound examination. If during the first study the unborn child was still called an embryo, then at the 16th week it can be called a little man, since all the external parts of the body have already been formed.

Of course, such a study costs significantly more, and it takes much longer (40-60 minutes), but the emotions overwhelming the expectant mother are simply infinitely positive. Alas, not everyone can afford such luxury. Most pregnant women have to wait until childbirth to clearly see all the contours of their baby’s body. But then mommy will hug him and kiss him with great pleasure.

4D ultrasound is the same as 3D. The only difference between them is the fourth dimension - time. With a 3D ultrasound examination, you only get a picture of the baby, and with a 4D ultrasound, you get a video where you can see how he moves.

Guessing the gender of the baby during the second and third pregnancy: how quickly does the belly take shape?

If during the first pregnancy a woman does not yet know how to behave, she is faced with many new processes, sensations, changes and is just learning to determine the sex of the baby visually, then when she decides to have a second child, it will be much easier for her.

During the second pregnancy, the fetus enlarges faster than during the first. This means that it will be possible to find out the baby’s gender earlier, even before the third trimester. The second pregnancy, week 20, already allows us to draw certain conclusions regarding the sex of the baby.

Mothers of two children who have decided on a third toddler will be able to track changes in their shape from the beginning of the second trimester, since the 3rd pregnancy is characterized by rapid growth of the womb.

A half

Modern medicine allows people to correct the sex of their offspring. This is pure arbitrariness, allowing one to overcome both genetic control and the harsh theory of probability. Perhaps parents are not always aware of their desires, but impartial statistical analysis makes them obvious. Sex ratio can be controlled in many ways. According to data that is not always confirmed, the birth of a boy is influenced by the build, age and wealth of the parents, the frequency of sexual intercourse and the level of testosterone in the female body. And if you don’t want to delve into these subtleties, rely on statistics. The probability of having a child of the desired sex is quite high - one in two.

What people say: signs of the birth of a daughter and son by appearance

People have collected many superstitions about pregnancy, including who will be born into the family - a son or a daughter.

So, inquisitive women should take note of the following beliefs:

  • if the belly protrudes forward like a cucumber, they will have a boy, and with a belly round like a ball, they will have a girl;
  • if the left side is more visible, it means the birth of a daughter, and the right side, a son;
  • a boy will be born if hairiness appears on the stomach, and the darkened color of the skin on the womb in winter promises the birth of a girl;
  • the stomach pulls below from the baby’s pushes - towards the daughter, above - there will be a son.

Observant expectant mothers, savvy with medical recommendations and folk wisdom, will probably be able to independently determine the gender of their future heir without an ultrasound. In order for the baby to be born strong, a woman needs to monitor her physical and mental health, especially during pregnancy.

The book “How to Preserve Women’s Health,” which can be received as a gift, contains 10 practical tips from Irina Zhgareva, an obstetrician-gynecologist with many years of experience. The manual will be useful to every expectant mother.

When are gender parties organized?

Deciding on a date for a gender party is not so easy. After all, it all depends on when the doctor can determine the gender on an ultrasound. Sometimes this happens at 15 weeks, sometimes you have to wait a little longer. And some parents specifically try to maintain the intrigue for as long as possible.

But as soon as the ultrasound results are in your hands, you can select a date for the party.


Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, in order to give birth to a healthy child, every woman needs, more than ever, to monitor her health at all stages of pregnancy. Read interesting, detailed and valuable information, study materials, observe yourself and analyze.

In addition, you can always undergo an ultrasound to confirm certain conjectures and guesses. I hope my article will help you. Repost on social networks and invite your friends to read the article. I am sure that you will find the answer to your main question. Be healthy and see you again in the next articles!

Sincerely, Katherine Grimova, mother of a wonderful daughter!


Make it a habit to observe something unusual. Every pregnancy is different, as pregnancy symptoms may vary. If you notice any new or strange symptoms, always alert your doctor.

Hip pain

Increased levels of the pregnancy hormone relaxin may lead to some pain in your hips as this hormone helps loosen your ligaments and joints throughout your body in preparation for labor. Relaxin is also the same hormone that is responsible for back and round ligament pain, characterized by sharp pain or nicking in the lower abdomen or groin. The pressure your growing uterus puts on your sciatic nerves can cause you to experience pain, numbness, or tingling in your buttocks, hips, and thighs.

Sleeping on your left side allows for better circulation of freshly oxygenated air, and using pillows makes your life more comfortable and enclosed. If lying on your side makes your hip pain worse, try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees. Placing a pillow or folded blanket under your lower back while you sleep may also help. Tell your doctor right away if any pain becomes more intense.

Dizziness and shortness of breath

Pregnancy 18 19 weeks - Besides dehydration and hunger, another cause of dizziness during pregnancy is the pressure your growing uterus puts on your veins, which limits the distribution of oxygen, especially to your brain. Add to this the fact that your lungs may have less room for you to breathe fully, so you often experience shortness of breath.

Remember to eat and drink regularly and move slowly from lying down to sitting and standing. If you often feel dizzy, see your doctor to help treat anemia or preeclampsia.

Leg cramps

Why you wake up in the middle of the night with painful cramps in your calves is still a mystery. This may be due to diet and weight gain, as well as muscle fatigue. Prenatal yoga and doing calf stretching exercises, such as stretching your legs and then gently bending your ankle and toes back toward your knees before bed, can help relieve and prevent leg cramps.

Constipation, bloating, belching and gas

The muscles that normally move food through the intestines contract more slowly when you're pregnant. Drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in fiber. Stay away from foods such as fried foods, broccoli, root vegetables and beans.

Heartburn and indigestion

19 Weeks Pregnant Belly - A relaxed muscle valve between your stomach and esophagus and a growing uterus pressing on your belly are to blame for your heartburn. Eat slowly and drink after you eat. Avoid eating spicy and fatty foods.

Fluid in the body

19th week of pregnancy - As your body produces and circulates more blood, an increased amount of fluid also accumulates in your tissues, which also causes increased vaginal discharge, vision problems, varicose veins, swollen ankles, feet, hands and gums, as well as nasal congestion and nosebleeds.

Below is a 19th week of pregnancy photo:

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