13th week of pregnancy: changes in the body


Fetal ultrasound is a procedure that pregnant women must undergo during the entire period of bearing a child. It is necessary, first of all, to monitor the level of its development, eliminate deviations from the norm, control the process of vital activity, and also helps determine the gender of the unborn child.

You can make an appointment for an ultrasound examination of the fetus at any time convenient for you. On the site you can get acquainted with the working hours of doctors and their professional achievements. All contact information, telephone numbers, addresses and directions are on the contacts page.

The first ultrasound examinations of a pregnant woman are done in the early stages of 12-13 weeks. During this period, it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child by ultrasound. This consultation is intended to identify visible malformations.

There are quite rare cases when specialists prescribe an ultrasound procedure only to determine the sex of the fetus. As a rule, it has the following grounds:

  • Elimination of possible child diseases that are transmitted by genes
  • Determining the level of fetal development
  • To determine twins in the early stages of development

As a rule, during the entire period of bearing a child, a woman undergoes this procedure 3 times, the last of which helps determine the maturity of the placenta, the volume of amniotic fluid, the weight and size of the fetus, and the woman’s readiness for childbirth.

Determining the sex of the child by ultrasound

During a visit to specialists and an ultrasound procedure at 23-25 ​​weeks, a pregnant woman can find out the gender of her unborn child. However, it is worth considering the following factors during the procedure:

  • Doctor's experience and qualifications
  • Fetal location
  • Gestational age

Often, experienced specialists can immediately announce the gender on an ultrasound; some may be mistaken in their statements. Of course, this depends on the doctor’s experience, but the location of the fetus itself also plays a significant role.

For example, it can rotate in the mother’s stomach at a certain angle, then the accuracy of the diagnosis will be questioned. There is no need to wait for some time; in such cases, the expectant mother is offered to undergo the third mandatory procedure before the birth itself and immediately then find out the necessary information.

Sometimes experts can make mistakes due to inattention and a certain position of the fetus, when the umbilical cord can be mistaken for the penis.

It should be noted that the risks of incorrectly determining the sex of a child increase to the maximum. These include multiple pregnancies, when each fetus has to be cramped in the mother’s uterus, thereby becoming clumsy and often hiding certain parts of its body, without changing position for a long time. Another factor is that babies simply cover each other, making it difficult to determine gender.

An equally important factor is outdated equipment. Because of this, very often it is not possible to visualize the child’s genitals, and the doctor may make an erroneous conclusion.

How and when is the sex of the child determined by ultrasound?

Until 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, it is impossible to determine the sex of the child using an ultrasound scan, since the child’s genitals have not yet formed. According to most experts, despite the fact that during the 13th week the fetal reproductive system is fully formed, very often it is not possible to determine its gender until the 15th week inclusive.

But the most optimal time to determine the sex of the child by ultrasound is 23-25 ​​weeks, because at this time he moves a lot and it will not be difficult for a specialist to announce the good news to the expectant mother.

There are rare cases when the sex of the child is determined at 7-10 weeks. However, this requires strong medical indications. It happens that, for medical reasons, it is impossible for a couple to have a boy or a girl due to possible genetic diseases. Then the attending physicians perform a chorionic villus biopsy, which helps determine the sex of the fetus with a 100% guarantee. The Med Express clinic provides such medical services, guaranteeing the highest quality and safety of the procedure.

There are no difficulties in determining the sex of a child by ultrasound at any stage of its development; everything depends only on the wishes of the parents and the competence of doctors.

Who lives in a belly?

Undoubtedly, one of the most exciting moments for future parents during an ultrasound examination is determining the sex of the fetus. They always look forward to the ultrasound doctor telling them the secret - who is a boy or a girl. Some cry with happiness when their hopes coincide with reality, others are a little upset when they hear something that is not what they expected. The most common question pregnant women ask is: “At what date can you find out the gender of your unborn child?” Let me remind you that the gender of the child is determined by the man, or rather by his sperm, which carry the X (girl) or Y (boy) chromosome. The accuracy of sex determination primarily depends on the duration of pregnancy and the position of the fetus.

Until the 8th week of pregnancy, the fetal genitalia are not differentiated. By 10-12 weeks, the process of their formation ends. But in most cases, reliably determining gender at this stage is very, very difficult, because The genital tubercle looks almost the same in boys and girls. There are only small differences - in boys at this stage the genital tubercle is at an angle of more than 30 degrees relative to the line of the spine, and in girls this angle is less than 30 degrees. It is believed that at 11-12 weeks the reliability of sex determination by ultrasound is 46%. If you are told the sex of the fetus at the first screening ultrasound, and then it turns out that the doctors were mistaken, this can be a real blow to you. It is better to wait until the second planned ultrasound, when you can find out the child’s gender with a higher degree of probability. According to most experts, gender identification is possible only from 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. However, even experienced specialists make mistakes. There are cases when the fetus “hides” its manhood between tightly clamped legs, and then it can be mistaken for a girl. Sometimes female fetuses in utero experience swelling of the labia (which goes away with time), which can be mistaken for the scrotum. Or the loop of the umbilical cord lies in the perineal area in such a way that it looks like the scrotum and penis. Thus, the most optimal and almost error-free time for answering the cherished question: “Who lives in the belly?” is a period of 20-25 weeks. At this stage, the fetus is sufficiently mobile and the genitals are well differentiated so that not only the doctor, but also the parents can understand on the screen who their baby is - a boy or a girl. During a full-term pregnancy, determining the sex of the child can be difficult due to its large size and low mobility. As we see, determining gender by ultrasound can hardly be called an infallible and 100% method. In addition to the interest of parents to quickly find out the gender of the child, there are also medical indications for determining gender, because There are some hereditary diseases, for example hemophilia (incoagulability of blood), when women are only carriers, but are inherited only by their sons.

But what about in these cases, when the birth of a male or female child in a given family is impossible for medical reasons? There is another method - chorionic villus biopsy, which in the early stages (7-10 weeks) allows you to determine the sex of the child with an almost 100% guarantee. And yet, if you are unlucky and the doctor cannot tell whether you are having a boy or a girl, do not be upset and do not repeat the ultrasound many times, just for this purpose. After all, our mothers and grandmothers did not have such an opportunity at all, and calmly managed without information about the gender of their children. You can buy clothes, bedding, and a stroller in neutral colors, and you can also come up with 2 names – male and female. The main thing is that your baby is healthy, that you love him from the very first days of conception, regardless of whether he is a boy or a girl.

It is safe to perform ultrasound on newborns

An ultrasound scanner is an analogue of the echolocation organ of dolphins. If your child is worried about the upcoming procedure, tell him how dolphins scan the water column for fish by emitting ultrasound. Likewise, the doctor will use the device to scan the child’s body to understand whether everything is in order in his body.

Ultrasound is prescribed:

  • Newborn children. Neurosonography or brain examination. It is carried out until the “fontanelle” closes
  • Infants – for dislocations, subluxations, ECHO-ECG
  • Children under 1 year old
  • Children over 1 year of age as directed by a pediatrician

Our clinic has a comfortable, trusting atmosphere. Children feel great when visiting a doctor, which means they are happy to come for a second examination. We use the most modern equipment to obtain the most accurate research results.

Why should you choose diagnostics in our clinic? For most children, having an ultrasound in the hospital can be a real ordeal. It's no secret that kids literally become infected with emotions from each other. While you sit in line, the child will get tired, exhausted and guaranteed to start acting up. This is troublesome for parents and inconvenient for the doctor, because the little patient needs to be calm during the procedure.

Our clinic differs from municipal clinics in its client-oriented approach. This means that the ultrasound doctor will see you at the appointed time, and you can calmly go about your business after the procedure.

  • We employ specialists of the highest and first categories
  • The doctors are friendly and easily get along with children
  • The diagnosis will be comfortable, and the result will be ready quickly

The child will feel great after visiting the doctor, and the treatment is carried out in a timely and effective manner.

What to do on the day of ultrasound

The doctor will definitely tell you in advance what rules you need to follow on the day of the ultrasound.

  • Almost half of the studies do not require special preparation, but if we are talking about the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, you will have to bring the child on an empty stomach. It is important to explain to the baby why this is needed so that he does not get nervous.
  • Infants are examined no earlier than 3-3.5 hours after the last feeding.
  • The kidneys, bladder, and pelvic organs may require a full bladder at the time of the examination. This means that approximately 40 minutes before the procedure, the child needs to be given water.
  • Considering that the appointment is strictly by appointment, the child will not have to endure the urge to urinate for a long time; the ultrasound will be done quickly.

Comfortable conditions, high-quality equipment and professionalism of doctors are the components of our success. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will prescribe therapy and other required treatments that will help eliminate the problem. Visiting a doctor and undergoing procedures is now comfortable and accessible at a time convenient for you. We will be happy to help you with the examination so that your baby grows up healthy!

Ultrasound 13 weeks pregnant

At 13 weeks of pregnancy or a little earlier, a woman needs to undergo the first screening. This is an important event that allows you to assess the development of the fetus and identify congenital pathologies.

At the Ultramed Clinic you can do the first screening ultrasound or just an ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy. Our specialists will accurately identify all markers and issue a conclusion. Sign up for an ultrasound at a time convenient for you.

Ultrasound of a baby at 13 weeks of pregnancy

During an ultrasound at this stage, the expectant mother can see on the screen how her baby moves intensively. It already has arms and legs, and the head is clearly visible. At the 13th week of pregnancy, almost all the main systems of the fetus are formed and the ultrasound diagnostic doctor evaluates the anatomy of the fetus. The coccygeal-parietal size, head circumference, abdominal circumference, biparental head size, etc. are measured. The collar space and nasolabial triangle must be measured. These data allow us to judge the presence of chromosomal pathologies. Based on the data obtained, calculations are made of the risks of having a child with Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and various malformations of the nervous system.

Determine the sex of the baby at 13 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy does not allow you to determine the sex of the child. Yes, there are some indirect signs that are noted by doctors with extensive research experience. However, it is not possible to accurately determine the sex at this time, since the endocrine system is just beginning to form, as are the genitals, which are not yet visualized in any way.

Perform a fetal ultrasound in Nizhny Novgorod

If you need to have a fetal ultrasound done in Nizhny Novgorod, then contact the Ultramed Clinic. With us you can sign up for a study at a time convenient for you. We guarantee you:

  • consultations and studies by experienced and competent functional diagnostic doctors;
  • research using modern high-resolution expert-class equipment;
  • no queues;
  • comfortable conditions;
  • caring and friendly attitude.

Sign up for an ultrasound at the Ultramed Clinic.

Question answer

What is the length of the fetus at 13 weeks?

The length of the fruit reaches 6-8 cm, and its weight is 20-30 grams. The fruit develops and grows intensively.

Is preparation required for an ultrasound at 13 weeks?

No, no special preparation is required. In this case, an overfilled bladder, on the contrary, will only cause discomfort to both the pregnant woman and the doctor, and not improve visualization.

How long does an ultrasound take at 13 weeks?

If there are no pathologies, then the entire study takes about 15 minutes.

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