Bullous emphysema of the lung (Alveolar cyst, Bullous disease, Bullous lung, False cyst, Vanishing lung syndrome)
Studying the structure of the human body is a difficult but interesting activity, because studying your own body
Antinuclear factor on the HEp-2 cell line with determination of 6 types of luminescence in Moscow
Detailed description of the study Normally, immunoglobulins, or antibodies, serve to protect against foreign microorganisms
COVID-19 and more: what are the features of viral pneumonia?
Pneumonia or pneumonia is a complication of respiratory diseases of the airways caused by viruses, bacteria, and
Immunoglobulin A,M,G – what is it
Immunoglobulins M and G for coronavirus: how to decipher the test?
The human immune system protects him from infections and pathological microorganisms. Immunoglobulins are antibodies
How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body
Most of us will never be interested in the acid-base balance of our blood, but proper pH balance is
What is cardiotocography? When is it done during pregnancy? How to decrypt?
A pregnant woman is the only link between the environment and the unborn child. All the sensations
doctor holding a model of the liver
Increased bilirubin in a urine test: what does it mean and how dangerous are deviations?
Detailed description of the study Bilirubin is a yellow-orange pigment. It is found in bile and
What is acetone
5 main reasons for the appearance of acetone in a child’s urine
The most important thing that parents should understand about acetone in a child is that it is not a disease,
HBsAg, qualitative test (HBs antigen, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, “Australian” antigen)
Complexes with this study Preparation for partner childbirth for a man Tests necessary for support
Red blood cells are the formed elements of blood; in blood tests they are abbreviated as RBC.
RBC in a blood test: what is it, explanation, norm in men and women
RBC is an abbreviation for red blood cells in blood tests.
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