CEA tumor marker. The norm for women by age, a transcript that shows
Tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen CEA (CEA), (blood)
Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbSMU named after. acad. Pavlova, medical practice. March, 2021. Synonyms: cancer-embryonic
Taking blood from a vein
Notes from a laboratory assistant. Amylase as a marker of pancreatic health
Blood tests are done for the timely detection of many diseases and pathological conditions of the body. They are diagnosed
Signs of acidification of the body. how to measure pH of saliva and urine
The concept of a general urine analysis includes the determination of its physicochemical and biochemical properties, as well as
Calprotectin. Is fecal calprotectin elevated? Don't panic!
Detailed description of the study Human immunity is normally supported by different types of cells, functions and structure
What foods can increase white blood cells in the blood - List of the 10 most effective
The state of health is largely determined by the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body. One of
Why low hemoglobin and how to get rid of it
Hemoglobin in older people: recommendations to help keep it normal
Hemoglobin is a special blood protein found in red blood cells. Performs a vital function. Thanks to
What is densitometry? How is it carried out and how to prepare for it?
Author Feshchenko Svetlana Yurievna Candidate of Medical Sciences Endocrinologist until September 30 Prevention of fractures: diagnosis
C-reactive protein test: what is it for?
directions Proteins are one of the most complex substances in the body and serve as the basis for the protoplasm of cells. IN
Liquid cytology of the cervix and cervical canal
Cervical cytology is a cytological study that evaluates the condition of the uterine epithelium
Appointment with gynecologist Ms Diana
The main female analysis is a smear on the flora: simple about the complex
A smear on flora - biological purity or microflora - is one of the main methods
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