How is gallbladder removal surgery performed?
Laparoscopy is one of the methods of surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity. The procedure can be carried out as
Leukopenia and agranulocytosis
Leukopenia The diagnosis of “leukopenia” means a low level of white blood cells - leukocytes, which are an important element
Blood test for HE4 (human epididymal secretory protein 4)
HE4 (human epididymal secretory protein 4) is a serum protein secreted by epithelial cells of the respiratory and
At what hemoglobin level is a blood transfusion given: hemoglobin readings
In what cases is blood transfusion performed? Whole blood cannot be transfused; only it can be used
An audiologist studying a child's hearing
Hearing audiometry - what is it and how is it done?
For children and adults. At the first suspicion of hearing problems and permanently
X-ray of the larynx: when is it prescribed, what will the result show?
Ultrasound of the ENT organs is used to detect diseases of the nose and sinuses, throat and larynx. Thanks to
Image 3: Pneumonia - Family Doctor Clinic
How does lung damage with COVID-19 differ from ordinary pneumonia, and when should you go for a CT scan of the lungs?
Pneumonia is an infectious inflammatory disease of lung tissue. Another common name for the disease is
Diaphanoscopy of the testicle: Characteristics, Indications, Methodology, Results
Diaphanoscopy of the scrotum is one of the instrumental diagnostic methods widely used in urological practice. Is different
biocenosis smear
Gynecological smear for biocenosis - femoflor 16 indicators
Laboratory diagnostic methods in obstetrics and gynecology are an important component of assessing the health status of women
Detection of a tumor of the anterior abdominal wall (observation from the practice of a radiology doctor)
Ultrasound examination is a modern reliable method for searching for various formations and other deviations from
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