Determination of ethnicity by DNA in Ivanovo

Most people care about their nationality, because it largely determines their habits, mentality, lifestyle, etc. But is the character determined by our nationality? Not always.

Of course, there are some peculiarities of the national character in each country, but there are also surprises.

The nationality test we offer you should not be taken literally. We are just talking about the characteristics of your character that belong to one of the large groups.

Why do you need a DNA test for nationality?

The desire to know your roots. Nowadays, many people are compiling a family tree. DNA testing will show which peoples’ blood flows in the veins of the person being tested and what the nationality of his distant ancestors was.

Some genetic pathologies appear more often in certain nationalities, therefore, having learned your roots, you can assume the presence of diseases that can appear even at a fairly adult age and be passed on to children. Having information about your national roots, it is much easier to discover the cause of the illness that has arisen.

Black Lives Matter? Test yourself for racism. NM test

A wave of protests against racism that began in the United States at the end of May has spread throughout the world. The struggle for equality - regardless of race, ethnicity and language - has become a global social trend. NM invites you to test yourself. Together with an independent expert in the field of human rights, former head of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Moldova, Veaceslav Balan, we have compiled a test for you.

Answer 15 questions and discover if there are elements of racism in your worldview that you may not be aware of. And after passing the test, below you can read the comments of human rights activist Vyacheslav Balan to each of the questions to find out how these topics are considered in the modern world, from the point of view of human rights.


Do you agree that in a democracy the minority should obey the majority?

Democracies are based on the principles of human rights. All people, regardless of whether they belong to a majority or a minority, are equal and have fundamental rights. Equality of rights means that the views and interests of all people, including minorities, must always be taken into account (and consultation alone is not enough).

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Do you agree that private companies have the right to decide for themselves which racial or ethnic groups they hire?

With some very specific exceptions, employers—regardless of company ownership or size—may not hire or not hire on the basis of race or ethnicity. This approach is discrimination, and it is most often based on unsubstantiated stereotypes (generalizations) and prejudices.

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Do you agree that every nation should live in its own country?

Any nation consists of individual people, and each individual person chooses where it is better for him to live. The idea that every nation has “its own” country is based on stereotypes and conventions. And besides, the entire history of mankind is a history of constant movements and migrations of peoples and individuals around the globe, and there is not a single people who now lives where their early ancestors came from.

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Do you agree that some races are destined to be more involved in mental activities, and others - more physical?

Physiologically, different races and peoples differ in different average indicators from each other (average height, average body weight, skin color, hair type, etc.). This, however, does not make people of any race more or less predisposed to mental activity. Also, in most cases, the legacy of European colonialism and the ongoing marginalization of entire groups and peoples significantly limit the ability of people from these groups to move from hard physical labor to more “mental” work.

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Do you agree that interracial marriage (for example, between a white woman and a black man) does not lead to anything good?

Issues of any personal relationship and marriage are, first of all, a matter for the people themselves involved in these relationships. The opinions, stereotypes and prejudices of strangers should not prevent anyone from building their relationships, incl. by marriage.

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Do you agree that Asians are the most hardworking and organized race?

First, what counts and how to measure “hard work” and “organization” is a controversial issue, often related to cultural characteristics. Secondly, on people’s behavior, incl. their “hard work” and “organization” are most influenced by their upbringing and social context, which have nothing to do with their racial or ethnic background.

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Do you agree that some ethnic groups are more prone to crime?

All people, when they have the opportunity to make a living by peaceful and legal means, as a rule, make their living by peaceful and legal means, without getting involved in risky and criminal enterprises fraught with bad consequences. But often, when there are no or few opportunities to earn a living through peaceful and legal means, there is nothing left but to earn a living using the remaining methods. “Ethnic crime” typically results from the marginalized position of the ethnic or racial group concerned.

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Why can't black ghettos in major American cities build a better life?

As already written above, all people, when they have the opportunity to earn their living by peaceful and legal means, as a rule, earn their living by peaceful and legal means, without getting involved in risky criminal enterprises fraught with bad consequences. Black residents of American ghettos are, for the most part, descendants of slaves forcibly exported from Africa, who, after the abolition of slavery, were left in the “new land” without money, education and social support. This vicious circle - “no money - no education - no money - no education” - continues in America from generation to generation until the present day.

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Is it fair that many immigrants have to start a new life in a new country with low-paying, unskilled jobs?

The place where we are born is a “lottery”. Some people are lucky enough to be born immediately in a “good” country, while others need to make an effort and immigrate to a “good” country. But if we accept that all people are fundamentally equal, then the fact that someone got a bad ticket with their country of birth should not lead to additional obstacles when arriving in the country of immigration. Moreover, the state should strive to “level” the starting conditions for education and employment among “original” residents and among immigrants (unless, of course, it deliberately wants to have “first-class” people and “second-class” people in its country).

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Do you agree that if members of a particular racial or ethnic group are more likely to commit crimes, then the police should check on those groups more frequently to prevent violations of the rights of others?

As noted earlier, criminal behavior is generally the result of an adverse social context rather than of racial or ethnic origin. The assumption that if some members of a racial or ethnic group commit crimes, then all members of that group should be screened preventively violates the laws of logic and means that we consider as potential criminals those many people from the same racial or ethnic group who do nothing illegal didn't do it. Obviously, "suspiciousness checks" of a person because of something that he personally has nothing to do with is insulting and humiliating.

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Some Asians in Western countries change their names from Asian to Western (for example, Mei Xi to Maya). What do you think of it?

A name is part of a person's identity and self-perception. Only the person himself can determine who he/she is and how to “see” himself/herself. Therefore, an adult has the right to freely and independently determine what to call and call himself. However, if an unfavorable context forces him to change his name (for example, the risk of marginalization in society), then such a name change is not free. Accordingly, this means that the factors that force a person to do such actions must be eliminated.

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Some apartment owners refuse to rent to certain ethnic or racial groups (Caucasians, Arabs, Africans). What do you think of it?

Apartment owners have the right to rent them “directly” to their friends and acquaintances. But if they advertise publicly for renting an apartment (on an open website, in a newspaper), refusing to rent on racial or ethnic grounds is discrimination based on prejudices and stereotypes (generalizations) about the entire group based on the behavior of only some of its members.

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Which news headline do you think is worded best?

Linking race, color, continent of origin, ethnicity, or religion to a crime is an attempt to say that a crime was committed because a person is of that race, color, continent of origin, ethnicity, or religion. Obviously, all this has nothing to do with the commission of this crime, and such presentation of material will only lead to incitement of racial, ethnic or religious hatred.

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How would you feel about the fact that at school Roma (Gypsy) and non-Roma (non-Gypsy) children will study in separate classes, but at the same time all classes will have equally good conditions and quality education?

Separate education based on race or ethnicity is nothing more than “apartheid” or, as it is also called, “segregation.” This approach divides people into “sorts” and contributes to the alienation of people from each other. For a harmonious and peaceful life, it is essential that children of different ethnic and racial backgrounds study together and learn together the traditions and culture of each other (and not just the dominant majority). How will people learn to live peacefully together if they have been separated into different classes since school?

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Who do you think was the first to discover America?

According to modern scientific data, the first people on American lands were people from ancient, prehistoric Asia. They were the discoverers of America. The tendency to think that "America was discovered by Columbus" or even the Vikings suggests that "Europe is the navel of the Earth" which "discovers" "new" "wild" lands. And this line of thinking is neocolonialism.

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NM Racism Test Congratulations, you are not a racist!

You are knowledgeable about racial issues.

There are elements of racism in your worldview

You need to improve your understanding of race.

You are a racist

It wouldn't hurt for you to radically change your worldview and understanding of racial issues

Share your results:

- Passed the test? Now read it!—

Answers from human rights activist Vyacheslav Balan

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What material is used for testing

For analysis, saliva is taken, which is collected in a test tube and sent to the laboratory. In order not to reduce the accuracy of the test, you should not drink or eat food half an hour before the test.

If it is impossible to take saliva samples for research, non-standard materials are used - hair, earwax, nails. You can test saliva from toothbrushes and cocktail straws for a confidential test. You can find out how best to do this by contacting the Center for Genetic Research.

DNA analysis on paternal side

By the Y chromosome, which is transmitted only through the male line, one can find out the ethnic origin of a person through the father. The Y-STR test is used to determine recent ancestry, and SNP to study more distant ancestry. In addition to establishing membership in a particular ethnic group and obtaining interesting information about ancestors, a paternal DNA test makes it possible to check the relationship between men without involving the alleged father.

Paternal DNA testing is carried out only for men and is used for various purposes:

  • during adoption – to identify biological parents;
  • to resolve legal disputes;
  • when conducting forensic examinations;
  • to establish close or distant relationships;
  • when resolving immigration issues;
  • to satisfy my own curiosity.

Women do not have Y chromosomes, so male blood relatives are tested to determine paternal ethnicity.

Misconception #2: The test will help you choose the ideal diet.

It is also impossible to select the ideal diet based on DNA. But you can figure out what to add or remove from your diet to feel better.

As appealing as this idea may be, there is little scientific evidence to support its validity. For better or worse, there is no better solution to choosing a nutrition plan than following simple doctor's recommendations and common sense.

A diet rich in fiber and plant foods, combined with regular exercise, is the safest and most proven path to good physical fitness and well-being.

Genes still influence metabolism, but it is impossible to make accurate conclusions about all foods for each individual person based on the results of a genetic test.

In fact

There are more reliable methods of weight control:

  • Eat 30 grams of fiber daily
  • Exercise regularly
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Reduce your sugar and fat intake and work towards a balanced diet

Everything you need to know about fiber

Research shows that many factors influence how a person responds to a particular diet. And genes don’t decide as much as they might seem. We can't easily edit our genome, but we can work on the quality of our sleep, exercise more and pay attention to our stress levels.

What can a genetic test tell you about your diet?

  • Do you have gluten and lactose intolerance?
  • Is there a tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, to obesity?
  • What is your level of metabolism of vitamins, amino acids, fats and trace elements, caffeine?

☝️More detailed nutritional recommendations can be obtained from the Atlas Microbiota Test.

Misconception #1: A test will help you determine the perfect sport for you.

It is impossible to select the ideal sport using a DNA test. But you can learn a lot about your metabolism and risks to make your workouts effective and safe.

Some DNA tests promise to determine the best sport for you. According to manufacturers, such tests evaluate certain genes, for example, the ACTN3 gene. This gene regulates the synthesis of the alpha-actinin-3 protein, which in turn stabilizes the contractile apparatus of skeletal muscles and is involved in various metabolic processes.

Presumably, the ACTN3 gene may be indirectly associated with the process of muscle recovery and adaptation to training. Scientists also admit that polymorphism of the ACTN3 gene is one of the reasons for the decrease in the development of speed and strength qualities.

However, this is preliminary data, and scientists have not yet conducted large-scale studies, and the connection between the ACTN3 gene and human physical abilities has not been proven.

How are athletic achievements and genetics related?

In fact

The Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) opposes the advertising of DNA tests that claim to determine a person's optimal sport, since such claims do not yet have strong evidence.

  • It is best to choose a sport so that it brings pleasure, then there will be more desire to do it, and the results will come faster.
  • In particular, you should not rely on such a test to choose a sport for your child; it is better to give him the opportunity to do what he likes most. The benefits from this will be many times greater.

Sports achievements are weakly dependent on genetics. However, there are other (and more specific) tests, the results of which can be used to judge a particular predisposition to play sports. This information, combined with your lifestyle, fitness level and other factors, can help you choose the best sport for you.

ParameterEffectWhat does it mean?
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)This protein is associated with muscle mass. It is influenced by various factors, including diet and genetics. The more it is, the better the muscles will grow and work.
Red blood cell countRed blood cells transport oxygen to tissues, and oxygen is used by muscles to produce ATP.Red blood cells continuously deliver oxygen to tissues, which allows you to perform physical work for a long time.
Erythropoietin (EPO)This hormone is produced by the kidneys and regulates the production of red blood cells.The more it is, the easier it will be to adapt to high altitudes and very intense loads.
Metabolism of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) – leucine, isoleucine, valineThese amino acids take part in energy metabolism in muscle cells. It is believed that it is leucine that most effectively regulates the processes of new protein synthesis. High tissue sensitivity to leucine may have a positive effect on athletic performance and muscle growth.
Hormone levelsTestosterone and its more active form dihydrotestosterone are also responsible for the processes of muscle growth and development, so men have a physiologically higher percentage of muscle mass in the body than women by about 10%. The levels of both hormones are influenced by a protein that converts them into an inactive form. That is, the level of free male sex hormones depends on the activity of this protein. With a genetic predisposition to high hormone levels, a person is likely to have high muscle growth potential.

No genetic or any other test will tell you which sport you should or should not play. So far, scientists have found too few reliable connections between body characteristics and sports success.

But the Atlas Genetic Test shows the characteristics of the metabolism of vitamins, hormones, minerals and amino acids. And from this we can draw conclusions about how the body reacts to stress and builds muscle.

Misconception #4: A test will help you choose the best skin care products

DNA tests can give you some insight into the condition and characteristics of your skin. Unfortunately, this knowledge will not help you choose the perfect care or decorative cosmetics for you.

Research in this area is in its infancy, and scientists have limited data. This does not mean that these types of DNA tests have no future. Some studies suggest that such tests can help identify skin conditions associated with genetic characteristics. Either way, it is always better to consult a dermatologist about your skin problems and treatments.

The test can also identify a mutation that significantly increases the risk of atopic dermatitis; it is associated with such a dominantly inherited condition as ichthyosis vulgaris.

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