STI test: what is included and how to prepare for the test

If you have unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the infection, you need to immediately get checked and tested for STIs.

Based on the analysis, the pathogen is identified and its variety is formed. The doctor, based on the examination results, develops a specific treatment regimen. The importance of this stage is justified by determining the absence of resistance of pathogens to certain drugs.

As a rule, testing for STIs is performed comprehensively. What does this mean? This means that many health agencies offer testing for 12 pathogens that cause sexually transmitted infections.

What tests are done for STIs?

If an infection is suspected, the patient is prescribed various tests. Most patients do not know what STI tests are, what is included in the list, and which types need to be taken first.

The most informative list, including the main types of specialized tests, is as follows:

Bacterioscopy. The test for STIs is a smear from the urethra, which is colored differently. The biological material is placed on different glasses with a nutrient medium, and the path of pathology propagation is studied under a microscope. The procedure takes from two days to fourteen days. Thanks to this, therapeutic therapy is selected. Detects pathogens such as fungi and bacteria. The answer is given in 5-6 days.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). STI testing is accurate and reliable. False positive results are completely excluded. Diagnosis is possible even with a minimal amount of DNA genesis. The degree of pathogen reproduction is not taken into account. To carry out a diagnosis, you need to take any liquid medium - blood from a vein, a smear from the genitals, semen, urine.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Based on the results, the stage, severity of the disease, and the approximate duration of infection are determined. The presence of specific antibodies and their quantity are also recorded.

The list can be complex.

The need for a specific study is determined by a venereologist, a gynecologist for women, and an andrologist for men. Often a diagnostic set of measures is prescribed, which includes several examination options. You can get tested for STIs on your own without a referral. You need to contact a venereologist from any medical clinic.

When is the best time to take it?

How soon is it better to take samples after unprotected intimacy? A venereologist can answer at your initial appointment after examination. You should see a doctor immediately after potentially dangerous sexual intercourse.

As a rule, most sexually transmitted infections have different incubation periods. You should not wait for characteristic symptoms. The clinical picture does not appear immediately, but a specialist can identify changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urethra immediately.

The timing of development of the most common infections varies. For example, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and the immunodeficiency virus take about two weeks to develop. Gonorrhea, complicated by trichomoniasis, makes itself felt within seven days.

Modern diagnostic methods are able to identify pathologies at the earliest possible time.

Risk group

A person can be a carrier of an infection all his life, but not know about it. The avalanche-like spread of pathogens is provoked by processes occurring in the body. These include:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy.

Often STIs manifest themselves in parallel with another disease (flu, sore throat, pneumonia). They pose a particular danger to pregnant women. Their immunity is weakened by the presence of new life in the body, so the pathogen acts in the body unhindered. The greatest danger is posed by TORCH infections, which received an abbreviation from the first letters of the Latin spelling of diseases.

These include:

  1. T – toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmosis). The infection is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, the woman is offered an abortion. In the last trimester, infection is not so dangerous.
  2. O – other, these are common diseases transmitted through household and contact contact (hepatitis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureplasmosis, chickenpox, gonorrhea).
  3. R – rubella (rubella). If the baby’s mother had rubella in childhood, she has already developed antibodies. Otherwise, there is a great danger of giving birth to a child with complete deafness, blindness and paralysis.
  4. C – citomegalia (cytomegalovirus). The infection kills the fetus and also damages its brain and spinal cord. The baby is born with profound disabilities.
  5. H – herpes (genital herpes). The baby is born blind, deaf, with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, unless a miscarriage occurs in the early stages.

All of the above diseases kill the fetus or lead to congenital pathologies and deformities. Penetration into the body at 2-12 weeks leads to fading of fetal development, at 12-26 weeks - to abnormal development of the baby’s organs, from 26 weeks - to damage to the fetal central nervous system.

What types of analyzes are there?

Blood test for STIs. Detects the shift of leukocytes characteristic of a bacterial infection. In addition, antibodies to the pathogen and antigens are shown. To know how to properly submit a sample for examination, you should clarify whether blood from a finger or a vein will be involved. Blood from a fingertip is usually taken for a quick test.

Urine test for STIs. Information is collected about the type of pathogen, the degree of spread of the infection, and the presence of damage to the urinary system. Conclusions are drawn on changes in transparency, acidity, and the presence of foreign impurities. First, an inflammatory process affecting the urinary tract is detected. The first morning urine is taken for testing.

Flora smear. What it is? A smear for STIs determines the presence of a pathogenic reaction in the urethra of men and in the vagina of women, through the examination of discharge from the genital organs.

Sexually transmitted infections are detected by a comprehensive examination if a false positive result is obtained or the diagnosis is questionable. With this type of diagnosis, all STIs are identified - candidiasis, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, HPV, etc.

Consequences of STIs

Is it necessary to treat infections that do not show symptoms? Yes, definitely necessary! Because, despite the absence of unpleasant sensations, the disease still destroys your health. The consequences of STIs if left untreated can be very unpleasant.

Human papillomavirus is a viral disease transmitted primarily through close relationships between a man and a woman. For quite a long time, the virus was considered not dangerous to humans, until a connection was established between it and the development of cervical cancer. The virus has many varieties (strains), however, only types 16, 18, 36, 45 are classified as high-oncogenic risk HPV. In the online laboratory Lab4U you can take a test to identify all oncogenic types of HPV with a 50% discount, both quantitatively and and high quality.

Inflammatory processes. STDs can be acute or with periodic exacerbations when inflammation develops in the genitourinary system. The inflammatory process occurs due to cell damage under the influence of the pathogen or the toxic substances it releases, as well as due to a local decrease in immunity.

Miscarriage and infertility. Many pathogens of sexually transmitted infections disrupt the function of the placenta, impair nutrition and blood supply to the fetus, which interferes with its normal development. As a result, further pregnancy becomes impossible and a miscarriage occurs. In addition, STIs affect the health of the genital organs of future parents. STI complications such as adhesions in the genitals, inflammation, cysts or tumors interfere with conception.

Congenital malformations and infection of the unborn child. For unborn children, sexually transmitted infections pose several dangers. Firstly, a child may become infected at birth and will need immediate, sometimes lifelong, treatment. Secondly, many pathogens of sexually transmitted infections have the ability to damage genetic material and interfere with the full development of the fetus. As a result, a child is born with defects in the development of organ systems. STIs often affect the bones, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, nervous system and vision.

Oncological diseases. The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections have a destructive effect on the cells of the organs in which they settle. Their prolonged presence causes chronic tissue damage, which creates favorable conditions for mutations and the appearance of malignant cells. Therefore, the risk of developing cancer in people who have had STDs frequently or for a long time is much higher.

Systemic diseases. Some sexually transmitted infections cause severe damage to other organ systems. Such infections include the human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis. HIV suppresses the body's defenses; under its influence, susceptibility to any microbes increases, even conditionally pathogenic ones, which do not cause diseases in healthy people. Treponema, the causative agent of syphilis, creates lesions in various organs, including bones, skin and mucous membranes.

PCR analysis for STIs

What is it and what is the method based on? PCR for STIs determines the presence of foreign DNA and RNA belonging to the pathogen in the sample taken.

The advantage of the examination is the versatility of the method, high sensitivity, and the ability to detect infection before the appearance of specific symptoms.

The following infections are mainly detected by this method:

  • Hepatitis groups B and C
  • Chlamydia
  • Two types of mycoplasmosis pathogen
  • Three types of ureaplasmosis pathogen
  • Mononucleosis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Gardnerellosis
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Candidiasis of two types
  • HIV
  • HPV
  • Herpes genital

To find out how to take a PCR test, you need to check with your doctor which type of sample will be most optimal. One drop of mucus the size of a match head is enough. Large sample volume will slow down the reaction.

The algorithm is as follows: a drop of biological material is placed in a special liquid that detects fragments of nucleic acids of infections. There is a synthesis of special enzymes that recognize pathogen molecules and copy them. This creates many copies, which are used for examination.

The study does not cause harm, so it is prescribed to pregnant women. Usually the waiting time for a response is from one to three days.

Before submitting the material, you should find out what determines the reliability of the answer. If polymerase chain reaction is prescribed to determine the effectiveness of treatment, then you need to take the test after completing a course of antibiotics.

Based on the immune functions of the body, the result may be negative in the actual presence of pathogens. Therefore, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. Complex 4, 7, 9, 12,13 PCR is performed. The difference lies in the number of pathogens detected.

What sexually transmitted infections should you be tested for?

STIs, so-called sexually transmitted infections, include syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, donovanosis, lymphogranuloma venereum, chlamydia, anogenital warts. Using tests, it is possible to identify mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, which are classified as opportunistic microorganisms. If their content is high, it is recommended to undergo treatment. This is especially important in anticipation of a planned pregnancy, so that pathogens are not transmitted from the mother to the unborn child at the time of birth.

It is useful to undergo a laboratory examination if you suspect candidiasis (thrush). It is not an STI, but is an infection that is associated with disruption of normal microflora and can be treated. Using laboratory tests, you can detect or exclude infection with HIV, viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases transmitted through blood, as well as through sexual contact. All of these diseases are included in a comprehensive STI screening.

Preparing for tests

To ensure that the result of laboratory diagnostics is reliable and accurate, and the data is not distorted, the doctor warns the patient that it is necessary to follow some rules of the preparatory stage.

So, before the examination, the following preparation is required, which applies to men and women:

  • You should arrive on an empty stomach. To do this you need to limit your diet. The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before collecting biological material.
  • Limit fluid intake 12 hours in advance.
  • If the task is to detect syphilis, then eating fatty and spicy foods per day is prohibited.
  • You need to refrain from emptying your bladder 4 hours before the flora smear. Otherwise, the concentration of pathogens in the genital organs decreases.
  • It is important to avoid taking antibacterial drugs for seven days.
  • Stop using local ointments and anti-inflammatory creams the day before the test.
  • It is necessary to completely avoid sexual intercourse for three days.
  • The last hygiene procedure should be done the night before. In this case, you cannot use antiseptics or antibacterial soap.
  • Avoid stressful situations and physical overload.
  • Women should not take contraceptives or vaginal suppositories for a week.
  • No smoking before 5 hours.

If the above measures are not followed, the test may be false positive. This fact will change the approach to therapeutic therapy.

The requirement applies to any type of diagnostics, regardless of the method by which the patient will be examined (PCR and other methods).

The reliability of the data depends on how you prepare for the visit to the laboratory.

Testing for STIs in women

As a rule, the rules for taking the test involve conducting an examination on days 7-9 of the menstrual cycle (the first three days after menstruation). During monthly bleeding, diagnosis is not made because the red blood cell count is elevated.

Many girls are afraid of the examination because they do not know what it is, how to take a smear, how to donate blood, how to take blood for PCR. What is included in the research list is determined by the doctor.

Venous blood is collected in the morning on an empty stomach. It is checked by ELISA or PFR.

A general microflora smear is the most accessible. It is often used in diagnostic practice. In women, it is taken from the opening of the urinary canal, the posterior wall of the vagina, and the cervix. Much less often mucus collects from the nasopharynx and pharynx. The material is collected with a special swab and sterile brush. A woman needs to relax her muscles.

Women are examined during pregnancy using the PCR method. With its help, the presence of infections such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, and mycoplasmosis is determined. During the entire period of gestation, a woman needs to undergo three tests.

The accuracy of bacterial inoculation is as high as with PCR. The biological material is placed in a sensitive environment and the composition is monitored. Depending on what bacteria are included in the composition, sensitivity to drugs is determined. The sample for this type of study is collected from the urethra, cervical canal.

Control diagnostics

Upon completion of treatment, control diagnostics should be carried out. It shows how effective the treatment was.

2-3 weeks after the end of the course of treatment, the first control analysis is carried out. If it is negative, a second control test is performed after another 2 months. If the result is negative, a provocation test is performed after another 6 months. If its result turns out to be negative, then the doctor has the right to declare you cured of the disease. From this moment on, you can stop using a condom during sexual activity (if, of course, your partner’s results are just as good).

If at least one test result is positive, the course of treatment will have to be repeated. Practice shows that a well-chosen course of treatment for uncomplicated sexually transmitted infections is effective in 80–95% of cases.

All tests for control diagnostics must be carried out using the PCR method. At the same time, you can monitor the dynamics of antibodies in the blood - their titer should become less month after month and completely disappear six months after the end of treatment. Conducting smear microscopy or culture studies as a control diagnosis is ineffective for the reasons described above. In women, all tests should be taken immediately after menstruation.

The above-described control diagnostic method is the maximum and should be carried out completely for serious sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. When treating less serious sexually transmitted infections, you can immediately conduct a provocation test and limit yourself to obtaining only its results.

Getting tested for STIs by men

What tests need to be taken to establish a diagnosis are determined by a venereologist. At the reception, he will tell you how to properly prepare and how to take material in the laboratory. Having arrived on the required day, the patient gives the list to the laboratory assistant.

To take a smear from the urethra, a thin long probe, a special sterile swab about three centimeters long, is used. First, the organ is disinfected and slightly massaged to relax the walls. The nurse inserts an instrument into the head of the penis. Since the urethra is narrow, the patient experiences discomfort and discomfort. The urethra is massaged for about a minute.

When collecting prostate secretions, a prostate massage is performed. After this, a few drops of seminal fluid are released.

Often, a specialist will order a semen analysis to study the spread of infectious pathogens throughout the reproductive system. It excludes/confirms the process and also studies sperm activity. It is up to the men to decide how to submit the material. If he is against the collection procedure in a clinic, then the manipulation can be carried out at home.

How latent infections develop

Stage Manifestations in women Manifestations in men
I The surface of the vagina and cervix is ​​affected, erosion is formed The urethra and head of the penis are affected
II The infection spreads to the appendages and uterus The infection spreads to the prostate gland and kidneys
III The infection covers the entire body, the patient complains of inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes - stomatitis, conjunctivitis, stomach ulcers

Hidden infections are dangerous because they lead to chronic inflammation. For example, in women, the endometrium can no longer hold the fertilized egg, which leads to miscarriage, or the inflamed ovaries do not produce eggs. And in men, semen contains a large number of immobile or weakened sperm. It is hidden infections that cause infertility in many couples.

Analysis results

After submitting the samples, the patient asks how many days decoding takes.

The effectiveness of the PCR method is confirmed by a negative or positive response. If there is a plus in the certificate table, this means acute or chronic infection of the body with a specific infection. A preliminary diagnosis is indicated. Also, a positive answer indicates that the infection is hidden or the body has already destroyed the pathogen, but its DNA is still preserved in the cells.

If it is minus, then the biological material does not contain the genes of the pathogen or a false negative result was detected, but this is a rare occurrence.

PCR is capable of providing quantitative analysis for STI testing. The degree of activity of the pathology and the stage of development are determined.

The blood test is done within a few hours. Pathology is detected if the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes is exceeded, the proportion of leukocytes is shifted to the left, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is accelerated.

It is interesting to know how much smear interpretation is done and what it means.

It involves checking with normal indicators during the day:

Name Norm STI
Flat epithelium Does not exceed 15 cells 16 cells or more in the field of view indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process
Leukocytes The quantity is no more than 10 in the vagina, the cervix contains no more than 30 units The vagina holds more than 15, the cervix holds more than 35
Dederlein sticks There are an unlimited number of Completely absent or few of them. This means a violation of the microflora
Slime Moderate amount Heavy discharge
Degree of vaginal cleanliness 1st, 2nd degree 3, 4 degree
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