Immediately before being tested for chlamydia, women should not urinate for 1.5-2 hours.
Culture for chlamydia with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics
Chlamydia is a group of infectious diseases caused by chlamydia. Depending on the type of chlamydia
Rh positive_negative.jpg
How to take a biochemical blood test for enzymes: preparation
Basic rules for preparing for the blood collection procedure It is mandatory to comply with the following conditions: before taking
Hemoglobin 114 in a woman. What does this mean, is it normal or not?
Hemoglobin 114 in a woman. What does this mean, is it normal or not?
Normal indicators: differences between “female” and “male” hemoglobin The level of hemoglobin in the blood is not constant
In newborns, the number of white blood cells in the blood is much higher than in adults
The norm of leukocytes in the blood of children in the table, low and increased values ​​​​in a child
Increased leukocytes in the blood of children Decrease of leukocytes in the blood of children Types of leukocytes
Reasons for increasing RDW
Rdw in a blood test: what is it, the norm, interpretation
Using a general blood test, the doctor can determine the condition of different organs and
Blood elements
How to correctly take a general blood test for a child - on an empty stomach or not? Decoding and norms of results
How is a general blood test taken: from a vein or from a finger? Blood for general analysis
Tests for STDs - types, features, preparation rules
STD tests are a separate type of laboratory tests aimed at detecting infectious diseases transmitted
Decrease in hemoglobin in children: causes, symptoms and treatment features at different ages
Hemoglobin is a protein that contains iron and carries oxygen from the lungs to the organs.
Hemoglobin in the general blood test (HGB, Hb)
Why is hemoglobin needed? Almost all types of vertebrates require oxygen to transport oxygen to their tissues.
Blood tests. Types of blood tests.
Clinical interpretation of some indicators of hematology analyzers
Blood tests are the most accurate way to diagnose problems related to a person's health, as well as
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