The level of leukocytes in the blood is normal in men
Inflammatory diseases of the MPS as the cause of an increase in the level of leukocytes in smears Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs
Low hemoglobin in the elderly
Low hemoglobin - causes and consequences in women, signs, symptoms, consequences
General blood tests 08/07/201801/25/2019 Yulia Martynovich (Peshkova) 3235 Views hemoglobin, general tests For this
Platelets are blood cells that stop bleeding if a blood vessel is damaged.
Increased mean platelet volume in adults: what it means, causes, additional examinations, treatment and prognosis
MPV (short for mean platelet volume, average platelet volume) is a designation for platelet
What does it mean to have a reduced average volume of red blood cells in the blood of an adult?
Synonyms: Red cell Distribution Width, distribution of red blood cells by size. Scientific editor: M. Merkusheva, PSPbSMU
High hemoglobin in women - what does it mean and what should be done
Being in the mountains At an altitude of more than 2,400 m above sea level, the air is very
Reasons why elevated platelets are detected during menstruation
September 24, 2021 High blood viscosity is a medical term equivalent to the colloquial expression “thick blood.”
Platelets in human blood
How does alcohol affect the platelet count in human blood?
Platelets are small spherical blood plates that do not have nuclei. Perform an essential function in the body
Low or increased specific gravity of urine - what does it mean?
The mobile Internet audience is growing rapidly: 66 million Russian users use it along with desktop,
Hepatitis B test
What is HBsAg and what to do if it is found in the blood?
Indications for taking an antibody test Preparation for the examination The process of taking material Interpretation of the results
Deciphering the blood test
Low platelets in blood test. Causes and consequences
November 14, 2018 All tests in 1 day One of the types of laboratory diagnostics is
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