Assessment of normative values ​​for the size of the right atrium in childhood and adolescence using the example of a large group of healthy children in the North-West region of the Russian Federation: an echocardiographic study
General description Echocardiography (EchoCG) is a method for studying morphological and functional changes in the heart and
Frequently asked questions about EEG/video-EEG monitoring
It would be very prudent for parents to leave with a small amount of time (registration, traffic jams)
Kidney ultrasound
Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands - high-quality diagnostics without harm to health
This study is widely used to diagnose pathologies of the urinary system. Unlike other methods,
Pregnant woman at doctor's appointment
Protein in urine in pregnant women - what does it mean and how to reduce it
Pregnant woman at a doctor's appointment: UGC Carrying out regular tests helps monitor the body's condition during
Thick blood during pregnancy: what does it mean, causes, symptoms, treatment
What are the consequences of the state of hemoconcentration? Why is hemoconcentration (blood thickening) dangerous during pregnancy? suffer from this
X-ray of the lumbar spine
The procedure for preparing for diagnostic studies
Painful symptoms in the lower back are a common phenomenon. About 80% of people suffer from it regardless
Culture for Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics
Staphylococcus is one of the most common microorganisms. There are many types of staphylococcus, most
types of neutrophils
The main reasons for the increase in band neutrophils in the blood of an adult
What are neutrophils? Before moving on to the question of what neutrophils are
Signs of multiple pregnancy in the early stages
The probability of becoming pregnant with twins, according to statistics, is approximately 2%. At the same time, before widespread implementation in
Red blood cells
Reasons for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine of pregnant women, risks to the fetus
Red blood cells in the urine of pregnant women indicate a number of pathologies in the body and require
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