Ultrasound of a pregnant woman at 34 weeks
What do they look for at the 34th week of pregnancy on an ultrasound and what are the normal indicators of the fetus and uterus?
The third scheduled mandatory ultrasound is very important to prepare for childbirth. With ultrasound in
CT scan of the small intestine (Enterography) with double contrast
Colonoscopy Colonoscopy is a method of diagnosing the intestines, during which an examination and evaluation of
ultrasound of the uterus
Ultrasound of the uterus after cesarean section: how it is done, normal indicators
The question indicated in the title is relevant today for a huge number of women. Firstly, given the high percentage
Colposcopy: why is it needed and what will it show?
Colonoscopy is a diagnostic method that is used to assess the condition of the colon mucosa. Study
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the hip joints in children
Ultrasound examination of the hip joint is a mandatory component of newborn screening. Screening (dispensary examination) is a set of measures,
What you need to know about colonoscopy and how to properly prepare your child for the test
According to the technique, a colonoscopy of the intestines is done for a child in the same way as for an adult: the diagnostician enters
Ultrasound of the pleural cavities (with determination of fluid volume)
Ultrasound examination is based on the physical properties of high-frequency sound to penetrate and reflect from organs
Assessment of normative values ​​for the size of the right atrium in childhood and adolescence using the example of a large group of healthy children in the North-West region of the Russian Federation: an echocardiographic study
General description Echocardiography (EchoCG) is a method for studying morphological and functional changes in the heart and
Kidney ultrasound
Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands - high-quality diagnostics without harm to health
This study is widely used to diagnose pathologies of the urinary system. Unlike other methods,
Frequently asked questions about EEG/video-EEG monitoring
It would be very prudent for parents to leave with a small amount of time (registration, traffic jams)
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