Duplex scanning of blood vessels
Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels
Duplex scanning is an improved diagnostic method that combines standard ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound.
First trimester of pregnancy: norm, risks, sensations
Formation of the fetal heart by week The fetus needs autonomous blood circulation, therefore, first of all,
intestinal colonoscopy
Virtual colonoscopy: an alternative or a diagnosis in itself?
The duration of the examination is 20–30 minutes. The preparation time for the conclusion is 20 minutes. Presence of contraindications –
Ultrasound: ovaries are normal
How to correctly calculate the volume of a woman’s ovaries
A woman’s age is one of the important factors influencing the effectiveness of ART methods, since this
The main principles of nutrition before and after colonoscopy - grocery list and menu for the week
Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method of examining the cavity and inner walls of the large intestine. It allows
Preparing for an ultrasound
Features of the ultrasound picture in patients with liver cirrhosis with varying degrees of alcoholic hepatitis activity
Ultrasound examination is a safe and informative procedure intended for diagnosis and treatment monitoring of various
Doctor and patient
What tests should you take to check your kidney function?
The kidneys are, without any exaggeration, a vital paired organ, the condition of which determines health
Ultrasound of the fetus in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)
From the moment of registration and throughout pregnancy, a woman should periodically undergo
When can I have a mammogram after my period?
When is it better to do a mammogram - on what day of the cycle and at what age?
How is mammography performed? Modern mammography can be film or digital. The first option is used
Ultrasound of the uterus: 4 techniques that every woman should know
Ultrasound examination is considered one of the leading methods for assessing the condition of the female reproductive system. In modern
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