kidney on the human body
Ultrasound dopplerography of renal vessels: preparation and conduct of Dopplerography of the kidneys
The kidney is a paired organ, shaped like a bean, which, through its urinary function, regulates
Pancreatic steatosis: a “white spot” of pancreatology
The pancreas is the main organ of the gastrointestinal tract, responsible for the synthesis of digestive enzymes and hormones that control
Ultrasound during pregnancy last
When is the last ultrasound performed during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, any woman must undergo 3 scheduled ultrasounds, plus additional ones according to
Ultrasound during multiple pregnancy
The probability of becoming pregnant with twins, according to statistics, is approximately 2%. At the same time, before widespread implementation in
endosonography, endosonography in Moscow
Endoscopic ultrasonography (endoUS) in an emergency hospital
Humanity has always sought to look inside itself, but the first primitive device invented at the very beginning
Ultrasound of the pelvis in women, how to prepare? On what day of the menstrual cycle is it performed?
Before the advent of ultrasound diagnostics, the concept of “endometrial thickness” had no practical and diagnostic significance. IN
Gallbladder diseases
Treatment of cholelithiasis - laparoscopic methods of surgical treatment
Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure during which the gallbladder is removed. In modern clinics it
Fine-grained and medium-grained echostructure of the liver
Published: 08/09/2021 13:40:00 Updated: 08/09/2021 Liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease characterized by irreversible replacement of parenchyma
Difference between sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy
Difference between sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy
Several diagnostic methods are used to identify intestinal diseases. Laboratory methods are considered the most complex and
Alpha rhythms of the brain.
Rhythms of the brain EEG rhythm (English rhythm) is a regular (having a constant frequency) type of electrical
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