How to reduce urea in the blood using folk remedies: what do you need to know?

Urea or urea is one of the most important indicators of human health. This parameter is the final product that is formed in the liver during the breakdown of proteins and is then excreted along with urine. In order to measure urea content, doctors issue referrals for a classic diagnostic method, which is particularly accurate and sensitive - a biochemical blood test.

After it is carried out, a considerable number of people are found to have azotemia - that is, a significant excess of carbamide levels in the body. Identification of such a symptom entails a series of studies to establish the origin of this disease. You can reduce urea in the blood using various methods, but the cause of the hematological abnormality plays a key role in choosing a specific treatment method.

Urea in the blood: determining the norm

In the body of a healthy person, the normal limits of this active compound range from 2.5 to 8.3 mmol/liter. The level of the substance depends not only on the impairment of kidney function, but also on physiological aspects. Women's urea levels are usually lower than men's.

Changes in urea levels are possible in other cases:

  1. Heavy physical work or intense exercise increases urea in the blood.
  2. In older people, this compound has higher levels.
  3. Increases urea menu with an abundance of protein foods and meat dishes.
  4. A salt-free diet also increases normal urea levels.
  5. In children, urea concentrations are much lower.
  6. Urea increases during severe poisoning, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

Exceeding the norm is observed after intoxication with toxic substances, pesticides, chemicals, during treatment with tetracycline antibiotics, after consuming furosemide, and during hormonal therapy.

Doctors allow urea levels to increase twice as much as normal. If the level goes off scale more than two or more times, then most likely we are talking about a serious disorder of the kidneys.

Urea levels are determined through a biochemical blood test: it is given on an empty stomach in the morning, the material is taken from a vein.

Why is excess uric acid dangerous?

If uric acid values ​​exceed the permissible norm, pathological processes are triggered in the body.

They can become a trigger factor in the development of diseases such as:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Gout.
  • Rheumatism.

Patients complain of joint and muscle pain. Lack of timely treatment leads to the destruction of joint units, the development of gout, urolithiasis and other serious diseases.

Herbs have a diuretic effect, removing excess water, harmful substances, and pathogenic flora from the body.

Increased concentration: causes and symptoms

A persistent increase in the level of urea in the blood indicates the presence of kidney problems

In addition to physiological aspects, urea content is also affected by diseases of internal organs, namely:

  • Kidney diseases (urolithiasis, polycystic disease, nephrosis, renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis)
  • Intestinal infections (cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery)
  • Blood diseases (leukemia, leukemia, hepatitis)
  • Diseases of the muscular system (progressive dystrophy, myositis, gangrene)
  • Burn disease, traumatic or septic shock


If experts associate a sharp increase in urea levels with any already established diseases, then treatment is almost never complete without the prescription of pharmaceuticals. Of course, the choice of a specific group of drugs directly depends on the identified disease that provoked azotemia.

An excess of urea can be caused by persistent stress, which the patient is unable to cope with on his own.

Often, doctors of the appropriate profile prescribe antidepressants of plant origin to people prone to constant anxiety, for example, Leuzea extract or tinctures based on ginseng, oregano, lemongrass, peppermint, hawthorn, motherwort. Such remedies gradually reduce urea: they not only calm the nervous system, but also promote good sleep.

And also for neuroses and attacks of inexplicable anxiety, associated with a sharp jump in urea in the blood, people often turn to nootropics and sedatives. The most popular are Deprim, Persen, Corvalol, Alora, Phenibut, Herbion, Valocardin and Novo-Passit.

Sometimes an advanced form of depression, causing an even greater jump in urea, requires the use of tranquilizers. Mexidol, Diazepam, Seduxen, Afobazol, Lorafen, Elenium or Buspirone are prescribed. Since many tranquilizers can cause drug dependence, they are used only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

When the body needs help eliminating urine along with urea, diuretics should be used to speed up this process. These include Hofitol, Lyzax, Trigrim, Furosemide, Mannitol, etc. A decrease in urea in the blood will also be required if acute poisoning is detected. Carbolong (activated carbon), Polyphepan, Mikoton, Smecta and Multisorb have become especially famous.

A sharp deterioration in health (heart pain, nausea, weakness, convulsions) when taking prescribed medications is a reason to immediately contact a specialist

Antiemetics (antiemetic drugs) Domperidone, Chlorpromazine, Aeron are also used. Metoclopramide is allowed in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the cause of increased urea is renal failure, Prednisolone, Sevelamer and Renagel can be prescribed. Epovitan, in turn, is able to increase hemoglobin levels in case of anemia that has developed against the background of a general illness.

Sometimes elevated urea levels require, on the contrary, to limit or cancel previously prescribed medications that provoke an increase in urea in the blood. Among them are Testenate, Tetracycline, Lasix, Neomycin, Eutirox, etc.

Reducing urea: traditional medicine

It is really possible to reduce the urea content in the blood using traditional methods

Traditional medicine recipes will help normalize the level of urea in the blood

it is possible, but only after a medical diagnosis and doctors approval for home treatment.

The main emphasis is on diuretic teas. Decoctions are made from the following plants:

  • rosehip
  • black currant
  • parsley roots
  • St. John's wort
  • linden trees
  • black elderberry
  • juniper
  • corn silk
  • cornflower flowers.

Traditional healers know how to reduce urea in the blood using folk remedies and offer several options for natural anti-inflammatory drugs that will help restore normal urea balance.

Licorice root helps normalize kidney function. 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs should be boiled for 10 minutes over low heat and allowed to brew. Drink half a glass three times a day instead of tea.

You can establish filtration activity with the help of bearberry. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked in a water bath. After straining, use 2 tbsp. l before each meal 20 minutes.

How effective is herbal medicine?

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are numerous recipes that can reduce the level of uric acid in the body. Moreover, some of them were adopted by official pharmaceuticals, since their effectiveness has been scientifically proven. The use of medicinal herbs helps reduce the level of uric acid in the body and promotes normal kidney function. Herbal medicine takes place without harm to human health.

You can take herbs for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. At the same time, a person must follow a diet, stop drinking alcohol, and reduce the intake of salt and foods that are sources of purines and oxalic acid.

When selecting a suitable herb for treatment, you need to take into account the medical history of a particular patient, since each plant has its own indications and contraindications for use. Treatment begins only after consultation with a specialist.

Diet for high urea

To reduce the urea content, doctors must prescribe a diet with

When treating pathology, a special diet is recommended

protein restriction. The amount of salt consumed in the diet is also reduced to avoid fluid retention in the body. Although it is not recommended to completely give up salt.

To reduce urea, it is recommended to limit or eliminate the use of:

  • meat, fish, poultry
  • cottage cheese, milk, eggs, cheese
  • spices, sausages
  • marinades and smoked meats
  • White bread.

It is undesirable to overuse pasta, peas and beans. The main menu for a patient with high urea should include:

  • baked, boiled potatoes
  • carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, beets
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley porridge
  • vegetable salads with vegetable oil
  • nuts, fruits, berries
  • dairy products.

Among sweets, honey, jam, and candies (with the exception of chocolate) are allowed. The natural diuretic watermelon promotes urine excretion, so it is recommended to eat as much of it as possible during the season.

To quickly reduce urea levels, nutritionists advise drinking alkaline water:

  • Borjomi
  • Essentuki
  • Polyana Kvasova
  • Luzhanskaya
  • Svalyava


The increase in urea levels is mainly explained by a disrupted diet, in which proteins predominate from the main triad of organic compounds. Even though these substances make up the bulk of the tissues of the human body, the amount of nutrients supplied with food must be regulated, since both a deficiency and an excess of them can lead to health problems, including urea poisoning of the body.

If there is an excessive oversaturation of cells with proteins, the likelihood of damage to the liver and kidneys increases: the organs responsible for the synthesis and excretion of urea, respectively. If urea levels increase due to poor nutrition, it will be necessary to minimize the consumption of protein products, in particular, this applies to the following food groups:

  • seeds and nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds;
  • meat: horse meat, veal, beef, rabbit;
  • fish: cod, salmon, hake, tuna, pink salmon, red caviar;
  • cereals: quinoa, pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • fermented milk and dairy foods: cheeses (in particular, tofu and feta cheese), cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cream;
  • legumes: soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas;
  • sauces: béarnaise, hollandaise, mayonnaise.

And the uncontrolled consumption of chocolate, jellies, mushroom broths, smoked meats, canned food and semi-finished products (cutlets, sausages, dumplings) can also increase the concentration of urea in the blood. Peanut butter and chicken eggs contain a huge amount of protein. You should be careful when drinking cocoa and coffee; it is best not to abuse them, because they also contribute to the active synthesis of urea.

An integral part of the diet to reduce the concentration of urea in the blood is to limit the amount of white bread eaten

The diet should consist of low-fat soups, herbs and vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil. Berries and fruits occupy a special place in the diet; patients are allowed to eat them in unlimited quantities. Thus, grapes, apples, melons, bananas, apricots, watermelons, cherries and lemons contribute to a more active removal of urea from the body.

Among all the cooking methods, you should give preference to boiling, steaming and baking (this also applies to vegetables). Frying food is highly undesirable. The blood is well cleansed of toxins (ammonia, urea, urea, creatinine) by consuming bee products, namely royal jelly and honey.

Allowed drinks include weak teas, freshly squeezed juices, compotes and fruit drinks. Medicinal mineral waters (Essentuki, Svalyava, Borjomi), as well as infusions and decoctions based on natural ingredients, in particular mint, lemon balm, and rosehip, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and kidneys. They prevent the accumulation of urea in the body.

Those with a sweet tooth need to replace the usual confectionery products purchased in stores with home-made products - jellies, marmalade, jams, preserves, sweets without the addition of chocolate, mousses, etc. In case of severe “sugar withdrawal,” you can treat yourself to a few slices of chocolate 1 time per week.

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