Ultrasound service of the spleen using an expert-class device

Ultrasound of the spleen is a functional diagnostic study that is performed to identify a number of diseases, the presence of formations or compactions, possible ruptures after injuries, and the localization of the organ in the abdominal cavity.

The spleen plays a vital role in the human body and is responsible for maintaining the immune status, and also participates in the process of hematopoiesis. In other words, good blood and resistance to diseases are the main tasks that this organ performs. Its tissues are quite loose and one of the common causes is ruptures after injuries.

Indications for ultrasound

An ultrasound scan should be performed if the patient has:

  • Severe severe pain of unknown origin in the left side.
  • Various forms of leukemia.
  • The appearance of pain as a result of abdominal trauma (fall, severe compression, injury, bruise).
  • Transmission of an infectious disease (infectious mononucleosis, acute viral hepatitis and others).
  • Suspicion of benign or malignant tumors.
  • Assumption of congenital anomalies in organ development.

Ultrasound of the spleen

Currently, ultrasound is one of the most accurate, fast and painless methods for diagnosing internal diseases. The pelvic organs, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and spleen are reliably examined by ultrasound in almost any modern clinic. You just need to see your doctor for a referral. The article will give a brief description and discuss issues related to performing ultrasound of the spleen.


1 The spleen in the human body 1.1 Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen 1.1.1 Carrying out the procedure for ultrasound of the spleen

1.1.2 Interpretation of the results of ultrasound of the spleen

The spleen is a kind of filter of the body, responsible for processing used cells and purifying the blood from various bacteria and foreign bodies. Refers to the lymphatic system. It has quite a lot of functions, and not all of them have been well studied. But there is no doubt that this is an important unpaired organ, and our health largely depends on its functioning.

The spleen is located at the top of the abdominal cavity, on the left, behind the stomach and has a length of 12-14 cm and a volume of 250-350 sq. cm.

The organ is quite vulnerable. Sudden movements, physical activity, poor nutrition - all this can harm him and incapacitate him.

And very often, when there is pain in the stomach area, stool is disrupted, heartburn, nausea appear, gases are tormented, a person does not even realize that the cause of pain and discomfort is hidden precisely in the pathology of the spleen - its enlargement, injury, weakening.

But only by contacting a therapist and doing an ultrasound of the spleen, you can identify a problem that has suddenly arisen in the body and direct all efforts towards recovery.

Ultrasound of the spleen is not very expensive. The average price in big cities of Russia is from 800 to 1500 rubles.

Preparation for ultrasound of the spleen

So, what to do if you are scheduled for an ultrasound?

It is very important to know about preparation, because the quality of the examination will depend on its correct implementation.

Let's consider the patient's actions before the procedure:

  1. Two days before the test, it is necessary to remove from the diet foods that can cause gas formation. This includes: soda, milk, raw vegetables, legumes, flour and sweets. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Diet and small meals are recommended.
  2. The patient should take medications prescribed by the doctor that improve digestion and remove gases: activated carbon, enterosgel and other sorbents, festal, etc.
  3. For constipation, you need to do an enema or drink a laxative to cleanse the intestines.
  4. The patient is prohibited from eating 7-8 hours before the test. Therefore, if the examination is scheduled, for example, at 12 noon, then in the morning it is better not to eat anything at all. Children and diabetics are given relief in this matter - a gentle regimen, individually agreed with the doctor.
  5. It is necessary to mentally prepare yourself for the examination, calm down and relax. If a child is being examined, the parent needs to talk to him and tell him about the procedure and prepare him for it. Due to the unknown, children are often afraid of the doctor, cry and behave badly in the office, which impairs the possibility of performing an ultrasound.

Carrying out an ultrasound procedure of the spleen

The entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. The patient lies on the couch on his back with his stomach exposed. A special gel is applied to the body, along which a convex sensor slides with a scanning frequency of 3-5 MHz.

The spleen is visible between the ribs, the patient breathes deeply or throws his left arm behind his head.

Turning the patient onto his right side, the uzologist examines the condition of this organ from behind.

Initially, the parameters of the spleen are measured, its structure, the state of the vessels, and its location are determined. The data is displayed on the monitor screen, where you can see changes, examine metastases, cysts, hematomas and other pathologies.

Images are taken, which are then decrypted and given to the patient or transferred to the attending physician.

Interpretation of ultrasound results of the spleen

Normally the organ has:

  • a certain size corresponding to the weight, height and age of the patient;
  • homogeneous structure and smooth contours;
  • medium echogenicity;
  • correct shape and localization in relation to other internal organs;

With an increase in the size of the spleen, one can suspect a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, infectious and viral diseases, helminthiasis, tumors and cysts, pathology of neighboring organs, autoimmune and other diseases.

A shrinkage of an organ may indicate its hypoplasia, senile or other atrophy.

The decoding is carried out by a specialist and only he has the right to draw conclusions and make a diagnosis.

However, it should be noted that any abnormalities do not always indicate a disease of the spleen - there are also individual characteristics of a person’s structure and the location of his organs, and this should not be forgotten.

Therefore, if an ultrasound revealed any pathology, there is no need to panic. A problem detected in time is already an indicator of recovery.

What does ultrasound give?

The spleen is an inaccessible organ, and it is quite difficult to examine it using conventional methods. Carrying out an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and spleen using modern equipment will provide more complete information about the organ and its functional features.

During the examination, the doctor determines the size and shape of the spleen, its structure, and the condition of nearby lymph nodes and blood vessels. Such a thorough study will make it possible to:

  • Detect foci of structural tissue changes (cysts, abscesses, necrosis, hematomas).
  • Identify disorders in blood formation.
  • Diagnose spleen pathology such as rupture.
  • Monitor therapeutic treatment and determine its effectiveness.
  • Monitor the progression of chronic diseases.

An ultrasound of the spleen in Moscow can be done in multidisciplinary medical clinics and diagnostic centers.

Where is the spleen examined, ultrasound, transcript

Diagnostics are carried out in almost all medical institutions where there is equipment. Each patient chooses a place independently. There are those who focus on cost, those who focus on the professional level of the specialist and the quality of decoding, and those who understand the importance of class equipment. At Heratsi Medical Center we have tried to satisfy all customer requirements as much as possible:

  • The clinic has an expert-class device;
  • There is an on-site service - ultrasound of the spleen at home using ultra-modern compact equipment with a high resolution class;
  • The spleen is examined, ultrasound, interpretation is carried out only by specialists with a special level of training and professional experience;
  • The cost of the procedure does not include any extra charges and is affordable.

It is undoubtedly important how the condition of the organ is assessed. It is important not to miss the slightest deviations and not to take into account the physiological characteristics of the patient. That is why the level of a sonologist who can adequately recognize the disease or exclude it is important.

How to prepare for an ultrasound

To obtain the correct and most informative results, it is necessary to prepare for the procedure. The preparatory stage should include the following activities:

  • 2-3 days before the spleen examination, exclude from the diet foods that cause the formation of gases and fermentation processes in the intestines. This can be black bread, dairy and fermented milk products, pickled and fresh vegetables, legumes, and fruits.
  • Avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods that can cause inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Do not drink carbonated, alcoholic, low-alcohol and energy drinks.

It is extremely important that the last meal before the ultrasound is light and no later than 8-10 hours before the start of the study.

Preparation for the event

Before performing an ultrasound scan of the spleen, preparation is based on standard principles for all types of studies:

  1. Limit as much as possible the impact on the body of heavy foods: fatty, fried, alcoholic, spicy;
  2. Reduce the consumption of foods that cause gas formation: flour, sugar, legumes, cabbage, carbonated drinks;
  3. Cleanse the digestive system with enzymes and sorbents.

When prescribing, the doctor usually makes recommendations or gives a reminder. Heratsi is a medical center in Rostov-on-Don, the official website of which will help you find information on all types of studies and preparation for them.

Carrying out the procedure

The scanning procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, for 15-20 minutes, during which the patient does not feel any discomfort. The examination takes place in the lying position on the right side. To maximize the intercostal spaces, the doctor advises placing your left arm behind your head and periodically holding your breath while inhaling.

Before the procedure, a gel is applied to the area of ​​study, ensuring greater contact of the sensor with the skin and better penetration of ultrasonic waves into the tissue of the spleen. After the procedure, the gel can be easily wiped off with a napkin.

The diagnostician smoothly moves the sensor parallel to the intercostal space. This makes it possible to obtain a high-quality image without acoustic interference. The result of the procedure will be ready immediately after its completion. The advisory opinion is issued on paper.

When the procedure is carried out correctly, the doctor receives information that will help timely diagnose a large number of diseases at an early stage of their development.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Ultrasound of the spleen is a painless and quick procedure. The patient lies comfortably lying on the couch, having previously removed clothes from the upper body. A special hypoallergenic gel is applied to the area under study, which is responsible for the conductivity of ultrasonic waves, and the doctor, passing over the surface of the skin with a sensor, records the readings. The study takes about 15 minutes, the conclusion is issued immediately.

You can find out the cost or any information on the clinic’s website or by calling the 24-hour hotline +7 863 333-20-11.

What the study shows

The spleen has the shape of a flat crescent and is located in the area of ​​the 9th-11th ribs between the diaphragm and the stomach. A healthy organ is distinguished by a homogeneous structure, normal size and correct location. If an ultrasound examination reveals an increased size of the organ, this may indicate:

  • on the development of a malignant tumor;
  • organ injury;
  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • the presence of an infectious disease (toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis, malaria, scarlet fever);
  • autoimmune pathologies:
  • inflammatory process (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system (chronic anemia, leukemia);
  • heart attack, cyst or abscess.

In children, an enlarged spleen may indicate the presence of pathologies such as:

  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia, leukemia;
  • heart disease.

Since the spleen is closely connected to the liver, if abnormalities in the size, position or structure of this organ are detected, additional examination of the liver should be performed.

Why is ultrasound so effective?

Ultrasound reveals both acquired and congenital diseases of the spleen.

Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the size, shape and position of the spleen relative to the stomach and intestines. Ultrasound is a quick and painless way to diagnose dangerous diseases and various pathological conditions of this organ:

  • Tumor-like formations in the spleen;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • torsion of the organ legs;
  • ruptures after a fall or a strong blow to the abdominal area;
  • violation of tissue homogeneity.

In what cases is ultrasound diagnostics prescribed?

You definitely need to undergo an ultrasound of the spleen in the following cases:

  • for pain or tingling in the left lower chest;
  • if you have had injuries that could affect the functioning of the spleen (falls, blows to the stomach);
  • if you have suffered from infectious diseases (tuberculosis, sepsis, syphilis, typhoid fever, etc.) or are suspected of them;
  • with concomitant diseases of the liver or blood (cirrhosis, leukemia, hepatitis);
  • if there is a suspicion that the spleen has developed with defects or is underdeveloped.

Ultrasound reveals both acquired and congenital diseases of the spleen. In addition, ultrasound allows you to see disturbances in the functioning of this organ and in the structure of tissues caused by diseases of the digestive and circulatory systems. So, ultrasound reveals:

  • cysts and tumors of the spleen;
  • abscesses;
  • splenic infarction;
  • disorders caused by diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems;
  • enlargement (decrease) of the organ, as well as its “floating” position in the abdominal cavity.

What does the doctor check?

An ultrasound examination involves assessing an organ according to standard parameters - position, shape, structure, size, tissue quality, blood vessels. Normally, the spleen of an adult should meet the following parameters:

  • have a “crescent” shape, where the outer side is convex and the inner side is concave;
  • the spleen is located on the left, between the stomach and the diaphragm, in close proximity to the left kidney and adrenal gland, pancreas, and colon;
  • The standard dimensions of the organ are: 11–12 cm in length, 6–8 cm in width and 4–5 cm in thickness;
  • standard vessel sizes are: the diameter of the splenic vein is 5 mm, the artery is 1–2 mm.

The size of the spleen in children depends on age and height.

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How to detect diseases using ultrasound?

The study will help determine leukemic infiltration in the spleen. Then the ultrasound will show:

  1. The spleen is too enlarged.
  2. The contours of the organ are convex.
  3. Lymph nodes have enlarged.
  4. The echo structure has increased significantly.
  5. The parenchyma density has increased.

A doctor can also determine an abscess in the body after an ultrasound if:

  1. The spleen contains acid. On ultrasound it is shown as a small oval with an uneven contour.
  2. The echostructure is mixed or hypoechoic.

A hematoma can be determined by the following indicators:

  1. The spleen has uneven contours.
  2. The echostructure is anechoic or mixed.

During a heart attack, the doctor sees thickened spleen tissue through ultrasound. Sometimes this same tissue can be severely depleted. The gap can also be determined through such research. An ultrasound will show uneven contours of the spleen. The doctor will see fluid in the abdominal cavity. It may also be present in the subphrenic space. This will help the specialist make the correct diagnosis. Ultrasound makes it possible to identify the disease and begin proper treatment in time.

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